SNAP! Magazine Issue 3

Page 40

HE’S A REAl PIECE OF WORk Blake Eaton of the Cockroaches WORdS By ShAyL PRiSK PhOTOgRAPh By KARin dEMEyER

perhaps known best for his wild rockabilly antics in the three piece band the Cockroaches, Blake Eaton is no one-trick pony. He also jams in various incarnations to the beat of country, roots, bluegrass and- on occasion- classical orchestra, all the while thumping on his signature double bass.

the cockroaches, the magnetic rockabilly trio born in montréal in late 2004, features -alongside the charismatic ‘eddy’ blake eaton- two other stellar local musicians: Dale macDonald (guitar player for chocolat) and Danny marks (drummer for the cpc gangbangs). proving that -at least in certain situations- open relationships can actually work, the three piece gem continues to thrill their fans, win acclaim from critics and gain interest from international labels.

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