1946 Arrow

Page 178

CI-IAPEL SPEAKERS During the school year the students of BethanyPeniel College have the privilege of meeting and hearing many of the outstanding ministers and leaders of the holiness movement. The year 1945-46 has been no exception. Early in the fall Dr. D. Shelby Corlett, editor of the "Herald of Holiness," conducted revival services in the College Church and spoke in chapel. Many young people found the Lord . Dr. Finch set the tone for the high spiritual quality of our worship periods in the first chapel service of the year. He urged that "the greatest thing that we will receive on this campus is that ennoblement, enrichment, enlargement of character that enables us to face life with manhoodto have vision to go into a world of tragic need, to live a life of influence that will count for God ." In October we were privileged to hear Miss Geraldine Chappell, R. N., tell of God's keeping power in a Japanese prison camp. Charles HastingsSmith, an alumnus of B.P.C., stirred our hearts with his unique message on "The Cross of Jesus." On November 5 Dr. U . E. Harding addressed the chapel on "Why doesn't God stop war?" Other noted speakers during the fall season were Chaplain Mark Moore, an alumnus of the College and a prisoner of war in Germany; and Rev. Elmer Schmelzenbach, who was born in Africa, trained in America, and who has spent the past nine and one-half years as a missionary in Africa .

Dr. D . Shelby Corlett, Fall Revivalist.

Rev. Mack Anderson, Spring Revivalist.

Dr. Roy Cantrell, Superintendent of the Minnesota District, was Aycock Lecturer in the fall. His messages were characterized by a dynamic love for the cause of Christ and a practical application from his many experiences. One of the most interesting and popular chapel speakers of the year was Chaplain Wilson Lanpher, who came to us four different times. During the winter three representatives of our Nazarene works in foreign countries roused our missionary zeal. Re'{S. Lyle Prescott and LebronVelasquez told of our new works in Cuba and Puerto Rico, respectively. Following the General Board meeting in January, Dr. George Frame, Superintendent of the British Isles, spent several days on the campus. His keen intellect, his fervent spirit, and his zeal for the cause of Christ will not soon be forgotten.


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