1951 Arrow

Page 29

DEAN OF STUDENT LIFE There i s no one on our cam pus who is more sincerely i nterested in the l ives o n d interests of the students than is Prof. Shannon. He is always rea<;ly to ta l k over a problem with us, no matter what it might be. If he is not a ble to meet our needs he finds somebody that c a n . We have found him to be fra nk, sincere a n d genuine. Many of us h ave been in his classes and found the same attitude of hel pful ness there. It has been Prof's duty a l so to see to it that we had adequate social activities. The many good times that we have had together at parties a n d picnics a n d t h e like w i l l h e l p us never t o forget our Dean of Student LLfe a n d what he h a s done for us. E. BOYD SHANNON

Dean of Student Life


S ecretary to the Dean of Students


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