1928 Arrow

Page 51

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Her Mother's Picture I t w a s a beauti ful June morning on t h e western plains of Texas. I sabel l Osborn pulled a broad-brimmed hat over her brown wavy hair, and long canvas gloves over her slender hands. "vVhat a wonderful morning to be out in the air," she exclaimed. every breath of it."

"I shall enj o}

A s this orphan gi r l crossed the pasture, she remembered the times she had watched her mother paint. Always there was a message in her pictures, for her mother loved Christ and art, and Isabell was grateful for this heritage. Thinking of the past week, she said : "I do appreciate M r . and Mrs. Bingham for hel p i ng me finish this last year of high school and I 'm glad to prove it. But-I never could have won the scholarship had i t not b e e n fo r mother's picture." Having the first year o f college to look forward to, made the summer pass rapidly for I sabell. Before she hardly real ized it, she was i n Oklahoma, registering in Bethany足 Peniel College. The matron of the gi rls' dormitory assigned her a room on the second floor with B onnie Mae Summers, and she was beginning to feel at home until there came one of those rainy Saturdays. "\;\That a gloomy day," she said. looking u p f r o m her book. " Yes, it i s, but we'll feel hetter if we write friend.


cheerful letter home," answered her

" I believe you are right, B onnie," concluded Isabell. She filled her pen and began a letter to the B i nghams, when she heard a nOise. Looking out o f the window the girls saw people running and yelling something about a fire. " Oh , let's go see where it i s, " exclaimed I sabel l . T h e y r a n o u t into t h e y a r d to find i t w a s t h e dormitory itself on fire. "Oh what shall w e do ?" cried one girl. " My books and clothes are in my room ! " sobbed another. I sabell stared at the angry flames as if measuring them, then dashed u p the steps and di sappeared in a cloud of black smoke. " I s abell, come back ! " wailed Bonnie. "Come out of that burning b u ilding," screamed another. The firemen were i n a terrible battle. The roof was ready to fall when one o f the men came running, carrying a n unconscious gi rl. As quickly as the flames on her clothing were smothered, she was rushed to the hospital. The nurse was cutting the charred rags from her body, and in so doing, discovered a marvelous work of art which the girl had clasped i n her bosom. I t was a picture of a group of young people studying art, music, and literature. In their midst was a man with a kind face who seemed so glad to be with them. H e was the Man with the seamless garment. "Did-it-get-burned ?" she asked faintly. "N 0, it's all right," answered the nurse. And I sabel l closed her eyes i n satisfaction. for she was now going to be with the kind face i n her mother's picture. A. C . R.

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