1930 Arrow

Page 71

P i an o D uring the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the enthusiasm for instrumental music created a de足 mand for adequate forms of its expression.

At first

the simple forms of dances were used for the l ighter compositions ; then composers adopted the exped足 ient of broadening the original dance form by add足 ing to it a subject and by discussing this subject under various conditions .

The problem o f making

all its parts balance n icely and sati sfy art conditions became the matter for experim ents. And what instrument was convenient for these experiments ?

The Pianoforte.

A few, like M ozart, Bach, and B eethoven have mastered the p i anoforte and are called great be足 cause they have written m usic that has awakened the depth s of feeling i n the heart ; because they h ave made music a "soul-expressing medium ; " because they have given to us the beautifu l . Through l iterature, t h e other soul -expressing medium, we become acquainted with the master m i nds.

If we desire to associate with the m aster

mUSICIans, we must study that which they have gIven us. M . O . N.


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