Matura repetytorium z testami jezyk angielski poziom podstawowy macmillan

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MATURA ANSWER KEY The shop assistant told me there was nothing wrong with it. However, it only worked for a few days and then stopped working completely. I could not even take out my CDs. I can assure you I am not to blame for this situation and that I did not try to repair it on my own. I would like to receive a full refund or a new CD player. I hope you will give this matter your immediate attention. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully XYZ Wypowiedê ustna Typ zadania maturalnego (1) 1. become a club member – staç si´ cz∏onkiem klubu pay in cash / by credit card – zap∏aciç gotówkà / kartà kredytowà shop on-line – robiç zakupy przez Internet fill in a form – wype∏niç formularz How much is it to join the club /to get a membership card? – Ile kosztuje cz∏onkowstwo w klubie? 2. 1. Could you tell me … 2. I would like to know … 3. … fill in a form. 4. Is it possible … 5. You have to pay extra … 6. … you offer any discount for students? 7. …we don’t send catalogues … 8. … shop with us … 3. – Good morning. Book Club. How can I help you? – How much is it to join the club? – It’s 24 pounds a year but you can pay 2 pounds every month. – How often do people meet? – Well, we meet up every month but sometimes if there is a new book out, we may have an extra meeting. – Can I buy books on-line? – Yes, our website is really great. It has all the information you need about the bookshop and the club. – OK. Thank you for the information. 5. Przyk∏adowa wypowiedê – Where can I buy a good English-Polish dictionary? I need it for my girlfriend. – There is a good shop in the centre. It’s called English Books and they offer discounts for students. – Oh good. – You could also check on-line bookshops, they have special offers too. – That’s a good idea. – If you have a problem, let me know. I can help you. – Thanks a lot. – No problem. Typ zadania maturalnego (2) 1. 1. Tak 2. Tak 3. Nie 4. Tak


5. Tak 6. Tak 7. Tak 2. Opis A jest pe∏ny, ale chaotyczny i nie zawsze poprawny j´zykowo. Ten opis otrzyma∏by 1 punkt na 2 mo˝liwe. Opis B jest pe∏ny i poprawny j´zykowo. Wypowiedê jest u∏o˝ona logicznie i zawiera pe∏ne zdania. Ten opis otrzyma∏by 2 punkty na 2 mo˝liwe. 3. 1. kogo przedstawia ilustracja 2. gdzie ta osoba si´ znajduje 3. co ta osoba robi 4. jak ta osoba si´ czuje 5. odniesienie sytuacji do swoich doÊwiadczeƒ 6. opinia ucznia o sytuacji 4. Przyk∏adowe wypowiedzi 1. No, I don’t think so. I think she’s just learning and it looks like the first time. 2. The pluses are that it’s quicker and the choice is bigger and you can stay at home. The minuses are that you must have a credit card and it may not be safe. 5. Odpowiedzi ucznia.

8. PODRÓ˚OWANIE Rozumienie tekstu czytanego 2./3. 1. its – zaimek 2. in contrast – zwrot wyra˝ajàcy kontrast 3. However – zwrot wyra˝ajàcy kontrast 4. there – inne sformu∏owanie wyra˝ajàce miejsce 5. the city – inne sformu∏owanie wyra˝ajàce miejsce 6. another – zaimek 7. additionally – dodanie argumentu 4. Podpowiedzi 1. Zdanie C, poniewa˝ opisuje jakie sà to sporty i pasuje do zdania, które wyst´puje jako nast´pne. 2. Zwrot these games odnosi si´ do tenisa i golfa. 3. winter odnosi si´ do zwrotu this is the time 4. Dwa zdania opisujà, co mo˝na znaleêç w mieÊcie, ale pasuje zdanie Many of them gdzie them odnosi si´ do s∏owa buildings. 5. Zdanie F wspomina muzeum, które póêniej jest opisane. Zadanie 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. F Rozumienie tekstu s∏uchanego 1./2. Wypowiedê 1. – pozytywna S∏owa-klucze: holiday of my life (wakacje mojego ˝ycia),fantastic, marvellous (wspania∏y) Wypowiedê 2. – negatywna S∏owa-klucze: not what I’d expected (nie to czego si´ spodziewa∏em/am), not much to do, I was bored (Nudzi∏o mi si´.)

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