1946 Arrow

Page 181

GOSPEL TEAM 'f.he GOSPEL TEAM ha_s a two-fold purpose: ( 1 ) to foster among the students a greater interest in personal evangelism; and ( 2) to send out groups or individuals for Christian service during the school year.

During the first semester the main activities included revival services in Marlow, Oklahoma, and Fort Worth, Texas, conducted by the McMahon Quartet Group; a District Young People's Convention by the Married Men's Quartet; and several tours with Dr. Finch by the Sophomore Quartet. Second semester gave major emphasis to week-end meetings and N .Y.P.S . services in near-by churches. Other activities of the year were centered in personal visitation work. In connection with the other religious organizations the entire town of Bethany was visited during the Fall and Spring Revivals. Several groups were a means of inspiration at the Crippled Children's Home near the College campus, where they visited on Sunday afternoons. R igh t : Boyd Kifer, Pres id en t B e low: (Fir s t r ow) Nor r is, M c Maho n , Sha nno n, Kifer, Inge~s o l,. Oa k es. (Second row) L indl e y , P hilli ps, Hinkl e, Rutl ed g e, Pults, Broc'k, 路King, Gau lt, Nye, Barnard. (Third r ow ) Russell, MUrphy West, Johns on, Dickerson , F ri esen , S t ockto n, H a nlon, J on es , K e nt Hieronymu s, Mossh art. (Fou r th r ow) L ee, Emm ert , Dotson , Potter, J a nze n , McCall, Fletc h er , Alexand er, Cla u son, Butl er, Snowba r ger , H e rrin . (Fifth r ow) Thurma n , R h od es, Raym e r , Co u r tn ey, W a d e; Farm er, Turbiville, Porte r , Twinning, Alge r , W a d e, Buffin g t on , Ch evealli e r, H a le . (Sixth r ow ) Hinkle , Willia ms, Faulk ner , S m ith , Sledge, R e n eger , McArthur , Pults , F e lter, B eckel, Gree n , J oh nson, J e rniga n . ( S eventh row) Tho mpso n, H a rrison, Hall, Carte r, Ladd, R u ssell , H a rris, P orte r, Cas o n , S c r oggins, B ebout, Conra d, Col e.


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