Jacket Buzz (3/28/12)

Page 1

Madsen named National Merit Finalist p.7

The Price of Eating Healthy p. 8-9

Track struggles at MSU p.16

The Jacket buzz starkville high school • 603 Yellow jacket Dr. Starkville, MS, 39759 • www.shsjacketbuzz.com • VOLUME XIX, No. 5 • 03-28-12

Stringer wins Beauty Revue

iPads for students?

By Leah Gibson News writer The Starkville High School Beauty Revue is a tradition that showcases the poise and grace of the SHS Lady Yellow Jackets. The Beauty Revue was hosted on Saturday night at the Greensboro center. The new Ms. Yellow Jacket is freshman Kathryn Stringer; junior Mary Elizabeth Stringer’s little sister. Ms. Yellow Jacket 2011, Mary Elizabeth Stringer enjoyed her experience and offered advice for the contestants. “Just go out and have fun on stage,” Stringer said. “Don’t get too stressed out about it.” Sophomore Beauty Arbanie Sykes, another first time contestant, shared her thoughts on the pageant. “This [was] my first Beauty Revue at the high school,” Sykes said. “I am glad that I decided to participate.” According to Kathryn Stringer, neither she nor her sister had time to practice, so the win came as a complete surprise. “I was so excited and nervous,” Catherine Stringer said. “I don’t even remember what I was feeling when I was crowned.”

Students observe Lent By Steve Jones News writer

SHS has chance of getting iPads through grants By Merve Karan News editor Starkville High School may soon get a classroom set of iPads thanks to a grant by librarian Terrie Kennett. “We would like to have a set of 30 iPads on a mobile cart that teachers can check out and take to their rooms,” Kennett said. “Kids can get the iPads out and read books and whatever they need to for research.” The librarians aren’t the only ones who are interested in using more technology in school. “We’ve got to bring it into the more mainstream of education,” principal Keith Fennell said. “It is reflective of what this society understands, and it is what is required to capture students’ attention and keep them motivated and interested.” The problem the administration sees is how to correctly manage the technology and make sure students are responsible with the equipment, only using it for educational means. “I feel like there are a lot of things going on right now behind the scenes to move in that direction, whether it’s Macs or iPads or other tablets in regards to textbooks,” Fennell said. But simply having the technology is not enough. Students must have the desire to better themselves as well.

“If you raise your standards as an individual, you’ll see the standards increase as a school,” Fennell said. “Students need to aspire to be the best they can be and not be satisfied with run of the mill success.” Currently, all core classes at SHS have SMARTboards. And SHS still seems to have a shortage, simply because of the lack of funding. “If the legislature could fully fund the Adequate Education Program in Mississippi, I think it would make a profound difference,” counselor Juawice McCormick said. “If they would continue to support us through high quality teacher recruitment and the latest in technology that we could provide for kids, then I think we could continue to excel and go so many places.” By 2014, the Starkville School District hopes to have SMARTboards in every classroom. SHS is the only school in the district that doesn’t. SHS teachers also have the oldest computers in the district—some computers aren’t even capable of handling the SMARTboard software. “The teachers will be getting new computers between six months to a year,” SHS technology coordinator Lenora Hogan-Samuels said. “They’re doing a cycle where they replace all the teachers’ computers first in all of the schools and then come back and replace all of the student computers.”

Sophomore Sara Lacy Graham only eats one apple and two celery sticks a day. She’s given up food for Lent. “I want to be as close to God as possible, so I gave up what His Son did: Eating,” Graham said. During Lent, some Christians participate in abstinence, fasting and confession to strengthen their faith. Christians either give up or add to their lives something that will help them grow closer to God. Some do this for personal reasons, some simply because tey were raised to. “I gave up Twitter and Facebook use,” junior Peter Kuykendall said. “Now I am doing more productive things like studying and building things.” Teacher Angela Hobart tried something new for Lent. “I gave up coffee for two days--I almost died,” Hobart said. “This time, I pick a different person every day and I pray for them.” There is no penalty for not observing Lent, but observers say it’s a blessing. “It gives you a chance to focus on your relationship to God and have a better relationship with Him,” junior Emily Damm said.

14 26 28 30 2 6 & 9 April 28March Choir State Festival

Mississippi Scholastic Press Associaton

Jacket Jam Greensboro Center 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Good Friday NO SCHOOL

Inclement Weather Day NO SCHOOL

ACT test

Choir Spring Concert 7:00


Page 2 • 03-28-12



SHS choir manages safe return from NYC Students work towards By Tyler Griffis News writer Over spring break, 17 of the Starkville High School choir members sang with youth choirs from across the country in the National Youth Chorale at Carnegie Hall in New York City. Students from Alaska, Kansas, Arkansas, Florida and New York composed the Chorale, directed by Anton Armstrong. The groups arrived Thursday evening and worked on music for four days. While there, the choir went into sightseeing groups. “We became very familiar with the New York cab drivers and the metro,” choir director Regina Weeks laughed. Milestones included the 9/11 Memorial, the Empire State Building and the Museum of Modern Art. They shopped in Soho and Times Square and saw the Broadway production “Wicked.” One group went to the Apollo

Theater, and performed impromptu on the stage when management found out that they were a high school choir. “Normally, we’d go get Starbucks right around the corner, and then we’d just go back to the hotel room,” sophomore Brian Roberts said. The Carnegie performance was open to the public. Mailend Easley was in New York visiting her son, so the pair came to the performance, as did senior Alexis Bell’s father and aunts, who drove all the way from Starkville. “It wasn’t packed,” Weeks said.“But from what I saw, it was very close to it.” After the performance, the students went on the cruise ship “Spirit of New York,” where they had a buffet, dance and New York Harbor tour. All this was nice after the terrible issues getting there. On the way there, their flight from Birmingham was cancelled – the plane’s sensors had gone off. The choir

healthier lifestyle By Steve Jones News writer

SHS choir sightseeing in front of the Brooklyn bridge. Courtesy photo.

had to rehearse at 7 p.m. on Thursday evening, so Delta Airlines supplied a charter bus to Atlanta for an earlier flight. But when Armstrong heard about Starkville’s problems, he led the Youth Choral in an ovation for the weary SHS choir. And fter about an hour into the flight out of New York, the plane malfunctioned. “The captain notified the passengers that she lost the hydraulics,” Weeks said. “[The captain] could steer, but

wouldn’t have brakes to stop.” Within 30 minutes of the harrowing flight, the adults prayed and meditated on taking another plane to Birmingham. Delta officials reassured them, so they took another flight without incident. The choir profusely thanked the staff of SHS for their support of the choir program. “We’re really so appreciative of everyone’s help to make that dream a possibility,” Weeks said.

The only way sophomore Andrea Feliceli can eat at school is if she brings her own peanut butter sandwiches and soy chocolate bars. Feliceli is a vegan, so she can’t eat most things in the Starkville High School cafeteria--she can’t eat meat or other animal products. “I just really like animals, and I want to save them without [supporting] PETA,” Feliceli said. Feliceli is not alone here at SHS. Sophomore Matt Mlsna is a vegetarian, which means that he can eat animal products, but still no meat. “I’ve always wanted to shorten the deaths I’m responsible for of other animals,” Mlsna joked. A vegetarian diet is low in saturated fat, which prevents high cholesterol, as plant

foods do not contain saturated fats. Vegetarian diets also have higher levels of fiber than meat-based diets. This means that the chances of getting heart disease are very unlikely. “I started planning out my diet more,” Feliceli said. “75 percent of my diet is peanut butter, because it’s filled with proteins, fibers and whatnot.” A large problem with cafeteria food today is that all meals contain meat, even the salads. For vegetarians and vegans, this makes for very unappetizing lunches. “Some of the smells in the cafeteria just makes me sick,” Mlsna said. This benefit filled lifestyle is a healthy alterative to a traditional meat-based diet. “It really works for me, but it’s not for everyone,” Mlsna said.

FOOTLOOSE April 12, 13 & 14 - 7:00 SHS Theater


April 15 2:00



03-28-12 • Page 3

Cultural education necessary to keep up in world By Merve Karan News editor Around the world, there has been a push for more cultural education in schools due to the growing culture gap between nations. Starkville High School is not immune to this cultural gap. “We definitely have an intolerance issue with other cultures,” senior Maggie George said. “I’ve met a lot of people who just don’t know what they should about world cultures. They’re ignorant, and it’s not their fault--they just haven’t been taught.” Although SHS does have geography, world history and Advanced Placement european history classes, these are not the same as culture classes. The main aim and purpose

of history classes is to teach history, not the individual cultures of different regions of the world. “I know it is part of the curriculum in middle school, I remember that,” George said. “But it needs to be part of the curriculum in high school as well.” SHS has a diverse student body and faculty with individuals from states as far away as California and countries as far away as Russia, India and Japan. But still, there are many students, as well as teachers, who don’t have a good grasp on what other cultures and religions believe in. “One of the most important things they can do in the school system now is start teaching about cultural tolerance,” George added. “It

needs to be about what ties cultures together and the similarities between the cultures.” Cultural education and tolerance exceeds the realm of local, day to day, interactions. A broadened sense of understanding proves even more important in today’s global economy. “If you have a broadened culture, you cannot hate someone just because they are different than you,” Ranko Vilovic, Croatian ambassador to the United Nations and Chair of the U.N. CounterTerrorism Committee said. “Troops can only solve the problem currently, but in the long term, [societies need] education.” Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea, builds schools in areas of the Middle East where there are none or

EDITOR’S NOTE: Last issue, we ran the story “First black Homecoming queen remembers crowning.” Since then, others who were present for the event in the story have disputed Dr. Brenda Rogers-Grays’ story. If there were any inaccuracies, we apologize. We will more thoroughly fact-check from now on.

in areas that have schools that are teaching children extremist values and terrorism. In the extremist schools, children are taught to hate Western Civilization due to events that have occured in history and to the lands occupied by those armies today. For the most part, the citizens of these nations have been very cooperative with Mortenson and have encouraged their children, especially their daughters, to go to these schools. Last year, Mortenson spoke at Mississippi State University on how building schools in impoverished areas has proven to be beneficial in fighting terrorism, as it exposes children to a wider variety of cultures. “If we try to resolve terrorism with military might and nothing else, then we will be

Croatian ambassador to the U.N., Ranko Vilovic, speaks to high school students at Mississippi State University earlier in February. Courtesy photo.

no safer than we were before 9/11,” Mortenson said in his book. “If we truly want a legacy of peace for our children,

we need to understand that this is a war that will ultimately be won with books, not with bombs.”

Cartwright returns from D.C. By Merve Karan News editor Last semester, Starkville High School junior Ethan Cartwright was one of 30 pages from all over the nation that attended the Senate Page School in Washington, D.C. “We’re pretty much errand runners for one of the world’s most powerful deliberative bodies,” Cartwright said. Part of Cartwright’s concern going into the program was about the other 29 pages he was supposed to live and work with. “I was surprised to find out that most of them were just average teenagers,” he said. And just like all average teenagers, the pages had to go to school. The SPS is an independent school located in the attic of the Congress. They went to school from 6:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and took four classes a semester. “It was a lot more rigorous [than SHS],” Cartwright said. “Our work had to be done as homework.”

But paging isn’t just about work. Senate pages enjoy various privileges. “We had unlimited access of the capitol building,” Cartwright said. “It’s a real life working art exhibit.” Pages were also given free range around D.C. to see everything they wanted to see. They also had plenty of interaction with the senators. “I would see them talking about things like football, food and music,” Cartwright said. “This experience taught me that the people we send to Washington are just that: people.” The pages stayed at the Webster Hall Senate Page Residence Dorm. Before it was a dormitory, Webster Hall was a funeral home. “Around the year 2003 they actually brought a priest to bless the dorm because they had been getting a lot of reports about a ghost,” Cartwright said. Another lesson that Cartwright learned from his experience was a greater appreciation for those around him.

Cartwright with his Senate sponser, Senator Thad Chochran. Courtesy photo.

“Me and 29 pages were forced to live together for five months,” Cartwright said. “We worked together, went to school together, and really we were the only kids that each other knew at this time.” Pages were not allowed access to their cell phones, Facebook, or any other means of social networking while attending page school. “This experience taught me that sometimes it’s nice to slow down and live in the moment,” Cartwright added.

Page 4 • 03-28-12



Model Security teaches valuable skills Mu Alpha Theta By Christine Mazzola Sports editor Senior Maggie George’s political interests go beyond United States borders, and Starkville High School’s Model Security Council program is a perfect way for her to learn about global issues. “[Model Security] seemed like such a great opportunity to get to know more about how the U.N. works and also how the world works,” George said. While she learned valuable skills in speech, debate and compromise, she also met a variety of people from around the state that shared her interests. One of these people was Northwest Rankin High School junior, Alan Guy. Guy had always been interested in politics and was encouraged by his mother to join his school Model Security organization. “It’s important to know what’s going on on the other

side of the ocean,” Guy said. “To Americans, it doesn’t seem like such a big deal because America is so large, but other countries are actually [physically] connected to each other.” Guy, who plans on majoring in international relations when he goes to college, feels that it’s important to be educated on the way countries are interlinked, both politically and economically. Echoing him was Ambassador Ranko Vilovic, Croatian ambassador to the U.N. and the conference’s diplomatic guest. Vilovic believes education is an essential component to cracking many of the world’s most pressing problems, including cultural intolerance and terrorism. “It is the investment in the future,” Vilovic said. “It is a better investment than any other investment, so we should not spare efforts, time, money or resources in education.”

team starts with win By Steve Jones News writer

Senior Maggie George taking notes during debate. Photo by Merve Karan.

American students increasingly need to understand global politics in a more connected world, but MSC sponsor Carolyn Goodman has seen the number of students in the club drop through recent years. “Part of that is due to the fact that in the past we had many Thespians involved,” Goodman said. “The reason for that is the sponsor was the head of the theatre department. But once that

person retired, others of us in the social studies department became the head. So there wasn’t that push in the theatre department.” For George, what she’s learned has many applications. “It looks really great on resumes because it shows that you’re very active in debate and in world politics and world issues,” George said. “It shows that you care. Colleges, I’m sure, like that.”

Starkville High School won a competition outside of its normal areas. This time, it was not in the usual sports, nor the award-winning arts programs, but the growing math department. On March 8, SHS’s math club, Mu Alpha Theta, made the top six in two levels of competition at the University of Southern Mississippi, where the nation-wide American Mathematics Competition was held. There are two levels of competition: AMS10, and AMS12. AMS12 is for juniors and jeniors. The winners in this level were junior Hannah Miller (6th), senior Brian Xu (4th), junior Ethan Musser (3rd) and senior Kris Madsen (2nd). “The first nine or so were pretty easy,” Madsen said.

“But they got progressively harder after that.” AMS10 is for sophomores and under. The winners in this level were sophomore Nick Elder (6th), sophomore David Yan (5th), freshman Flannery Voges-Haupt (3rd) and sophomore Dasha Bondarenko (2nd). Upon arrival, students sat at their assigned seats and were handed their test packets. There were 25 multiple choice questions and students had 75 minutes to complete them. Each question was six points but if answered incorrectly, no points are taken off. If a question was left blank, two and a half points were added to the score. “They encourage you not to guess,” math teacher and director of Mu Alpha Theta Wade Williams said. Williams wants to keep up this winning streak and bring in more awards to the math department.

PPS hosts first Jacket Jam By Cullom McCormick Editor-in-Chief On April 2, Parents for Public Schools will host Jacket Jam, a showcase of the talents and awards of the Starkville School District and welcome upcoming supt. Lewis Holloway. Admission will be free and free barbeque will be available for the first 500 guests. “It’s a celebration of all the good things in the public schools this year,” PPS member Nelle Cohen said. “Everybody is welcome.” Students from across the district will showcase their talents, from the Starkville High School Jazz Band to the Armstrong Middle School cast of “Grease.” There will also be speeches and perfromances from individual SHS students.

Jacket Jam Award and talent showcase Greensboro Center Admission free April 2 5:30-7:30 p.m.

“Parents for Public Schools is an organization dedicated to promoting the good work that goes on in the schools,” PPS president Anne Buffington said. “Our hope for our first Jacket Jam is to showcase all the hard work and talent of our programs and give a big community welcome to Dr. Holloway.” Not only will the district students perform and speak, but the schools’ art departments will have a chance to show their work in the Yellow Jacket Gallery. SHS’s state championship

boys soccer team will get its time in the limelight also. Holloway will attend not as an administrator or a speaker, but as a member of the Starkville community. He doesn’t want the event to be entirely about him, but PPS encourages the whole community to come and see what Holloway is like. “I hope that everybody— not just those in the district—can come and get to know Holloway,” Buffington said. Jacket Jam is also cosponsored by the SSD Parent Teacher Association and the Starkville Foundation for Public Education. The event will be from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Greensboro Center. In the event of rain, it will move to SHS.



03-28-12 • Page 5

SHS choir passes District, goes to State By Tyler Griffis News writer

Bennett wins in NSA drawing Senior George Bennett was awarded the National Scholastics Award for his drawing “Savannah Rose” (above). Bennett was one of several thousand art students across the country who had passed onto the Nationals from the State level. “I’m really honored to recieve this award and that I get to become part of the legacy that is the White House,” Bennett said. “I also get a really cool medal.”

JROTC looks for redemption in Vicksburg By Kelley Mazzola News writer On March 31, the JROTC rifle team will return to Vicksburg for a meet. It’s the second competition of the spring season, and Sergeant Major Robert Bishop likes his team’s potential. “It’s a young team, a lot of freshmen and one senior,” Bishop said. “We have some promising kids.” The rifle team won third at the last meet in Vicksburg on Feb. 25, but freshman Connor Bohna isn’t satisfied. “Our sights got messed up on the way down,” Bohna said. “It was a lot of people’s first meet, so they were kind of nervous.”

Lieutenant Colonel Charlese Webb says the experience of the younger cadets will be the deciding factor. “It’s a new team, a lot of freshmen,” Webb said. “[We’re] always looking to improve.” Marvin Hughes, the lone senior and battalion commander, feels that with the experience of the Feb. 25 meet behind them, many of the team members are better prepared and will perform exceptionally well. “It’s a new team with new shooters and a new style,” Hughes said. “In the end, with a lot of practice and encouragement from Sgt. Major, we can do anything.”

The Starkville High School choir brought home six superiors at the District Festival earlier this year. These superiors mean qualified the choir to perform at the state level Tuesday and today. “We’re not competing against other schools,” choir director Regina Weeks said. “It’s about trying to get as flawless a performance as possible.” To get that flawless performance, Weeks had the choir working harder than ever. Every individual ensemble has its own set of songs. Meanwhile, both the New York and All State conference had different songs altogether.

Choir Choir State Festival Pearl, MS March 27-28

In addition to this, some groups are working on things for the Spring Concert later this semester. “She’s always on us about singing,” senior Jalen Catledge said. “We sing from bell to bell. It’s fun, but at the same time, it’s tiring.” In sight-reading, a choir is given a rhythm and must correctly perform it. Next, they get a piece that they have never read before. They must go over the new song, practice it and then perform it, all within one minute.

Assistant Choir Directer Joel Barron leads choir practice. Photo by Barrett Higginbotham.

“Sight-reading’s not just something you can get up and do,” asst. choir director Joel Barron said. “You have to work at it.” At District, SHS was the only school to get a Superior at sight-reading, a subject Weeks devotes much class time to. “We had really rigorous judges at District,” senior Lau-

ren Hughes said. “So I think it’ll be good.” Weeks plans to continue training the choir just like a sports team as she’s known to do, tackling problems and lecturing students like a selfproclaimed football coach. It’s a method that hasn’t failed, that she doesn’t see failing any time soon.

Langford juggles SHS band, MSU orchestra By Merve Karan News editor For Starkville High School junior Brooke Langford, band practice doesn’t simply end at school. Langford is one of the two high school students that play for the Philharmonic Orchestra at Mississippi State University. She’s the only student from SHS, and the other high school student is a sax player from Starkville Academy. Playing for the Philharmonic Orchestra is a rare and unique opportunity, which happened to find Langford by happy chance. “I work at Mississippi State as well,” band director Shawn Sullivan said. “The guy there was needing another flute player and I said, ‘I have the person for you.’” Although the thought of juggling both the SHS band and the MSU orchestra may cause some students to back away from the offer, Langford didn’t think twice.

“They asked me if I wanted to do it, and I said ‘Sure, I don’t have much else to do,’” Langford said. The Philharmonic Orchestra is made up of MSU students that not only play their own concerts, but also have concerts alongside the Starkville Symphonic Orchestra, which is composed of professional musicians from areas such as Alabama and Memphis. “We actually played a concert with SSO on March 3,” Langford said. “We have our own concert April 10 at Lee Hall.” Of course, being a band kid, Langford isn’t unfamiliar with performing in front of a large crowd. It’s the experience of working with people years older than her, as well as professionals, that she’s enjoyed the most. “It’s been great,” Langford said. “It’s cool playing with college students because I’m one of the few high school students that actually get to play with them. I’m learning a lot.”

Junior Brooke Langford diligently playing her flute in the SHS band hall. Photo by Robert Dandass.



03-28-12 • Page 7

Madsen, NMSC finalist, chalks it all up to luck By Tyler Griffis News writer With his intellectualism and achievements, one might expect senior Kris Madsen to be a zealous student, always studying and working. But Madsen says that’s not the case. “I don’t work for it,” Madsen said. “That’s not what’s happening.” Like juniors everywhere, Madsen took the Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test. He made a high enough score to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, thus becoming a “semi-finalist” for the scholarship. He then got letters of recommendation and applied for the scholarship itself, moving on to the finalist level. It takes intellect, and the competition is fierce.

But in school, he doesn’t study much. In many classes he doesn’t pay attention at all. He makes A’s because that’s what’s expected of him, but otherwise doesn’t work especially hard. “What is there beyond an A?” Madsen asked. “There’s no AA. The best I can do is an A, so that’s all I do.” Madsen believes that his success is largely due to sheer luck. He says the education system as a whole is geared towards certain people, which he just so happens to be. “Schools get people in college,” Madsen explained. “Colleges are run by professors. Professors think a certain way. And they’re the ones writing the textbooks… My dad’s a professor. I think like my dad. Just by nature of that chance, I can understand what they’re trying to say.” The system Madsen talks

about has roots from over a century ago. The education model the United States follows was set up in the Industrial Revolution. The goal was to teach the maximum amount of people how to read, write and add so they would be sufficient workers in a factory. Everything about modern high school hails back to it. Students are arranged by expected production date, change stations according to a bell and most importantly, are taught by standards. Everyone learns the same thing the same way and gets the same test. Madsen says the problem is that not everyone thinks that way. Not everyone has his luck of thinking like the system tests for, and individual effort is largely ineffectual. “It’s astronomically unfair to lump so many people with all different categories

of thought all into one congealed mass,” Madsen added heatedly. “When people can work so hard and not do well, while I can, that is a big red flag right there that something is wrong with your system.” His advice to the student body: “Do whatever you want.” He says that regardless of whether NMSC says someone is or isn’t “academically talented,” everyone has potential. “Everybody is a genius,” Madsen said, quoting Albert Einstein. “But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” Madsen plans to attend Boise State University in the fall, and he thinks he might end up as a physicist at a university due to his broad variety of interests. “In the most literal sense, it’s the study of everything,” he said.

Madsen reads his Advanced Placement European History textbook in the SHS library. Photo by Barrett Higginbotham.

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Page 10 • 3-28-12


The editorial below is a written collaboration among all members of the Jacket Buzz editorial staff. Ideas expressed represent the majority opinion of the student editors.

Technology should be incorporated into classroom routine It’s truly a challenge to find any aspect of our day-to-day lives that hasn’t been improved by technology. Technological leaps have dramatically altered the way we look at medicine, media, music and even art. It is obvious, then, that such technological advances should lend themselves to improvement in education. Technology needs to become an integral part of our education, and soon. The purpose of school is to educate and prepare students for the world awaiting them upon graduation. Our world is rapidly becoming one that is largely if not entirely dependent on technology. So it is only logical that our school should prepare us for the complexities of an ever evolving technological world. The first step in doing so is incorporating technology into the classroom. No, we don’t expect everyone to be handed an iPad on the first day of school, but lifting the ban on cell phones is an excellent place to start. Incorporating the use of cell phones in class will teach

students how to use technology in new and productive ways. When we eventually become graduates of Starkville High School, we will find ourselves in a world where we are rarely if ever without technology. It only makes since that we should be using such technology in the arena that is intended to prepare us to for the outside world. By incorporating the use of cell phones into our curriculum, we will be learning to live and work with the tools that we will use in life. It is understandable why the use of cell phones is worrisome to high school administrators. With all the applications and tools that smart phones have to offer, it is easy to see how they can quickly become a distraction to the learning process. However, by allowing students to use their phones as an educational aid in class, students will learn to responsibly utilize the tools their phones offer. Allowing students to use their phones in class in respon-

sible and productive ways will educate students on appropriate and helpful ways to use technology in school and ultimately life. If students can use their phones in class without being repremanded, the sigma of phone use in the classroom will be removed. Students don’t feel it necessary to hide their phones will be far more willing to use them only at appropriate times. Conversely, they will be far less likely to feel the need to use them at times that are distracting to the learning process. As is the case with any change in policy, it is inevitible that some problems will arise. We understand that there are times that phones can become unnecessary distractions. However, we feel that the pros of allowing cell phones will far outweigh the cons. By allowing our student body to use phones as an integral part of our curriculum, we will be preparing them to enter the constantly evolving technological world we will all eventually have to live and work in.

“Baptisms” disrespectful, offensive to Holocaust victims Didn’t see that coming


Recently, several groups of Mormons have been performing “baptisms” on dead Holocaust victims. This is one of the most immoral, disrespectful religious practices today. Mormons are encouraged to perform proxy baptisms on their ancestors to ensure the family will be together in the afterlife. Although members are instructed limit these baptisms to their family members, the practice of baptizing deceased Holocaust victims has grown in popularity in recent years. Most victims have no way to object to these baptisms because

they have no living relatives to speak on their behalf. In 1995, the Church of Latter Day Saint’s made an agreement stating that it would no longer baptize dead Holocaust victims, but the terms of this agreement are often ignored. This practice is not done out of malice, but is a misguided act violating Jewish principals and disregarding the wishes of the family of the deceased. The core of this issue is a disrespect of Judaism. The men and women who lost their lives as a result of this mass genocide did so as Jews. Judaism was not forced upon them. On the contrary, it would have been far easier to renounce any ties to Judaism in this time of anti-Semitism, but they didn’t. So, why do those performing these baptisms believe that they are performing a service to the deceased by ridding them of their religious affiliations? This ideology demonstrates a fundamental disrespect of these victims and the way they chose to live. Not only are those performing these baptisms not considering

The Jacket Buzz Volume 19, Issue 5

March 23, 2012

Cullom McCormick Editor-in-Chief

Merve Karan News Editor

Jordan Cohen Opinions Editor

Mark Anne Hobart Marketing Director

Bailey Brocato Yearbook Editor

Christine Mazzola Sports Editor

R.J. Morgan Adviser

Staff Members News

Keith Caprio, Kelley Mazzola, Leah Gibson


Aaron Remotigue, Angela White, Wheeler Richardson

Statement of Policy

The Jacket Buzz is published three times each semester by the Journalism Department at Starkville High School. The Jacket Buzz is a student-run publication committed to providing SHS with objective information regarding SHS. The Jacket Buzz serves SHS as a forum for student expression. Content decisions are made by student editors, and factual errors will be corrected by a retraction in the next issue.


Opinions expressed are those of students and don’t reflect


to the Editor are accepted and published, excluding those


not be published, and all are subject to editing. Please email

Tyler Griffis, Jessi Collier, George Bennett

the views of others in the Starkville School Distict. Letters

Barrett Higginbothom, Victoria Hearn

that are deemed libelous or disruptive. Unsigned letters will

Patricia Kilgore

all letters and comments, to shsjacketbuzz@gmail.com.

the wishes of the deceased, but they are blatantly ignoring the wishes of the living. When Elie Wiesel heard that his father and grandfather, who both died in the Holocaust, were baptized, he called on former Massachusetts governor and Mormon Mitt Romney to repeal these baptisms. Romney refused to comment on the situation, and as it turns out, he helped perform one of these baptisms on one of his atheistic relatives after he died in 1992. Simon Wiesenthal’s mother Rosa died in 1942 in the Belzek extermination camp. His father, Asher, died in World War I. Wiesenthal passed away in 2005 after dedicating his life to informing people about the Holocaust, and now his parents are deemed “Mormons.” If a Holocaust survivor, or anyone from any religion for that matter, chose to convert to Mormonism, that is their decision, and I respect it. But these victims have no way to object to these baptisms, and it displays blatant ignorance to the wishes of the deceased.

Buy your yearbook before it’s too late! Come to Mr. Morgan’s room and Get yours today!



3-28-12 • Page 11

Legal drinking age should be lowered Letter to the Editor The way I see it

Matt Mlsna

The legal drinking age in the United States of America should be lowered from its current restriction, 21 years old, to 18 years old. If U.S. citizens can be tried as adults at the age of 18, why can’t they drink alcoholic beverages? Even though they have all of the responsibilities that a 21 year-old has, the government does not allow 18 year-old the same rights. If they can fight for their country,

pay taxes, or purchase a home just like every other adult, why aren’t they treated as adults? Some may say that lowering the drinking age encourages under age drinking at college, but even with the current drinking law most early college students do drink. If the law is lowered then perhaps we can focus less on patrolling for those drinking illegally between 18 and 20, and more on insuring that the newest set of young adults are able to drink responsibly. It makes little sense to keep the drinking age at 21. With the majority of the world having the legal drinking age set at 18, why is our legal age set three years later? Some may say that 18 year-olds,

many of whom are just graduating high school, are not mature enough to drink independently, but many 21 year-olds aren’t mature enough to drink responsibly either. 18 year-olds have recently been placed into adult life, and they consequently have to abide by every set of rules that adults must follow. So why can’t they have the same privileges? There are countless reasons to lower the drinking age in the U.S., all of which center around maturity. If our country choses to recognise someone as an adult at 18, they should be treated as adults. This current age does not allow one truly be an adult at 18, although they have all the obligations of adulthood.

Are women working 97% as hard as men?

After all the intolerant rhetoric I’ve heard in the last few months, I think it’s time for a quick glance at the nature of religious freedom and cultural diversity in this country. After all, it’s interwoven into the very fabric of our nation! Many of the core values of the U.S. were considered radical ideas at the time they were proposed—religious freedom was still a concept in its infancy as far as the tyrants of Europe were concerned. For hundreds of years various Christian sects in Europe killed each other in bloody battles over usually miniscule differences in style of worship (not to mention the rest of the world’s violent history of religious conflicts). The U.S.’s daring declaration of free speech and religion gave more freedom to a nation’s people than ever before. The prevailing idea of personal liberty (including religious freedom) defines our country. The U.S. population is comprised of generations of immigrants. Most immigrants, like the first Puritan pilgrims to the New World, came to America seeking freedom from religious persecution. Though arguably the most diverse country in the world, the U.S. is unmarred by vicious fighting between religious groups; instead, we are one of the most successful nations in history. By virtue of our constitution, cultural, racial and religious tolerance has become tradition. Compared to the world’s present religious conflicts (Lebanon and Israel, for example), the relative peace between religious groups in the U.S. is incredible! Religious and cultural tolerance is our shared heritage; our nation’s diversity and unity is what makes us strong. It is a heritage to be proud of, to celebrate and to protect. As Americans, we have the rare opportunity to respect and embrace the diverse array of religions and cultures in our community (without sacrificing our own individual beliefs). This opportunity for better understanding between everyone is the path to peace—something we can all agree on!

Maggie George

United States must overcome male-female pay gap [In]Designer Jeans

CULLOM McCORMICK I never thought I’d say this, but the rest of the country should follow Minnesota’s lead. After all, with fringe benefits included, women in Minnesota earned 97 percent as much as men in 2005.

 Minnesota’s plan after a 1981 study was as follows: 1) Set aside 21.8 million dollars in compensation for female workers. 2) Assign similar values to female-dominated industries as those assigned to male-dominated industries. 3) Enforce more affirmative action for women and minorities. 4) Continue analyzing the situation for further improvements.
 With this plan in place, Minnesota’s gender pay gap closed by 10 percent from 1983 to 1993.

It’s time for the United States as a whole to come out of the nineteenth century and pay women what they’re worth. Even with all the controls accounted for, with all the education, industry type, experience, etc., taken into account, women constantly earn less than men. Statistics vary, but the gender pay gap in the U.S. usually rounds out at a staggering 20 percent. An activist can protest against sexism in the workplace all he wants, but the fact remains that there are a scant few female truck drivers. Alternatively, there aren’t that many male secretaries. Add to the matter that males occupy more high-ranking positions than women, and men usually end up having jobs that are more “worthwhile” to a state, and thus get greater pay value. Minnesota combated this issue by finding ways to assign comparable worth to female-dominated jobs. Also, employers are more willing to hire white male workers than they are to hire any other demographic. A study in The Academy of Management Journal showed

that even minority and female customers are more comfortable when their clerk or doctor is a white male as opposed to a black male or even a white female. As if the results on their own weren’t discouraging enough, such statistics give employers reason to hire white males over women and minorities, as they’ll get the greatest return for such preferential hiring. With this in mind, encouraging more affirmative action for female workers doesn’t seem like such an unnecessary idea. Also hindering women’s rightful pay is maternity leave. The U.S. is one of four countries in the world to not guarentee a paid maternity leave for every job, the rest being the Third World countries of Papua New Guinea, Swaziland and Lesotho. Maternity leave isn’t an all-expense paid vacation. American employers should stop treating it like it is. Withholding a woman’s pay for giving birth is like arresting a poor person for being unable to pay their taxes. Besides, employees are usually paid for sick leave, which makes an unpaid maternity leave even more ridiculous.

Page 12 • 03-28-12



Golf runs in Hobart family By Aaron Remotigue Sports Writer

Senior Savannah Hobart prepares for a shot at practice on the MSU golf course. Photo by Victoria Hearn.

For the Hobart family, the Starkville High School golf team is more than just another varsity sport. It’s a family affair. The Hobarts are known for being a family of athletes. Angela Hobart is not only the head golf coach for the Yellow Jackets, but the head swimming coach as well. Accompanying her on the golf team are her children senior Savannah Hobart and freshman Jace Hobart. Angela Hobart was a cheerleading coach for many years, but got involved with golf as her children became interested in the sport. She enjoys being the coach because it allows her to keep an eye on her children. “I enjoy having my kids there because I can enjoy watching them play, obviously,” Angela Hobart said. “I can also watch them at practice to make sure they are doing what they are sup-

posed to. Most the time as a parent, when you watch your children play, it’s from the sidelines, but because I’m a coach I can be involved.” Angela Hobart says she doesn’t have any problems treating her kids with impartiality. “If anything, I’m probably harder on them,” Angela Hobart said. “Also in being the coach I have the opportunity to interact with my children’s friends. That’s really important to me, because I like to be able to build relationships with my children’s friends.” Jace Hobart says that even though it’s great to have the family around, sometimes it gets a little competitive. “It’s family fun,” Jace Hobart said. “But sometimes they mess with me and say, ‘Oh, I could have made that shot,’ or ‘I can shoot a better score than you.’ They’re always around you even if you may not want them to be.” He won the Optimus tournament in Mississippi at the

age of twelve, and he went on to win first in the same tournament in Alabama. Savannah Hobart says her family makes golfing more interesting. “I definitely enjoy having them encouraging me,” Savannah Hobart said. “We make it a family competition.” Savannah Hobart says that the youngest member of her family, Kaylie Beth Hobart, is quite the golfer. “She is going to be really good,” Savannah Hobart said. “She is young, but she can hit the ball really far. I’m going to take her out this summer and work with her. She is also going to be taking lessons at the country club, and in the future, she will be a really good golfer.”

Next Game Four Way Tournament MSU Golf Course March 29 3 p.m.

Sports facilities undergo renovations By Christine Mazzola Sports Editor For athletic director Stan Miller, Starkville High School’s athletic facilities seem to never stop improving. The new field house, under construction near the football and softball fields, is actually ahead of schedule. While contracted for completion in July, the contractors now estimate completion in late May. Miller is also campaigning for artificial turf on the football field. Head football coach Jamie Mitchell anticipates the benefits. “You don’t have to cut it,” Mitchell said. “You don’t have to paint it. There’re just so many pluses to getting it. I think it would save, in the long run, on money.”

While the idea was proposed in May 2011 to Starkville’s school board, the board postponed further action because of insufficient funding. That hasn’t deterred Miller, however. “We have met with new corporates recently,” Miller said. “Our plan is at some point to go back to the school board [and say,] ‘This is how many dollars we can generate over 10 years.’ We definitely need to look very hard for our band program, our football program and our soccer programs.” Band members and juniors Peter Kuykerdall and Paige Fogarty believe it will improve the football field’s image and reduce the number of holes. “It’d be prettier and more exact,” Fogarty said.

The soccer teams only played two regular season home games on the SHS football field because of weather or other scheduling conflicts throughout their winter season. “Everyone wants to play at home, and we can’t,” head girls soccer coach Anna Albritton said. “Every time there’s inclement weather, we’re sitting on whether we are going to play or not going to play, and it’s just not fair.” Another concern is the track surrounding the football field. “What you have is an asphalt track, and what you’ve got is a thin layer of paint on top of it,” Miller said. “You do not have the all-weather surface out there.” The track team has never hosted a meet because the

track doesn’t meet state regulations. It also damages the runners’ joints, according to girls track coach Caroline Woomer. “We absolutely need a (new) surface,” Woomer said. “The (current) track surface is too hard, and it messes up the runners’ knees and ankles.” Another of Miller’s longterm goals is the addition of three new tennis courts to the existing six. Miller estimates the cost to be around $150,000, but Albritton, also a co-coach of the SHS tennis team, believes the hefty cost to be worthwhile. “That would help feed our younger kids,” Albritton said. “They’d have an opportunity to be on a court, our feeder program. We could also host some tennis tournaments.”

The new field house awaits the final touches. Photo by Barrett Higginbotham.



03-28-12 • Page 13

Soccer coach/players now in tennis By Matt Mlsna Sports Writer

Football hosts spring clinic The football team hosted a spring clinic over Spring Break for Starkville’s youth. Photo by Robert Dandass.

Starkville High School soccer and tennis share both players and a coach, but it’s hard for any of them to choose which one they love more. “I can’t decide which one because I have been playing soccer since I was four, and I love playing tennis,” sophomore Alex Mazzola said. Athletic potential transfers easily between the two sports. “The reason we have so many soccer players on the team is that all of the girls are athletes, and they pick up tennis easily,” girls soccer

Kingery plays soccer in Ohio By Aaron Remotigue Sports Writer Graduation is right around the corner, but this doesn’t mean another nine weeks of school for senior soccer standout Kase Kingery. Kingery is known around the Southern soccer community for his skill on the field and his love for the sport. Kingery also made his debut—along with teammates John Robert Tomlinson and Dylan Howard—on the Channel 1 Play of the Week. Kingery recently made the trip to Columbus, Ohio in order to train in the Columbia Crew soccer academy. “This is a soccer academy with the Columbia team, so it’s a good team,” Kingery said. “My team in Birmingham was cancelled, so I have been out of a team for almost three weeks. “My coach made an inquiry with the coach at the Columbia Crew to see if I could come to Ohio for training purposes only. I couldn’t come to play because U.S.A. soccer won’t allow the transfer so late in the season.” Kingery says that his enrollment in the academy

head coach and tennis cocoach Anna Albritton said. Many of these athletes started out playing soccer at a young age and then eventually drifted into playing both. “I have been playing soccer since I was four, and I’ve always wanted to play both just because they are both active and fun and it’s another competitive sport,” soccer captain, girls tennis captain and senior Ashley Albritton said. The reason most of these athletes choose to play both soccer and tennis is because they were influenced by a close family member. “My sister and my dad in-

won’t affect his graduation. “I’m staying here for four weeks with my aunt and uncle,” Kingery says. “All I needed to graduate was a science and a senior English. I took care of the science third nine weeks, and I’m halfway done with senior English. So now I’m just emailing Mrs. Buss my assignments because all I have to do is notecards, and I’ll probably just do my presentation when I get back.” Although it takes out of his senior year at Starkville High School, Kingery says the soccer academy opens up many doors at the college level. “The academy system is set up so that they get the

best players from metropolitan areas,” Kingery said. “It also pits other cities against each other in a tournamentstyle system. “Players also get coaching from professional players. The Columbia team is a professional team, and they help coach at the Columbia Crew Soccer Academy.”

Sophomore Alex Mazzola strikes the ball. Photo by Robert Dandass.

Lifters qualify for state By Avery Cohen Sports Writer

Senior Kase Kingery dribble away from pressure. Photo by Victoria Hearn.

fluenced me to play tennis after I had already started playing soccer,” Mazzola said. With so many SHS students having played and excelled in both sports for years, one might wonder which one a double devoted athlete would choose. Ashley Albritton prefers tennis to soccer because of the singles aspect of the game being fully “in her control,” while in a soccer game it is a group effort. Mazzola feels differently. “I do like playing singles in tennis, but I prefer doubles because I love being a team player,” Mazzola said. “I think that’s what first made me like soccer.”

Last week the SHS Powerlifting team was victorious in the 2012 North State regional Powerlifting competition. Sophomore Audrianna McClain won the 97 pound class and teammates senior VerLyncia Leonard, and juniors Jalisha Bibbs and Tysheria Hollingshed also qualified for State, which will be held on April 13 in Jackson. The girls are eager to go and do their best Hollingshed, who competes in the heavy weight competition, is preparing earnestly. “[I’m] working hard at practice and putting my mind into it,” Hollingshed said. Leonard competes in the 114 pound wightclass and is working to keep up at State.

“I am preparing by working out more during the time I have until the State Meet to improve my weightlifting,” Leonard said. “I think I will do great. The girls in first and second have squated more than me, so if I improve my squat I think I will have a chance at winning.” Juniors Leedwards Jefferson and Raphael McClain

are also advancing for the boys side. Jefferson, who competes in the 181 pound weight class, has high hopes for the team. “I’m very excited, I’m planning on winning first place,” Jefferson said. “Right now I’m beating everybody over here. We’re divided between North and South, and I’m beating everybody over here.”

Sophomore Audrianna Mclain strength trains. Photo by Barrett Higginbotham.

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Page 14 • 03-28-12


Soccer players join track By Avery Cohen Sports Writer

Senior JR Tomlinson races to the finish. Photo by Barrett Higginbotham.

After winning a state championship for the Starkville High School soccer team, seniors J.R. Tomlinson and Addison Watson and sophomore Charlie Henderson have turned in their cleats for running shoes this spring. Even though the boys will no longer be playing soccer together, they plan on enjoying their final season together on the track. Tomlinson, who has run three years of cross-country in the past, says that even though it is a change of pace, he’s up for the challenge. “It’s a lot more physically demanding at practice, but

“It’s a lot more physically demanding at practice, but the meets are fun because it’s a huge rush.” - Senior J.R. Tomlinson

the meets are fun because it’s a huge rush,” Tomlinson said. “It’s fun racing.” Henderson, who pole vaults, is enjoying his first season on the track team in a new sport.

“I enjoy track because I want to try something new to spend time doing in the spring,” Henderson said. “And pole vaulting does that.” Watson, who plans to play soccer for Missouri State University, enjoys the atmosphere of the team and the physical conditioning. “What’s really good about it is [that] you make a lot of new friends, and I’ve already started to do that,” Watson said. “There are some guys on there who are really cool and relaxed, and you get to learn a lot about other people, and that’s one of the things I like to do. But really, I just want to get into better shape for my upcoming collegiate soccer.”

Pole vaulters face fears By Aaron Remotigue Sports Writer

The Starkville Yellow Jacket track team’s meets in Pearl and Hattiesburg mark not only the first two meets of the season, but also the first two meets they have ever participated in the pole vaulting event. Head coach Chris Barnett is excited about the start of the program because it means that it the Yellow Jackets can now participate in every event that a track meet offers. “We are in the early stages of learning how to pole vault,” Barnett said. “Some of these kids are in the eleventh grade, and it’s gonna take a long time to learn how to do it. I think we’re going to be pretty good. “Obviously, they are going to be a lot better next year because a lot of these kids who are really good have been doing it since seventh grade.” Junior Grant Woomer has

high expectations for himself by the end of the season. “Pole vaulting is fun, but it’s definitely hard,” Woomer said. “My goal is to get at least 11 feet—that’s at least six more—because I’ve already gotten ten feet. If we get to the state meet and are in second by a few points, a pole vaulter could make the difference.” Junior Garison Arinder feels more comfortable pole vaulting than perhaps most. “I have a background in gymnastics,” Arinder said. “That gives me a feel for what I’m doing, and it helps me be more comfortable in the air.” The thing that attracts most vaulters is the rush of adrenaline. “When you run full speed at a block with a fifteen foot pole and assume that it will do what you want it to do or you will get seriously hurt, it gives you such an adrenaline rush, and that’s why I love the sport,” Arinder said.

Junior Grant Woomer plants for the vault. Photo by Barrett Higginbotham.


Jacket tennis beats Canton By Matt Mlsna Sports Writer The Starkville High School tennis team claimed victories in all seven varsity matches against Canton High School to clench the win for SHS last Monday. “I can’t wait for our next match, and we will play to the best of our ability and strength to represent Starkville the best way that we can,” girls team captain and senior Ashley Albritton said. With such excitement over this game in the past couple of days, the players prepared endlessly for their first district match of the season. “We have been doing our best at practice to improve our skills,” boys team captain and senior Brian Xu said. The SHS tennis team has spent the season having fun out on the court, but it has

also been building important skills and confidence in the players. “They were a great team, but our players just had a little bit more experience,” co-coach Anna Albritton said. “So far this season has been going fine, but we will be facing our hardest competition soon.” Anna Albritton is now looking ahead to the Jackets’ district rival, Neshoba Central. “Next Wednesday, we will be playing Neshoba Central, and that’s going to be one of the toughest games in the season,” Anna Albritton said. “We hope to get some parents and kids out to support our team.”

Next Game SHS vs. Yazoo City @ Yazoo City March 29 4 p.m.

Senior Ashley Albritton warms up her volleys. Photo by Robert Dandass.



03-28-12 • Page 15

Cheer tryouts upcoming Breazeale throws first pitch By Aaron Remotigue Sports Writer

The Starkville High School cheerleading squad will hold tryouts on March 26-29. This tryout determines which 18 girls get to fill the slots on the varsity squad. The end of this cheer season marks the end of senior Hannah Fischer’s high school cheering days. Fischer, who was been in cheerleading since seventh grade, understands well what coaches

look for in a cheerleader. “Each judge at tryouts is given a score sheet based on skills,” Fischer said. “Teacher evaluations are also required. Judges look for a girl with confidence and skill, and that stands outs as a leader. They also look for an exceptional personality that stands out in a crowd, and they look for a girl with a smile on her face.” Madison Morgan, who will be trying out as a senior, says that a motivated girl makes

The cheerleading squad prepares for the game. Photo by Victoria Hearn.

the best squad member. “I’m really looking forward to next year,” Morgan said. “Based on the squad this year, I think we have great potential for next year. I hope that members of next year’s squad will have great work ethic and determination to win competition.” Amber Burns is trying out for the varsity squad after cheering on the ninth grade cheer squad this year. “I’m really nervous,” Burns said. “There are a lot of girls trying out. I did cheer on the junior varsity team, but I don’t know if I’ll be good enough to make the team. My emotions are pretty good, but the height of my jump is what I need to work on the most.” Burns said that she knows the huge commitment that comes with being a cheerleader. “It’s a huge commitment because it takes up all day, almost everyday of the summer,” Burns said. “You have to love it.”

By Avery Cohen Sports Writer

Junior Debra Ann Breazeale threw the first pitch at the Mississippi State University baseball game last Sunday. Breazeale and her parents are active members of the Dugout Club, and the “foster parent” organization for MSU baseball. Breazeale was joined at the mound with her family’s “foster children,” baseball players Will Cox and Scott Ming. Breazeale’s teacher, Susan Brooks, described the pitch as an emotional experience. “I got choked up,” Brooks said. “She did really well.” Breazeale practiced throwing the first pitch with her mother, Linda Breazeale, and some church members. She’s familiar with baseball and plays on the Challenger league in Colombus. “Debra Ann loved throwing out the first pitch on Sunday,” Linda Breazeale said. “We asked her a few weeks before the game if

Junior Debra Ann Breazeale throws the first pitch. Courtesty photo.

she would be willing, and she didn’t hesitate to agree to it.” Breazeale has been a supporter of MSU baseball. “Debra Ann loves going to MSU baseball games and for many years has selected her own favorite players to cheer for a little extra,” Linda Breazeale said. “Sometimes her favorites are our foster sons, and sometimes she picks them for reasons known only to her.” Breazeale is always optimistic, and will continue to enjoy the games.

“Most people see Down syndrome as a disability that limits a person’s ability to get out and enjoy activities like baseball games,” Linda Breazeale said. “For Debra Ann, it actually seems to have enhanced her ability. Even when players have had a bad game, they will feel better after she gives them a thumbs-up or a hug. They can trust her affection. I’ve never seen her get down on a player, but she has yelled at the officials on a few occasions.”

Jackson tired of watching By Matt Mlsna Sports Writer One of the worst experiences for an athlete is sitting on the sidelines and not practicing or helping the team, as junior C’nee Jackson knows far too well following her crippling injury in January. “I hope that nobody ever will have to sit out and have to watch their team practice and play,” Jackson said. Soon after training began for the Starkville High School Lady Jacket softball team in January, she was injured during a training exercise when she badly twisted her leg, which caused a ligament to shift behind her knee cap. “I had to go to the hospital, and it was so swollen that they couldn’t even get an X-

ray of my leg to tell what happened,” Jackson said. But after two months of recovery with multiple leg braces and treatments, Jackson will be able to resume her role as second baseman for the Lady Jackets. “I’m very excited for her to be able to come back to the team,” head coach Wendy Jolly said. “She is a great attribute to the team on and off the field because she comes and cheers for us every practice and every game.” With Jackson coming back to play, the rest of the team cannot help but feel happy about her long waited return. “I’m very excited about her coming back because we need her,” sophomore second baseman Shannon Linear said. “She is a very

big part of the team. The only problem is that we will have to share second base. I know that she will come back even better after her injured knee.” With Jackson returning to the team, the remainder of the season is bright for the SHS softball team. “The team has constantly been improving all the way around, and with our current attitude, along with C’nee coming back, then we are in for a great season,” Jolly said. The entire team is feeling optimistic. “We are going to win our next game, and the one after that and then when we go to state, we will win there too,” Jackson said. “If we just keep our confidence up and our fire going, then anything is possible.”

Junior C’nee Jackson looks on as her teammates practice throwing and catching. Photo by Bailey Brocato.


Sports buzz

Congratulations to... Senior Brian Xu: Lindy Callahan Scholar Athlete

03-28-12 • Page 16 www.shsjacketbuzz.com

Greg Carter: SDN Coach of the Year

District honors Carlisle By Christine Mazzola Sports Editor

Starkville High School baseball coach Danny Carlisle graduated from SHS, and now with 29 years of teaching and coaching experience under his belt, SHS is more than just a place of employment. “I’ve been very fortunate to be blessed to be here at one school,” Carlisle said. “Both of my kids graduated from here and I’ve got two grandkids going to school here. We’ve been fortunate that that’s the way life’s meant to be.” But with his retirement growing nearer, the school district planned an event for last Saturday called Danny Carlisle Day, where former players and representatives

from the baseball booster club and district honored the long-time coach on the baseball field before the team faced off in a three way tournament. “I wanted to have a day for Danny down there,” Athletic Director Stand Miller said. “I believe that Starkville does it in a classy way, and it doesn’t matter what we do, it needs to be very classy. That’s what I feel he deserves.” Baseball booster club president Aaron Conners worked with Miller to retire Carlisle’s jersey, no. 24, and gave Carlisle an Emerson 32” HD TV. Miller later presented a crystal trophy that listed Carlisle’s stats. Carlisle’s accomplishments include an overall record of 549-245 and three state championships.

“Both my kids graduated from here and I’ve got two grandkids going to school here. We’ve been fortunate that that’s the way life’s meant to be. - coach Danny Carlisle

Following the ceremony, the Jackets came away with dual victories, winning 13-3 against West Point and 12-2 against Louisville. Carlisle is especially pleased with the Jackets’ pitching. “Our pitching has been

Next Game SHS vs. Neshoba Central @ Neshoba Central March 30 5/7 p.m.

consistent with the exception of one ball game,” Carlisle said. “The pitching has just been the bright spot. Nate Pugh and Nick Brooks have both had outstanding games.” While “batting discipline” has been a sore spot for the Jackets, Carlisle is also excited about their defensive game. “It’s brought the game back to where I think it should be,” Carlisle said. “When you play defense, you bunt, you run, you’ve got to do the little things right.”

Carlisle accepts the trophy Miller presented. Photo by Barrett Higginbotham.

Track struggles at MSU By Avery Cohen Sports Writer Last weekend, the SHS boys track team placed 13th out of 34, and the girls team placed 17th out of 34 at the Mississippi State University Invitational. While the teams finished in the top half, theirperformance, as senior runner Jalan Catledge said, was below par.

“Overall as a group, we did terrible,” Catledge said. “We were way better than what we did, and I guess we just had an off day.” Catledge competes in the 4-by-4, the long jump, triple jump and the open 400. Although Catledge received national attention for his triple jump performance at MSU, he still isn’t satisfied. “I’m looking forward to getting a better jump than I did this meet, and lowering my time way, way down,” Catledge said. Coach Chris Barnett is hoping for better results at the Ole Miss Invitational. “I expect us to do really well,” Barnett said. “After we change some things, we’ll make a step toward getting tougher, and by tougher I mean faster.”

Next Meet Ole Miss Invitational Ole Miss track

Junior Janna Gandy takes the “set” position before a race at practice. Photo by Barrett Higginbotham.

March 30 11 a.m.

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