1940 Arrow

Page 17

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B. M. HALL, A.B.

His Message Th e very existence of Bethany-Peniel College and it s successes attain ed as represented in this volume of the ARROW are properly attributed in a large part to student bodies that have assembled here year after year. The assemblin g of every gro up for a year of study h as been a mo st significant fa ctor in the history of Be thanyPeniel College and ha s played ju st as sign ificant a part in th e building of this institution. The contributions made by the student body of 1939-40, though not complet e at thi s writing, will evidently make an outstanding chapter in coll ege building.

It is to the consti tuency of this institution and to its many fri ends that we are acknowledging a debt of gratitude for the substantial assistance given in building Bethany-PenieL With the prevalent spirit of cooperation on the part of all college units and the proven loyalty of our co nstituency, the future is faced with courage and great expectancy for an ever-growing in stitution and its resultant expand ing serv ice.

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