1956 Arrow

Page 163

H eart Pal B a :n q u. e t

At the head table of the Heart Pal Banquet, Dick Osborn is rather conspicuous as he dines with Mrs. Taylcrr, Mrs. Cantrell, Vera Winter, and Doris Ammons.

Clever conversation, a cumu lus of cooking, and a connavmg Cupid are combined to make the Heart Pa l Banq uet a wonderful success.

Rounding out a seeming ''national" move足 ment is "Okie'' Louise Cline and "Missour足

At the Heart Pal Banquet, California

ian" Dene Simpson, as their engagement is

and Min nesota are united in the en足 gagement



olso approved by "Cupid" lynne.


Haynes ond Ellis Ziebarth

of a "Texan" and a 11Wheatshocker", Bonnie Gray and Jim Gardner also receive the blessing of consolidator, lynne Robinson.

1 59

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