1946 Arrow

Page 104

IMPROVEMENTS-A LA STUDENTS Each afternoon about one o'clock any one passing the open door of the campus workshop would have seen Paul Simpson priming eight or ten fellows for that day's improvement program . Various activities, which helped to "face-lift" the buildings and grounds, were completed by student labor. One of the main projects was the remodeling of the gymnasium. Eugene Scroggins shouted the orders while the others tore down the old platform and in its place erected a lovely combination instrumental rehearsal room and stage with fluorescent lighting and sliding doors. Two music studios, an instrument room, and a music library rounded out the job. All of the buildings were treated to a coat of fresh wallfinish and paint. Space does not permit us to tell of plastering, sealing floors, calking, removing trees, cleaning the campus, building partitions, preparing organ rooms . . . (Top ) Norman Howerton, W ayman Stevens, Paul Simpson, Danford Alger, and J. R. Smith talk it over. (Upper center ) Deward Finch and Danford Alger seal the dining hall. (Lower center) Norman Howerton screens some sand . (Bottom lett) Kenneth Nichols, Herbert Land, Neil Hightower, and Lewis Thompson .calsomine. (Bottom center) Jessie Smith nails it tight. (Bottom right) Paul Simpson caught in a mess.


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