1937 Arrow

Page 14


H A L L, A. B.

The fundamental basis for a successful year in the business office lies III

the cooperation received from the student-body in attempting to make

financial arrangements for their college education.

As long as they are

business like and prompt, the business office can make satisfactory arrange­ ments with the majority of the students.

This year the students have at­

tended faithfully to meeting their obligations. It has been the policy of this administration to pay capital as well as current debts as each school year progresses.

In a degree this has been

accomplished even though the load has been exceptionally heavy because of the building program. Progress is being made. Next semester we are expecting an increased



facilities for taking care of more students make this possible. Three parties, including two vocal and one instrumental quartet, will tour the greater part of the zone this summer. The Nazarene church is rapidly coming to the point where it is essential that it train its own ministry and laymen.

We feel that our relationship

with accreditment agencies, the building of Bud Robinson Hall, and the additions to the faculty have made Bethany-Peniel College adequately representative of what a denolll.inational college should be. B. M. HALL





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