1947 Arrow

Page 103

PATTERSON, J. HERSCHELL, Bethany, Oklahoma; Bachelor of Theology.

PIGG, JOYCE, Bethany, Oklahoma; Bachelor of Arts, English.

PITTENGER, ELLEN ROGERS, Bethany, Oklahoma; Bachelor of Arts, English: Missionary Band, Gospel Team, Phi Delta Lambda, College Queen, Christmas Chorus, Treble Chorus, Trio.


PURGASON, JEAN, San Antonio, Texas; Bachelor of Fine Arts: Certificate Recital, Piano Ensemble, Christmas Chorus, Treble Chorus, " B" Club, Baseball.

ROBN E' IT, CLII•TON, Kl ondi ke. Texas: Bachelor of Arts, Religion : l'ra vcr and Fasting.

RUSSELL. JAl'dES REYNDAL. Clarks,·illc. i\ lississippi : Bachelor of 'J'hcolog1·: Student Director of Rel igio ns Acti,·itics, i\ lis· sionarv Band , Gospel T eam, l'r;n-cr and Fasting. Sn nda1· School Teacher, Christmas Chorns, Jr. Vi ce- Pres., Donn Counci l.


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