1928 Arrow

Page 93

The Inspi ration of the Bible S u c h i s t h e intrinsic excellence of Christianity that i t i s adapted to t h e wants of all, and it provides fO!' a l l , not only by its precepts and by its doctrines, but also by its evidence. The poor man may know nothing o f history, o r science, o r phi losophy ; h e may have read scarcely any book but the B i bl e ; he may be totally unable to vanquish the skeptic i n the arena o f public debate ; but he is, nevertheless, surrounded by a panoply which the shafts of infidel ity can never pierce. You may go to the home of the poor cottager, whose heart is deeply imbued with the spirit o f vital Christianity ; you may see him gather h i s l ittle family around h i m. He expounds to them the wholesome doctrines and princi ples of the B i ble, and, i f they want t o know the evidence upon which h e rests h i s faith of the divine origin o f h i s religion, he c a n tell them u pon reading t h e book which teaches Christianity h e fi n d s n o t o n l y a perfectly t r u e description o f h i s o w n natural character, b u t i n the provisions of this rel igion a perfect adaptation to all his needs. It is a religion by which to l ive, a religion by which to die ; a religion which cheers in darkness, rel ieves in perplexity, supports in adversity, keeps steadfast in prosperity, and guides the inquirer to that blessed land where "the wi d::erl cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest."

We entreat you, therefore, to give the B ible a welcome, a cordial reception ; obey its precepts, trust its promises, and rely implicitly upon that D i vine Redeemer whose rel igion brings glory to God in the h i ghest, and on Earth peace and good-wi l l to men. Thus w i l l you fulfill the noble end of your- existence, and the great God of the Universe w i l l be your- father and your friend ; and, when the l ast mighty convulsion shall shake the earth and the sea and the sky, and the fragments of a thousand barks, richly freighted with intellect and learning, are scattered on the shores of error and delusion, you r vessel shal l i n safety outride the storm, and enter i n triumph the haven of eternal rest.


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