1955 Arrow

Page 171

••T W IRP�� WEEK For one week social protocol on the campus is turned upside down, and the ladies take the in­ itiative in executing those �ractices traditionally considered the male obligation, and the fellows respond with demure cooperation. "Twirp" Week receives its name from "the woman is required to pay", and during the week the girls become acquainted with the feel of reaching for the check, and the boys are made to realize the qualms of sitting home and wondering if they'll have dates.

Freeda Archer pursues Don Conway as he takes to the trees to escape "Twirp" week rulings.

According to "Twirp" rules, Myrna McClung chauffeurs Jerry Parrish (and pays the bill).

This year the Student Council came to the assistance of the frantic females and sponsored a lyceum on Tueseday night featuring the bari­ tone Orcenith Smith, and the Senior Class fur­ nished the entertainment on Friday night with their annual lyceum, the Parade of Plays. Most of the ladies returned home Friday night ex­ hausted, with empty purses, content to let it remain "a man's world."

Shirley Tabor for one week m ust open all doors for Vernon Swim, and let him enter first.

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