1953 Arrow

Page 165

Beth Ann PREACHER' WIVES' CLASS \Vith a fourth successful year now reaching completion, the preacher's wives on the campus can say that their unique class in adult education has proven itself to be of inestimable value. Mrs. Roy I-1. Cantrell, who began the course in the fall of 1 949, continued this year as the able instructor. Although the course is without college credit, it is sponsored by the administration of the college and is open to any ministerial student's wife. Classes meet weekly on Thursday nights. Mrs. Cantre11 lectures and leads the discussion of the group; occasional guest speakers enliven the: sessions. Various problems of vital interest pertaining to the prea:her's wife, her home, her children, and her church meet with discussions of the group. The pastor's wife in relation to her husband and his work, and her relation to the community as a church worker are pertinent subjects which are dealt with . The class has chosen for its name Beth-Ann. In the class sessions a fictional typical minister's wife named Beth-Ann is prepared for her role as the wife of a preacher. The problems which Beth-Ann is to face are discussed and solved in class periods. Thus she gradually develops the poise and charm so necessary for the part she is to play in the church and the parsonage. Upper Righ t : MRS. ROY H . CANTRELL, Sponsor.

Right : DR. MENDELL TAYLOR, special �peaker for the club. Below : BETI- 1-ANNS AND THEIR H USBANDS attend special lectures bv Dr. and Mrs. Mendell Taylor.

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