POZ January/February 2013

Page 22



English Lessons

First rule of the game: Learn how to use a condom.


The good news: Condoms can reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The trickier news: You’ve got to use condoms both consistently and correctly to reap the benefits of latex protection. In a study published in the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections, consistent and correct users of condoms reduced the risk of transmission by 59 percent for gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis. However, those who used condoms consistently but incorrectly saw no statistical risk-reduction for transmission of these three non-viral STIs. “Using a condom is not enough,” said the study’s lead author, Richard A. Crosby, PhD, a professor of public health at the University of Kentucky. “Like everything else, it has to be done right.” He identified five important pointers for correct condom usage: 1. Put the condom on before inserting the penis into any orifice—that means avoid “dipping” (slipping the uncovered penis inside just for a while, then putting on a condom for prolonged intercourse and ejaculation). 2. Keep it on until the deed is done. 3. Do not reuse condoms. That includes between sex acts and if changing orifices— from oral to anal, for example. 4. Protect against breakage by using plenty of water- or silicone-based lube (not oil-based!) and reapplying regularly if necessary. 5. Avoid slippage by finding a condom that fits properly. While the study covered only penile-vaginal sex, Crosby said its findings could translate to anal sex as well, although similar research is still needed among gay men.

24 POZ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 poz.com

HIV meds are now free to all residents of England, courtesy of the National Health Service. But hasn’t HIV treatment always been free in England? Not technically for undocumented migrants and non-United Kingdom citizens. But a new law that went into effect on October 1, 2012, ensures that residents of England living with the virus can’t be denied treatment based on their immigration status. Some migrants living with HIV may still be charged for other forms of care they require, including maternity care, cancer treatment and dialysis. In addition, the new law only affects fees in England—other U.K. regions may still charge undocumented migrants and non-citizens for HIV treatment. “Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland can decide independently whether to charge for HIV treatment,” explains the National AIDS Trust (NAT), a leading U.K. advocacy organization. However, NAT notes that “on the whole, HIV treatment charges are not levied or actively pursued in these nations.” NAT is now calling for a formal change in the law in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland “to ensure free universal access to HIV treatment is guaranteed for all across the U.K.”

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