1951 Arrow

Page 235

BETHANY-PENIEL COLLEGE Roy H. Cantre l l President C. Harold Ri pper Dea n Ha rry Craddock Business Manager Cec i l Knippers Field Secreta ry Spi ritual Atmosphere High Scholarship Low Tu ition Op portun ities for Self-Help

The Co l lege is a n a nswer to your problems •

The Problems of Youth Where can I rece ive a Ch ristia n Ed ucation?

The Problems of Parents Where sha l l I send son or daughter to Co l l ege?

The Prob lem of the Stewa rd Where ca n I invest my money that I may receive Etern a l d ividend?

( l ) Gift Annu ity Contract - A Gift Annuity Contract is a " legal agreement between the Col lege and the i n d ividual whereby in exchange for a g ift of a sum of money the Co l lege ag rees to g ive the i n d ividual a n income for l i fe. Ann uity payments may be as h i g h as 7 % depen ding on the age of the ind ividua l . (2) Life Loa ns - I nd ividua ls who do not feel they can make a n out-rig ht g ift may wish to lend thei r money to the Col lege. U n der the terms of a l i fe loan the i nd ividua l receives 3 % interest. The money may be re­ ca l led if it is needed. If the loa n is never re-ca l led it becomes the property of the Col lege upon the death of the in dividua l . (3) Wi l ls - Through a Wi l l provisions ca n be made for re latives a n d for

the Kingdom of God . Betha ny- Peniel Col lege wou l d be a wise choice. Write Presi dent R. H. Cantrell, Bethany, Oklahoma CHARACTER



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