Mendota Gas Fireplaces

Page 16

HEARTH PROTECTION PAD REQUIREMENTS Hearth Protection R Rating: MINIMUM R- ,6 5(48,5(' 86( 2) $ ò´ 7+,&. 0,1,080 &(0(17 BOARD (HardiEDFNHU :RQGHUERDUG RU RWKHU EUDQG SOXV ó´ WKLFN PRUWDU 7KLQ6HW W\SH SOXV ó´ WKLFN FHUDPLF WLOH H[FHHG WKH 5-1 reTXLUHPHQW 8VH WKLV DV D UHIHUHQFH LI LQ GRXEW 1DWXUDO 6WRQHV RI ´ RU JUHDWHU WKLFNQHVV DOVR H[FHHG 5-1 rating. All hearth pads must be non-combustible (metal, brick, stone, or mineral fiberboard). Do not use any combustible material to protect the floor in front of this fireplace. For the FV-41, the hearth protection pad must be rated at R-1 minimum AND it must extend 18 inches in front of the fireplace face if the FV41 fireplace is installed at floor level. Use the following procedure to determine if a hearth pad meets the requirements listed in this manual. Find the available values, R, K or C and follow the formulae below to arrive at a R value. R-value = Thermal Resistance K-value = Thermal Conductivity C-value = Thermal Conductance Convert the specification to R-value; a. If R-value is given, no conversion is needed. b. If K-value is given with for a thickness (t) in inches:

1 T ...( 1 divided by K , then multiplied by thickness). K 1 c. If C-value is given: R ÂŤ GLYLGHG E\ & C


Determine the R-value of the proposed hearth pad. For multiple layers, add R-values of each layer to determine overall R-value. If the overall R-value of the system is greater than R-1, then the proposed hearth pad is acceptable.

Example: Required minimum R value for hearth protection pad is R=1. The SURSRVHG DOWHUQDWLYH LV ´ WLOH ZLWK D &- facWRU RI RYHU ´ mineral board with a K-factor of 0.29. Determine if the proposed layers will provide the minimum R=1 rating. Step A. Use formula to convert C-IDFWRU RI WKH ó´ WLOH WR 5-value. R of the tile:

R of mineral board:

= 1/1.25 = 0.80


1 T K

=1/0.29 x 0.125 = 0.431

Step C. $GG 5 YDOXHV RI ó´ 7LOH DQG PLQHUDO ERDUG WR JHW WKH Total R-value of proposed alternative: RTotal = Rtile + Rmineral board = 0.8 + 0.431 = 1.231. Step D. Compare proposed system R = 1.231 to required R of 1.0. Since R of proposed system is greater than the required R=1, the proposed system is acceptable.

Figure 7:

16 | P a g e

1 C

Step B. Use formula to convert K-factor of mineral board to Rvalue.

Hearth Pad Guide- [Usage and Removal] This fireplace is shipped with a Hearth Pad Guide Installed. The purpose of the Hearth Pad Guide is to limit the height of the Hearth Pad during installations. DO NOT build a Hearthpad that is more than 1- ´ WKLFN 'RLQJ so will not allow installation of decorative fronts on this fireplace. After the Hearthpad is built, remove the Hearth Pad guide and discard if you do not wish the guide to be visible. In some instances, you will want the guide left permanently, based on your aesthetic judgment. To remove the Hearth Pad Guide, first remove the Glass Frame. Identify the plastic Rivet heads inside the fireplace body. Use a sharp utility knife to pry or cut the plastic rivet head and rivet base. Lift the Hearth Pad Spacer upwards and remove. This fireplace may be installed in an elevated position by created an elevated deck and an appropriate framed enclosure. NOTE: This ILUHSODFH PD\ EH HOHYDWHG EXW 0867 DOORZ D PLQLPXP RI ´ GLsWDQFH EHWZHHQ WKLV ILUHSODFHœV IORRU OHYHO DQG WKH FHLOLQJ





FIGURE 8 18" min. Non-combustible Hearth protection required [SEE HEARTH PROTECTION PAD R-RATING, PAGE 12]

NOTE: For every 1" this fireplace is raised off the floor, the non-combustible hearth protection pad may be reduced by 2". If this fireplace is raised off the floor more than 6", No hearth protection pad is required.

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