1950 Arrow

Page 58

First row: Daniel McGinty, Bob Grey, Reba Middleton, Florence King, Yvonne Green , Lee Barnes, Charles Stipe . Second row: Jac k. Lee, Elbert Watson , Wilbur Brannon , Don Hicks, Glenn Bailey, Dr . Garner, Henry Blanchard, Wayman Davis, Virgil Tyler, Bennett Dudney, Schauner Vance .

LAMPLIGHTERS' LEAGUE Local young people a nd college students who feel deeply the need for their personal participation in Ch ri st's ministry to the Bethany community have found their place in the Lamplighters' League. Serving as an arm of the N. Y. P. S., the League is a medium for personal soul -winn ing . When one joins the Lamp li g hters, he pl edges to deal wi t h one soul a month about his persona l salvation and to systema ti ca ll y memorize th e Script ures, the only weapon he uses. Thi s wor k was inst ituted among the young people o f the Bethany ch urch, July 3, 1949, by the Reverend Pa ul Martin a t a service co nducted by th e teen-agers during the Teen -age Institute. Un til the opening of sc hool in September, th e Lamp lighters were led by the Reveren d Jack Lee, director o f re lig ious educa t ion in the co ll ege church . As th e schoo l year started, Bennett Dudney, church visi tor, took charge, and t he o rgan ized visi tation p rog ram o f the church was p laced in the hands o f t he Lamplighters . Local church members have visited a lso, a nd much has bee n done to acq uain t the townspeop le w it h the ch urch and co ll ege. Jac k Lee and Bennett Du dney both are se niors in t he co ll ege; dur in g the schoo l year many oth er co ll ege st uden ts have been acti ve Lamp li ghters .

We 're visiting for the College Church.

To th ose who have parti cipa ted, the Lam pligh ters' League has been an open door. Truly " Faith without wo rks is dead," and there is much need yet un reli eved. " Th e love of Christ co nstra in eth us ."

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