1959 Arrow

Page 35

�At;RI�E D I C K E R S ON A sistant Profes or of Eng­ lish; A.B., Bethany Nazarene Coll ege; M.A., Oklahoma tate Ln i versi ty ; M.A., U n i ­ \'ersity of Oklahoma; On Lea\'e of Ab ence.


si stant Professor of \1odern Language; Head of Depart­ ment of Modern Language;

A.B., Northwest Nazarene College; �1.A., State Unh·er­ s i t y of Iowa; Fulbright Scholarship.

ELLWOOD TA�1E Assi t­ ant Professor of Speech; H e a d of Department o f Speech; A.B., Northwest Naz­ arene College; M.A., Ph.D., C'ni\'ersity of DenYer: Var ity Debate Sponsor.

Faculty DORIS SCHUi\IANN As­ sistant Professor of Speech; A.B., Bethany Nazarene Col­ lege; M.A., U n i versi ty of Oklahoma.

BE IE OLSO • Assistant Professor of Speech; A.B., John Fletcher College; M.A., University of Oklahom a ; Speech Club Sponsor; Mis­ sion Band Sponsor.


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