1959 Arrow

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Philosophy and Religion "I desire only to know the truth, and to live as well as I can." These words spoken by Plato through the literary spirit •of Socrates epitomize the goal of liberal and Christian education in re· lationship to the individual. The Division of Philos· ophy and Religion exi::.ts as the point of departure for individual inquiry into the objective tenets of the Christian Faith. A Faith that has stood the test of time need have no fear of dissolution through an alliance of commitment with objective inquiry. Through instruction and serious inquiry it is hoped that the student will approximate more fully the spirit of Christ, that his life will not be a mere imitation, but a life vitally related to Christ.


C. PHILO Chairman. Division of Philosophy and Religion; Profe::.:-or of Philosophy and Religion; llead of Department of Religion; A.B., B.D., Frank· fort Pilgrim College; A.J\I., Chicago EYangeli::.tic ln:-titule; D.D., God's Bible School; J\T.A., University. of \Iichigan; Ph.D .. Uni\·ersily of Oklahoma.

MEL-THOJ\IAS ROTHWELL Professor of Philo ophy: Head of Department of Phi­ losophy; A.B., Ohio Unh·er­ sity; 1\T.A. , U n i \ ersitv. of \1 ichigan; Ph.D., Boston Uni­ versity.


The division is staffed with men committed to the objective of Christian education. The influ­ ence of the division is felt throughout the other divisions of the college. The central purpose of the college radiates from this diYision, balancing and bringing into focus the existent relationships be­ tween the various fields of objective inquiry.

W. N. KING Profes or of Religion; A.B., Th.B., Pa::.a­ dena College; ::\LA .. Cni,er­ sity of outhern California; S.T.M., Pacific School of Re­ ligion; S.T.D., Metropolitan University; Gospel Team Sponsor.

DONALD METZ Professor of Religion; A.B., Eastern N azarene College; B.D., Evangelical and Reformed Seminary; 1\I.A., University of Maryland; D.R.E., South­ western Theologica 1 Semi­ nary.

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