How to take the maximum advantage of crowdfunding platforms

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How To Take the Maximum Advantage of Crowdfunding Platforms In the last couple of decades, the importance of crowdfunding platforms have increased significantly among start-ups, individuals, charities and even established businesses when it comes to funding a venture by raising the required amount of money from unknown people. Crowdfunding is a unique concept which has helped a wide range of people across the world to fulfill their dreams. In fact, crowdfunding platforms are allowing people to dream big and achieve their goals confidently.

A lot of people who have dared to dream big and used platforms like Indiegogo, Kickstarter, GoFundMe, and RocketHub etc., have achieved their crowd funding goals easily. If you are also planning to raise funds for your project, here are some important tips to help you out. Plan Your Campaign Effectively Planning remains the key to success when it comes to achieving your crowdfunding goal easily. Plan each and everything associated with your campaign in detail, so that you can do everything related to it accordingly. In other words, get yourself involved in a strategic planning process wherein you can plan and discuss all sorts of big and small things related to your project. Focus On Your Target Audience Try to figure out what kind of people will be interested in your campaign and then plan everything accordingly. Learn more about your target audience and their interests, so that you can build a strong marketing strategy for your campaign. Start Preparing Months in Advance When it comes to launching a crowdfunding campaign you have to start preparing for it at least five to six months in advance. You won’t ever become successful in your efforts if

you fail to give one hundred percent to your campaign. People start making up their minds to invest in your project much before its actual launch, therefore you have to give a lot of importance to the pre-launch marketing strategies. Things, like spreading awareness about your campaign and getting all the important email addresses in advance is important for the success of your campaign. Use A Good Crowdfunding Platform You have to consider several things when it comes to picking a right crowdfunding platform for your project. What you can do is make a list of at least five to six good crowdfunding platforms and then collect sufficient information about each one of them. You should use your intelligence to figure out which platform can prove to be the best for you. In addition to that, you can also get in touch with such people who have already used these platforms to meet their business requirements and ask them about which platform is good for them. After that, you can consider both their advice and your own intelligence to find a perfect crowdfunding platform to launch your project. Increase Your Social Media Presence Having a perfect social media presence can play its own role in defining the success of your campaign, therefore you should try to increase your contacts in social networking sites like Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, and Google Plus etc. Try to spread awareness about your project by publishing relevant information on your social media accounts. You can even have personal conversations with the people over social networking sites when it comes to spreading more and more awareness about your project. You can give a detailed information to people about your project so that once it’s launched they can contribute to it. Find Out About Similar Projects Make sure that before launching your campaign you get sufficient information about similar projects from platforms like Indiegogo and Kickstarter so that you can get a clear idea on how to use these platforms. You can use similar tactics as they have used when it comes to getting maximum attention from unknown people. Create An Informative Video There is little doubt that videos and images remain really crucial when it comes to diverting the attention of the people towards your campaign. So create a perfect video for your project which can help in providing huge information to people. Assign the task of creating a video to a creative team so that you can get good results. The video should be developed in such a way that it’s creative as well as informative. If the video in question is only informative but not at all creative, it won’t be able to serve its purpose. Therefore, make sure that the video is produced by intelligent as well as creative people. Set Practical Funding Goals Your funding goals have to be really practical otherwise you will never be able to achieve them. One of the best ways to reap the advantages of crowdfunding platforms is to set a realistic goal after analyzing the strength of your network. The money that your project

receives initially generally comes from the people in your network who strongly believe in your idea. Hence, you should set your funding goal depending upon their ability to contribute to your project. Last but not the least, don’t forget to respond to your donors in a warm and peaceful manner so that they can feel good about contributing to your project and speak about it to more people, which will again play a crucial role in enhancing the popularity of your


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