Future Office 2014

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Introduction Creative Destruction is a concept that our freemarket corporate society uses to justify moments of crisis and blatant inequality. The concept of this force is borrowed from Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, whereby this process of life and death reeks havoc for some and creates opportunities for others. These opportunities are available to those who are able to think freely, formulate new concepts and create real meaning. Critical reflection is the most essential skill that the art academy has to offer to society and plays a role as a safe haven in which to nurture and train these skills. But without an internal conviction, students have no real sense of direction to focus their thoughts and skills sets towards. By analysing the imbalances in our society, it is possible to think of the future as a malleable form. Something to actively part take in and shape.

Metamodel for solution design

Problem Definition

Characteristics + Benchmarks

Root Causes • why do you care? • why are you upset?

• providing macro indicators

Provides targets



is what the problem looks like when it is fixed


Provides direction


is to address the problem and achieve the vision


are how the mission will be achieved


are how strategies will be appleid over time


are how strategies break down into detailed planning

Design for Social Change, by Rizwan Tayabali http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRcox743Dfg

Team 1

›› Maya Yena ›› Micca Teo ›› Sarah Alvim

City for People



vision To create a city with no traffic lights, yet safe enough for everyone to use and priority will be given to pedestrians and cyclists based on education and communication.

mission Remove traffic lights but maintain traffic flow.

strategy Propose new educational and transitional traffic system and conduct trials.


The Problem

Traffic lights are signalling devices positioned at road intersections, pedestrian crossings and other locations to control competing flows of traffic. One of the reasons why we do not consider this a good solution is because of the physical contact (higher risk of transmitting diseases). Also, in most cases, the visually impaired are not considered as users of this system. In this project, we question ourselves if this is the best solution or is it just a convenient method to make things flow.


Cities were built for people, but being just a person you don’t feel that safe or welcome in them. Think about the right to come and go: when you’re on foot or bike, seems more like the right to come, wait for other ways of transportation because you don’t have preference, and go. Why is it that a place, built for us, is more favourable to you when you’re on a car? We want to make these places more inviting for people, starting with the traffic.

Research Research was divided into two parts. In the first part, we concentrated on understanding the problems faced by the users, a study on the history of the system, the design and how the system works. The later part was focused on the possible solutions and methods. While the internet has almost all the answers to questions one could think of, we felt that communication with people who use the system on a daily basis would give genuine feedback, after all we are making this place a better place for the people. Hence, we conducted street interviews which included video documentations of regular users’ experiences.

Part 1 ›› ›› ›› ›› ›› ››

Types of buttons all over the world, what works and what not. Picture references of traffic lights buttons in The Netherlands with location Duration of time spent waiting, with and without pressing the button. Space of interaction (e.g. distance between users and buttons, size of buttons etc.) Transmittable diseases via contact Communication of interaction (Is the system clear for all users?)


Part 2 ››

›› ›› ›› ›› ››


Possible solutions › motion sensor › weight sensor › solar energy for lights News articles on traffic system Environmental effects Case studies Highways of the future, Daan Roosegaarde Shared space by traffic engineer and innovator, Hans Monderman

While conducting the public street interviews, we realised that we needed an insight from an interaction expert. We spoke to Amalia Kallergi, a Human-Computer Interaction Researcher and Wim van Eck, an Augment Reality Expert.

Prototyping The best solution for our problem is not a product, so prototyping was not a big part of it. For the development of our solutions, we dedicated a lot of time on sketching and discussing. Ideas were discarded based on practicality, inclusion, safety, budget, complexity and most of all, possibilities of interaction. This process takes a lot of time on making flow charts to see how the new system could actually work if implemented.


For the mockups, we used foam boards, clay and cloth.

The sketches, discussions and flow charts made us be more realistic with our ideas.


Solution After much research and brainstormings, our vision is clear: a city for all with no traffic lights where safety is guaranteed by education. In order to realise this, we drew a time plan, split into 3 periods: short term, mid term and long term.

Short term ›› ›› ››

Retrofitting on traffic light poles (with textured curves) for the visually impaired Sound alarm Standardise ALL traffic lights

Mid term ››

›› ››

Encrypted inaudible audio signals emitted by a chip. There will be 4 kinds of encryption; for the cars, overseas cars (temporary chips), emergency vehicles (eg. ambulances, fire engines and police) and lastly, for the visually impaired. Education on traffic courtesy for everyone Update traffic rules and regulations

Long term ›› ›› ››

(A few years to implement and eventually will substitute the mid term) Elimination of traffic lights on the streets Motorists, cyclists and pedestrians feeling safe by practising road courtesy among each other



Team 2

›› Hany Saad ›› Bianca Ururahy ›› Caio Vita




vision Make a safer public space and attract people to the park at night.

mission To make Clingedael Park a safer and more pleasant place to be in the dark winter months.

strategy Creating a booklet, along with a campaign so people can learn how to light up the park. The booklet will have tutorials, ideas and alternatives in how to create lighting elements. Users will be able to discover about light. In a predetermined date, there will be an event at the park where people will take the lighting element which they have created to light it up.


The Problem

The insecurity on the part of the visitors in the Park Clingedael, when they visit it at night. After interviews, researchs and visits to the Park, we conclude that there is a lack of security at night, due to lack of lighting and signaling in the Clingedael, making the environment unsafe for those who want to visit it at night. The lack of illumination in the park make people avoid to visit it at night, because of the huge feeling of insecurity there. This question is not applied only to this park, but to many other public areas, as well as the solution to this problem can be applied in any other poorly lighted public space.



The first step from out team to research were the following questions: the park’s history, photos, maps, videos and everything else that involved this universe. After knowing more about the park, we started research about lights: things that generate light; illumination of public spaces; light designer’s works; things that can generate light. After deciding our solution, we researched about events and prototypes to test our ideas: similars of light events; ways to light up people; the limitations of use of a public space; the cheapest and easiest ways to create light prototypes; After defining exactly how our event would be, we made field research to test our prototypes.


Questionnaires to the park’s visitors, Field research (in all of the park areas); Web sites’ contents (texts and videos), Visits to the City Hall (Maps and History of the park).


Prototyping First of all, we decided that each component of the team should reflect and present to the others three sketches of what could be our solution. We made some draws and illustrations of what could be our ideas, the pros and cons of them. From these initial nine ideas, we tried to mixed them and select the easier, cheaper and most creative ones. We chose the Light Festivals/ Light Competitions as a base to develop our prototypes. We came up with cheap and easy ways that people could do by theirselves and use in the park at night to light it up. LED lights were used to create light paintings. An umbrella with lights were used to light up the park and the person. We tried to create fun ways so people could do both: illuminate the public space and have fun in our event. text

Illuminated umbrella with “Christmas lights�, batteries; tape.


Draws and sketches to develop our first ideas of what could be the solution; Research of similars, to observe things that we could improve in our ideas, trying to create differentials from the others ideas; Research of materials, to find out the best materials to create the light elements that we wanted to built; Material prototypes, to test our ideas, if they were working well, to realize what we could improve, and to finally make some tests with these prototypes in the Clingedael Park.

From the prototyping we concluded that our idea of a Light Festival where people can build their own lights to light up the park and at the same time to have fun fits as a solution to our problem of lack of illumination in the Clingedael Park. Making the prototypes allowed us to see what were the best materials to use, and how to use them in the best way. We could see what was working or not in our tests, and it gave us ideas of that could be used. We noticed that we needed a great light beam, as we have in flashlights, to light up the park’s monuments, and that we wanted it in lots of colors, to make a contrast with it’s darkness. We learned the best ways to create the light painting (the camera and light’s position, for example). We could realize how the festival would look like, the fun, the darkness, the lights, the interesting places to include in our event’s planning. It was fun to the park to test them, and take the light painting photographs, as well as we want that our public can do it too. And this experiments will let us know better how to explain to other people how to light up the park and themselves.

LED light “throwies “


Solution Short term ››

Making people aware of the darkness in the park.

Mid term ››

Offer visitors solutions to light themselves.

Long term ››

Create an event which focusses on lightening up the park.

Our solution consists in a Light Festival in Clingendael Park and an information/instruction booklet to our public. There will be music bands, light designer’s works, performances and a tent where we’ll offer workshops so people can learn how to do their own light elements. The booklet will be given to the public and it’ll have safety tips about how to protect yourself in public spaces; information about the next event, to call people to the next one - as an advertising and instructions of how-to’s on creating your own light stuff, so the public can learn how to light up themselves and an interview with a light designer. From our research of ways to light up public spaces and the whole light universe, we discovered some competitions and festivals involving lights and creativity. Thinking about easy, cheap and fun ways to people create light, we discovered LED and the light painting, as well as other elements that creates lights. Based on these choices, and in our personal experiences, we created the Gloway, a group experience, which the objective is showing people that being in a group with lights can bring you the feeling of safe. http://migre.me/hmwzn



Team 3

›› Csaba Bogadi ›› Luke Pierson ›› Sarah Gluschitz

Clear the Fog



vision With this problem solved, the same level of productivity and emotional health is maintained year round.

mission To provide tools and strategies for mitigating the effect winter has on mood and productivity.

strategy Our research led us to a number of strategies to help solve the problem. Changing the working hours, changing the design of cities, and exploring the way augmented reality may eliminate this problem in the future were the central ideas we explored.


The Problem

Seasonal change in the winter has a significant negative effect on the emotional well being and productivity of society.


Our personal struggles with this issue formed the central motivation for pursuing a solution to this problem. We also find that it is an unsolved issue that affects a significant percentage of the populace.


We started by attempted to define the problem individually, and then had each of the group members pursue their own ideas in the research phase.


We conducted a small survey as well as investigated seasonal affective disorder and the various other solutions proposed for the problem.


Prototyping We approached the solution from a number of different angles. We wanted to create solutions that would not negatively affect those who do not struggle with the problem. We broke our research down into a practical short term approach, a mid term broader approach, and a purely conceptual long term approach. We started with an early visualization of our ideas. We then refined each of these approaches into a rough draft. At this point we started to explore how we wanted to present the project in the final exhibition. We wanted to find the proper platform to communicate our ideas. Once we decided upon a final presentation format we brought our ideas to a more polished stage and began collecting materials for the exhibition.

Our practical short term solution and long term solution were most successful in the prototyping phase. We struggled to refine the ideas for our mid term approach and felt it was a stumbling point. We evaluated our progress as a group and decided to focus our attention on the ideas we felt were working best. Our greatest struggle from this phase was to figure out the best format for presenting our ideas.


We used sketches, digital visualizations and video during the prototyping phase.


Solution We propose two solutions to the problem. Our first solution involves changing the work schedule to better adapt to the shorter daylight hours during winter. Our research determined a huge correlation between the shorter daylight hours and wintertime mood change. By shifting working hours to allow people to wake with the sunrise, we believe we can stimulate more productivity. We chose to visualize this idea on a calendar. Our second solution focuses on visual stimuli being a central trigger for this problem.


Supposing a future where augmented reality devices are commonplace, we see the potential for these devices to mitigate this depressing visual stimuli. This idea again was grounded in our research, as we observed that the appearance of wintertime is vastly different to a camera than it is to our eyes. Even a simple filter to boost the apparent saturation during winter has the potential to solve this problem.


Team 4

›› Sayo Huen Wong ›› Ana Valls Rodriguez ›› Karina König

Regen Balcón 解決方法



vision We strongly believe that all water should be used in a sustainable way. We desire to make the unusable usable again, and make it accessilbe for the public by designing a simple, user friendly solution.

mission We aim to raise awareness of how we can smartly use the standing water. We want to benefit the public and environement as a whole by encouraging people to grow their own food, as a result, standing water will be recycled.

strategy Our team would like to create a short-medium term solution: Making movable modules/units on balconies and encouraging people to grow plants in these modules. This solution is a way of using efficiently the standing water(rain/puddle water) on the balconies, as well as a functional, movable space for the users to experience urban planting. As a cons equence, the unus able will be of us e again.


The Problem

In the Netherlands, the weather is hard to predict. It rains a lot, which makes the environment humid. Most of the people in the Netherlands have a balcony at home, and the rain is often a problem for the maintenance of a clean balcony. In our case, we have difficulties keeping my balcony clean because of the dusts and watermarks. The area around the pipe (which is used to direct water from the roof to the ground) is surrounded with mosses and dirts. Despite the fact that it’s not hygienic, it will reduce the durability of the pipe since it’s continuously positioned in a very humid environment, it accelerates corrosion of the pipe, which will possibly result in reconstruction of the new pipe, a huge amount of money for renewing the system.



We started by analysing the problem and environment in detail. Then we interviewed our family and friends, to see if other people also have the same problem with their terraces. We also interviewed our Architecture teacher Gitta Pardoel for some professional opinion regarding the standing water on balconies. We also made some other wide research by the internet, it covers: weather, environment, use of water in The Netherlands, sustainability, agriculture, architecture, law, already existing solutions, Dutch construction industry, rain water harvesting, Border Session, art installations, materials, water filter system, seeds and plants, farming, balcony systems, wick watering system.

Interviews with acquaintances and professionals (florist, architect), video interviews, environment analysis, books, experimenting & testing, documentation (of first-hand experience) and the Internet.



Prototyping We had several ideas of how to solve the problem. We decided prototyping is one of the most realistic and practical way of visualising our idea. It helped us to select what is the best solution to our initial problem. It also gave us a feeling whether our idea would work or not in reality.


The first prototype of the “puddle cover” did not succeed, because we used the wrong materials(the clay wasn’t waterresistant). We realised that each puddle is different, it has its own shape and depth, which makes the task very difficult. Therefore, we made a visualisation in Photoshop instead of making it real and we continued with our second solution. Our second prototype is the block system. We made a miniature balcony with clay at first, and we also tried with foam board to present to class. We made a variety of blocks in different sizes with paper to show how it would work in reality. It was a fairly successful prototype.


Solution Our final solution is the double floor balcony block system. That means the balcony will have double floor, so the owners of the house can use the unwanted puddle water for their advantage. The double floor will have modules(boxes) covered by different materials depending on the suitability of what they have underneath. Each module will store elements that can be convenient with the use of puddle water and its humidity: herbs, vegetables, wines, cheeses. Due to each house has a different balcony that means the puddles will form in different places, sometimes it’s not in the whole balcony. Hence, users can also store things that don’t need water, such as BBQ equipment and gardening tools. We think this system would help people to use their balcony space and recycle the standing water. Our design allows people to create their own composition, customised to their needs and lifestyle.




Team 5

›› Justina Laukaityté ›› Fahmy Shahin ›› Luka Kueter

Het Nieuwe Spoor



vision Het Nieuwe Spoor is a counter-campaign to get the other side of the story out there, and encourage people to keep the conversation going. Every customer using NS suffers from the same problems. In perfect free market conditions, customers would have abandoned their service in favour of other more reliable services.

mission Reaching the people who travel with NS everyday and highlight the contradictions in the companies policies to them, hereby invoking a discussion about their service and about the fact that they have most of the market share. We represent the voice of the customers who have no other options but using their service.

strategy With a guerilla-like marketing campaign we want to intrigue people to join the conversation online and have their voices heard. The campaign is light and humorous and it uses NS promotional material to highlight the attention paid to their image while customers are suffering on a daily basis from delays and overfull trains. The campaign started by creating simple posters using their style guide. The posters aim to intrigue people to look twice and think beyond the lines. The posters also direct people to a website. On the website the customer can watch the altered version of the NS promotional video. Also on the website, customers can find links to a Facebook page and a Twitter account along with a hashtag, so they can share their experience and opinions about the company’s performance and potentially have their voice heard by those responsible


The Problem

Every day over a million people in the Netherlands travel with the Dutch railway company NS. NS is a semi-privatised company that has a near monopoly on public transportation in the country. The NS has a business structure that doesn’t conform to a company being subsidised by a government and being bailed out of any problems with tax money. Despite the government support, the NS is well-known for many problems including major delays and overfull trains.


The company’s near monopoly status allows them to focus their full efforts on increasing their annual profits. A company that offers an essential service and has a monopoly on it, has little concern with offering the best possible service and prices to their customers. We cannot accept that they are not taking any responsibility for their own mistakes, while at the same time running a big propaganda like PR-campaign.

Research We started the research with the problem in our mind; Why NS does not try to improve all the well known problems. And why there are no alternatives? We started to research the history of the Dutch railway system since it has been built until the end of the last century when the national train company has been privatized. The privatization on the contrary of what was expected from it, didn’t help in creating a free market where the railway company would be very keen to keep their customers satisfied. It ended up in near monopoly and the customers still have no choice. Most of the information could be found on various articles online and on newspaper, mainly Volkskrant. After we have collected enough information about the history of the company and the major developments, we wanted to know what the customers think about their service. We looked into Twitter and Facebook and we found many tweets that mention the company negatively. Mostly talking about the delays and overfull trains. Ironically, the company is proud to be mentioned more often on Twitter, regardless the content of the tweets. We looked into newspaper articles in Dutch or in English as well as online. We relied on our own experience in the trains. During delays and overfull trains we could hear and even take parts of discussions about the company’s performance.

Finally, after few days of hanging our posters, Het Nieuwe Spoor was mentioned in a couple of tweets by customers. That indicated to us that we are going in the right direction.



Prototyping The campaign started by creating simple posters using their style guide. The posters aim to intrigue people to look twice and think beyond the lines. The posters also direct people to a website. On the website the customer can watch the altered version of the NS promotional video. Also on the website, customers can find links to a Facebook page and a Twitter account along with a hashtag, so they can share their experience and opinions about the company’s performance and potentially have their voice heard by those responsible. First thing created was a teaser video to illustrate the idea for the final video. The video is based on the company’s official promotion video, where we dubbed their voice with our voice to highlight the contradictions in a fun way. Following the video we created few posters with different phrases. As well as creating a website and a Facebook and Twitter accounts. Now all the elements of the campaign is there. We started by hanging up the posters on different locations, inside trains and in train stations. Few days later we started to get visitors to the website as well as getting mentioned in tweets. We continued working on the video by creating a story line and a story board. Where we decided on the parts we want to use from their original video and then we wrote our own lines. We started to recording the voice over and editing the video together to create a new video that looks like theirs but communicate something else. In order to set the right tone for the video and the whole campaign we looked into different sources of inspiration, local and international. At the end of this process we were sure about what to say and how the video and the campaign should look like.text


The public is very open for discussions and looking for platforms to express. What one has to do is to just reach out to them.


Solution The project aims to keep the conversation about the near monopoly and the bad service alive. Creating different platforms to the customers where they can share their frustrations as well as opinions should make pressure on the company to improve. Also showing the customer that thinks there are no solutions for that the other side of the story. Of course the railway industry is not comparable to other small industries but lots can be done to improve the service in the Netherlands and the way to start is to add pressure on the company and have the customers’ voices heard by those responsible. This can be measured on the one hand by the number of people engage in conversation on the various platforms we created and on the other hand by monitoring any improvement in the service.



Team 6

›› Sascha Kleerebezem ›› Azra Sudetic ›› Nikki Hes

Space in Progress



vision The Toren van Oud is not only an original building but also significant to The Hague. Our vision is to find a purpose for it and see it come to life again. Also we would like to engage the public and make them aware of the larger issue at hand.

mission Our project is ambitious and could take years to accomplish. To fit it within our timeframe and capabilities, we decided to make it our mission to create the framework for a social campaign that would create awareness about abandoned buildings.

strategy Our strategy consists primarily in social engagement and awareness. We are creating a platform where the community can contribute their ideas and express their preferences concerning the building in question. They will be able to do this by uploading their ideas onto the “Space in Progress” website, which will then be published in our “Gallery” for others to see.


The Problem


The Toren van Oud was built in 1969 as part of the World Forum.At 17 stories high, it was the tallest building in The Hague, and it is a prominent landmark of the city even today. However, it was never able to fulfill any practical purpose for a long period of time. The infrastructure and condition of the building do not conform to Dutch housing criteria anymore because of limited floor space and structural damage. Hence, interested buyers have been scarce, and the tower remains dead space. The Netherlands is one of the most densely pop-

ulated countries in the world. However, research estimates that 13% of office buildings around the country are not in use. On top of spacial concerns, these buildings also squander a tremendous amount of energy, which is synonym for precious taxpayer’s money. We chose to use the Toren van Oud as an allegory for this broader issue because it represents the careless planning and poor practical choices that lead to the desertion of valuable space.

Research The first phase of our research consisted of trying to find basic information concerning the tower. We scavenged the internet, but quickly ran into a wall. T here was a lack of information available on the Toren van Oud because it used to be a part of the World Forum complex, therefore we only found information relating to the whole conglomerate of buildings. To further our research and get valuable questions answered, we started trying to track down the owners of the building. The World Forum redirected us to the real estate agency Haag Wonen, who are the current proprietors. We managed to get a hold of an agent, Mr van Rooij, who gave un incredibly trivial information on the building’s structure, the reasons for its abandonment, and future plans for the site. Furthermore, we looked into Dutch legislation concerning housing, found articles about the building, and read about other organizations that are concerned with the Toren van Oud.

Our research methods consisted mostly of communication with the real estate agents and online research. Our more practical research involved visiting the building. We weren’t granted access to go inside, but we were able to photograph the exterior and get an idea of the space.




Our main idea for this project was to create a social campaign that would mobilize the community to help us find a solution for the building. There were two paths that we could take in order to achieve this : an online social campaign, and an offline one. For the online social campaign, we started off by creating ideas for our project’s identity. Each team member came up with a collection of ideas that we would later discuss, merge or dismiss. We explored different logos, color schemes, illustrations, photographs and website prototypes before finally deciding on one. We also explored different ways with which the contributors would be able to submit their entries. One of the first suggestions we tried out was by email. This failed, probably because people don’t want to go through the effort of drawing, scanning and emailing. Later we tried out QR codes and in-website drawing programs, before finally settling for a Tumblr blog with a simple “Upload” feature. We also experimented with a Facebook page, but realized quickly that we wouldn’t receive enough traffic, in the time frame we had, in order for it to be truly interactive and effective.

For our the offline campaign, the biggest test we executed was printing out flyers and handing them out in the neighborhood of the Toren van Oud. The flyer consisted of a photograph of the building, our logo and a bit of text inviting the reader to draw an idea on the rear side of the paper. We also asked them to photograph and email it to a special email we created for the project, but as it reads above, this strategy failed.


Rather than allocate different roles to each team member, we decided it would be more interesting to each work on the same tasks in order to get more varied results. Then, we would eliminate the weakest ideas, and merge the other ones. Furthermore, there was a lot of technical prototyping that had to be done. We needed to chose and try out a bunch of different hosts, layouts, and styles before settling on our final one. The most important facet that we concluded from the prototyping phase is that it’s very difficult to reach out to people, be it through a screen or via more analog methods. It is hard to grab people’s attention and keep it long enough for them to want to contribute a minimum amount of effort for the project. Also, we found that our way of working was very effective for achieving interesting results that the whole group is satisfied with. The only downside is that it is more time consuming than if we had simply divided the tasks amongst ourselves. Most of our prototyping happened on the computer. From brainstorming, to choosing logos, designing flyers to creating websites, it was all done with the help of Adobe Creative Suite. The work that was done offline was mostly sketching, making mind maps, flowcharts, and of course the distribution of the flyers


Solution Our main issue throughout this project has been to figure out how to reach out to people and have them contribute. We believe that reactions have been scarce because people don’t want to invest time and energy out of their day, even though they might care about the fate of the building. This is why we decided to focus our efforts on creating a solid structure for a social campaign. We will put our campaign into effect on the day of the exhibition since we will have a large audience (hopefully) that will relish in the interactivity and will be willing to help us out with our project. On the day of the exhibition, we will build a model of the Toren van Oud that will double as a pinboard that people can pin their ideas onto. We will supply the papers and equipment needed for the creative process, as well as a beer for their efforts. Our website will still be helpful, as we plan on using it as a follow up to the exhibition. We will scan and upload them onto the website. Hopefully, our visitors will also spread the word to their friends and family, the abundance of content will then trigger more members of the community to contribute in the future.



Team index page 7

City for People

Maya Yena

Micca Teo

Sarah Alvim

maya_yena@yahoo.com mayayenna.tumblr.com

micca@navelle.com www.navelle.com

alvimsarah@gmail.com sarah-pacheco.tumblr.com

Bianca Ururahy

Caio Vita

Hany Saad

biankbiolchini@hotmail.com www.linkedin.com/pub/ bianca-ururahy/48/17a/249

vita.caio@gmail.com www.behance.net/caiovita

hsaadkabk@gmail.com www.linkedin.com/in/hanys

Sarah Gluschitz

Csaba Bogadi

Luke Pierson

sarah@gluschitz.de www.sarahgluschitz.com

bogadicsabi@gmail.com csabibogadi.tumblr.com

luke.s.pierson@gmail.com vimeo.com/lukepierson

page 17


page 27

Clear the Fog


page 37

Regen Balcón 解決方法 Sayo Wong

Karina König

Ana Valls

wonghuen@hotmail.com www.sayowong.com

karinakoenig@gmx.de www.karinakoenig.com

anavallsr@gmail.com seducemymindor.tumblr.com

Justina Laukaityté

Fahmy Shahin

Luka Kueter

justlauk@gmail.com www.facebook.com/ justina.laukaityte

fahmy.shahin@gmail.com www.fahmyshahin.com

lukakueter@gmail.com luka-f-kueter.tumblr.com

Nikki Hes

Sascha Kleerebezem

Azra Sudetic

nikki_bhd@hotmail.com www.restocked-clothing.com

saschakleerebezem@gmail.com sudeticazra@gmail.com www.soklear.com maxernstbodenstein.tumblr.com

page 47

Het Nieuwe Spoor

page 57

Space in Progress




The Future

2014 Concept and design Since Today - Photography Ana Valls

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