The Flower of Bliss

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The Temple of Paradise Trilogy

Book 1: The Flower of Bliss Book 2: The Code of Creation Book 3: The Oracle of Revelation

ZoĂŤin Press Bali Indonesia 2000

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The Temple of Paradise An Epic Trilogy

Sri Shunyata

By the same author: “Skull Seduction” Us Publications May 17 1993 “Messages From The Void” Us Publications May 18, 1993 “Love Chronicles” Us Publications May 17, 1993

Copyright All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form (unless released for public press as permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law), without written permission from the publishers and author. “The Temple Of Paradise” was first copyright as “The Ark an Adventure in Magik” TXU 337-024, 1988. Its Library of Congress catalogue card number is presently “The Temple of Paradise”: TXU 573510, May 20, 1993 and (Visuals) VAu 297-872 May 19, 1994.

© Shunyata 1994

Dedicated To: The Way of Wisdom & Living Truth

Acknowledgments T he

power of destiny, the principle of intelligence or whatever you prefer to call it, has been a relentless guide. The spirit of inspiration, the supra-conscious guide and the far reaching powers that reign over Coincidence, Prophecy and Revelation have pulled and pushed until this book was born. It is to these para-human invariables that I bow most deeply. Before one can draw a breath there must be air to Sri Vajra Sarasvati, the devi of knowledge and music, of breathe. Before one can attain writing and the arts is enthroned upon the lap of Brahma. In earlier epics they were Prajapati, the creator, and Vac, the intelligence there must be power of Creation, the divine Word, the eternal Logos. something to know. History and legend overlap in swirling eddies of time. While truth remains the same our perception of it changes like the seasons. Intelligence is both universal and individual. It is the guiding force that regulates our heart beat, that gives us the ability to reason, to have ideas, and to develop the arts and sciences. It is the same principle of intelligence that makes a tree grow in the forest, a bird sing on its branches and indeed, that directs the course of heavenly orbits and sets the world in motion. The personifications of intelligence, its shades and variations and the marvelous treasure that they bestow are immortalized in Nature and deified in Mythology (the language of Dreams). (Vactra), the Master of Consciousness; (Brhaspati), Illuminating Wisdom; (Yogisvara and Yogisvari), the Principle and Power of Yoga; Sarasvati and Prajnaparamita; Manjushri; Ganesha and Nandikeshvara; Hermes; Thoth; Mercury; Dionysus. May all the Wisdom Holders accept the “Temple of Paradise� as an offering to the ageless lineage of unmitigated truth. I respectfully honor Lakulisha, Gosala, Kapila, Lao Tsu, Plato, Pythagoras and the faceless masters who have embodied Golden

Wisdom and perpetuated the Creator’s dream of Paradise. Throughout history many have suffered persecution, hardship and even death for their dedication to wisdom. It is upon innumerable shoulders that this work stands. The pioneers of the ‘new renaissance’, people like John Michell, Robert Lawlor, R.A. Schwaller De Lubicz, Dane Rudhyar, Sir Arthur Woodroffe, Stella Kramrisch, Mircea Eliade, Keith Critchlow and Peter Tompkins, have made invaluable contributions to the world of knowledge. My deepest gratitude goes to the late Alain Danielou. His work has been instrumental to my development. Without his research, intelligence and literary accomplishments I wouldn’t have had a chance. This book is a tribute to him and the great lineage that he opened to the world. To all who have shared in this profound experience and contributed to make “The Temple of Paradise” possible, I offer the heart flower of gracious gratitude. I recognize and thank all the authors and publishers who have granted me permission to use their quotes:

Insert Quote Sources recognition

Uma my former apprentice was an immense help. Her hand scribing (of some thousand pages of my scribble) and support was crucial. I am indebted to Robert Bereny for his translation of the “King of Wisdom Mantras” and for getting ‘the ball rolling’. His “The Art of Divination” is also much appreciated. I recognize Tim Shaw for his editorial assistance and Terry Satterthwaite for his technical input; Malani Richardson for her help through a chaotic time; Sadue Darius Fisher and DNA Systems for their follow through, perseverance and generous support.

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