Fashion Ideas You can do Yourself with Old Clothes

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There are a lot of ways in order to update your wardrobe without spending so much or anything on new clothes. If you have just a tiny little bit of creativity and a little bit of free time, you can update your wardrobe easily. In this article we have come up with fashion ideas that can truly enhance your style without overspending! Re-inventing your old clothes can do a lot of things for your wardrobe as you won’t be throwing a lot of old clothes but you will gain new looking clothes that no one would ever notice you just pulled it out from the attic box. Modifying clothes is also fun to do, this is where future fashion designers start their career by just experimenting with fashion ideas and being brave to try it out on old clothes. Creating a Fringed Studded Tank: Get an old tank top from your closet, something that’s simple and you want to style up. Get two yards of fringe, Hancock fabrics are just about $6. A pack of pyramid studs online can cost $4. Prepare, scissors and small pliers to get started. Sewing Supplies Sewing needles comes at about $3 while threat that matches the floor of the fringe would probably go for $2 -$6. What you should do: Lay the fringe along the neckline of the tank and try hand stitching the fringe to the tank, trim at end. Repeat 2 more times starting about an inch under the first layer. You will get a layered effect by doing this. Apply the pyramid studs to the neckline right over the top layer of the fringe. Applying the stud would require you to push the pointy bottom part of the stud through the fabric and fold in using the plyers. After that then you are done! For great results, try using colors that would match well. Don’t use too much of contrasting colors. The fringe should blend perfectly well with the color of the tank

top. There are multiple colored tank tops but it’s best to go for solid colored tank tops. Try a tank top with brighter colors and the fringe with the darker color. Creating lovely clothes old ones are great and can save your parents a lot of money as well. Instead of using your summer income then you should just spend on something else and not purely on clothing.

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