1930 Arrow

Page 75

Dramatic G l ub The Dramatic Club was organized for the purpose of raising the standards of the ex足 pression department.

It is composed of mem足

bers who have b ecome outstanding i n loyalty, in effort, and in ach i evement.

The cl ub is

ably sponsored by Miss Reese, h ead of the ex足 pression d epartment, and by Mrs. Wilson of the English d epartment.

The officers of the

club for the year are :

B r il hart Chapman,

president ;



Sidles, vice-president ;

Carol Spruce, secretary ; M i ss B ertie Karns, treasurer.

A l l publ i c performances-of which

we h ave had an excellent variety this y ear足 are sponsored by the Dramatic Club. B. C.

If some grand thing for tomorrow You are dream ing, do i t now ; From the future do not borrow ; Frost soon gathers on the brow Days for deeds are few, my brother ; Then today fulfill thy vow, If you m ean to h elp another, Do


dream it-do it now. -Anon.

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