Secondnighters Magazine #15

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SL PHOTOGRAPHER DAFNE WATANABE How did you discover Second Life and what made you create an account?

How you describe your Photo style ? and what kind of subjects you like ?

A few years ago everyone was talking about Second Life, it

My favourite subjects are clearly portraits, tho i indulge in

was the new “cool thing”, even my husband could not wait

the occasional landscape now and then.

to try it... At first i resisted, but at some point curiosity took

At first i started with portraits because my laptop’s graphic

over and i created my first avatar, Dafne.

card didn’t do justice to the beautiful landscapes you can see in SL, while a more focused subject was way easier to

It was love at first sight, a totally new experience for me, so

work with.

much that my husband joked about my initial skepticism

Now it is just for my passion for the incredible beauty and

for a while :)

emotion that an avatar can communicate, almost as it has a life on its own.

And when you discover the virtual photography art ?

Most of my pictures are actually self portraits, but only because when i started i was too shy to ask others to pose and now i’m used to control every aspect of the picture,

In RL photography has been my greatest passion for many

appearance of the avatar included...

years, but at first i didn’t realized i could translate such

My style? I try to explore new techniques, so i haven’t a

passion somehow in SL.

precise style, anyway i like simplicity, clean lines and in my portraits the eyes are often the protagonist.

It was when i discovered Flickr and the amazing community

The most important aspect is that all my pictures reflect me

that found there its home that i went from taking random

in so many ways...

snapshot to really focus into the image creating process. Of course it took me some time and the help of a wonderful

You took inspiration by RL and by famous Artist ?

artist and friend like Sebcaen Neox (who was the first to reach out for me and make me feel welcomed in Flickr) to

I love art, but i don’t take inspiration by RL artists, it is more

find the courage to show my pictures to others.

like a spontaneous act. I start with a snapshot and i see where it will takes me, not really planning ahead.


Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.