1928 Arrow

Page 104

Boys Entertai ned the Girls T h e boys of this year gave t h e fi r s t entertainment for t h e gi rls ever given i n the h i story of the school.

Oftentimes the boys have been i nvi ted to the girls' Dormitory

to spend a social evening, but this was the fi rst time for the girls ever t o be invited to a social by the boys. The program of the evening consi sted of many interesting things w h i ch varied wi dely in style and type. ridiculous. B rannon.

It ranged from the ridiculous to sublime, from sublime to

The first number was a welcome address by the Preceptor, Mr. George M i ss Morris, the Dean of Women, responded to the welcome addl'ess in a

brief way. Then the fo llowing hour or two were fi l l e d with rousing good games. It was nearing ten when the refreshments were served. 'Followi llg this were the closing numbers, "Home, Sweet Home" ; Piano ,Solo, played by Paul Thompson, and "Show me the way to go home", sung by the Dormitory quartet.

Debating I n the fall of


several of the j un i o r coll eges of Oklahoma formed a league for

debating and other forensic activities.

O w ing to the fact that earlier provi s i on had

not been made for this work, it was handicapped by l ack of time and proper financial support.

In spite of this several debates were I�e] d with othel' schools.

our teams put up won o r not.


In all of these

stiff fight and made i t interesting for every opponent whether they

Two traits stood out prominently in all our debaters.

high type of debating.

The first was their

Their speeches \I" ere not j ust memorized recitations.

showed flexi b i l i ty in meeting the argun:ents of their opponents.

at the main issues and used no tri ckery i n dodging difficult points. was their sportsmanship.


They drove straight The second trait

In the face o f defeats they kept their enthusiasm, their

cheerfulness, and their courteousness.

TI: e i r opponent as well as thei r friends were i m ­

pressed with these facts. Those who debated \"ere Paul Garrett, Herman

B u rton, O pa l Gilbert, Ha rreld

Garrison, and Gran v i l l e Rogers. W ith th i s year's valuable experien ce behind them, we bel ieve that from this group will come teams that w i l l be invincible in the years to come.

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