1952 Arrow

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DEAN OF STUDENT LIFE Evidencing a s incere i nterest i n each student on

the cam pus, Dean S h a n non has consistently striven

to better student relationsh i ps and heig hten the col足

lege social activity. As Dean of Stud,e nt L i fe, h e meets m a n y perplexing situations a n d problems da ily.

Guida nce comes with i n h is scope; m a n y are the stu足

dents who have come f rom his office with a better

grip on thei r own l ives a n d with greater confidence in others. Mr. S h a n non also serves very proficiently

as a teacher of g u i d a n ce, counsel i n g a n d related subjects in the college.

E. BOYD SHAN N O N D e a n o f Student Life

J U N E N EWMAN Secretary to the Dea n of Students

J U N E McART H U R Office Assistant

BETTY ADKINS Office Assistant


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