1950 Arrow

Page 44

DIVISION OF RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY L. C. PHILO, Chairman The Division of Phi losophy and Rel igion has f or its goal the cu ltural, eth ica l, and spi ritual deve lopment of each student accord ing to his needs. There are courses to acqua int him w it h p hi losophi ca l patter ns of t houg ht and others to give him a better knowledge, understanding, and apprecidtion o f t he Bib le. Through a ll the instruction an effort is made to develop his habits of clear t hi nki ng, tolera nce, and love of truth and- to encourage him to become a more respons ible citizen in a world society. Furth er, he is he lped to commi t himse lf to God throug h Christ and to apply Ch ristia n pr in ciples to his da il y living. Finally, the Division aims to help him integrate all his th inking and experience to formula te a trul y C hrist ian phi losop hy of life.

L. C. PHILO, B.D., M .A ., D.D. Associate Professor of Religion and Philosophy 路 Rich Bible scholar . . consistent Christian attitude .. tolerant .

C. A. McCONNELL, A .B., Th .D. Special Lecturer, Dean Emeritus of Religion

Man of God . . consecrated Christian . . friend of every student and faculty member .. " Uncle Charlie" .


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