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CONTENT Bachelorism


Long-D Love Crazy in love Lover desier

03 06 09

Love in university Love & Horoscope

10 13

Bachelorism Elvis Love affairs, seems to be one of the most important lessons we have to course in our college life. Everyone expects that he or she may run into somebody in all kinds of conditions and have an exciting or romantic development. However, some people don’t go along with that. They like to be single and also enjoy the life of being single. To me, I am person who likes to be single and refuse the love in relationship. In other words, I am a bachelor. Most of my friends are in relationship, and they are very loyal to their lovers. They seem to be very happy when they fall in love with each other. Nevertheless, that makes me confuse and feel disgusted. Kate, my best friend for over ten years, was falling in love with her boyfriend last year. We always hang out with each other on weekend and chat in café during free time. One Saturday afternoon, we were chatting in a café near my school. At first it was very joyful, but I felt un-happy when her phone rang. I knew the man she was talking on the phone was her boyfriend, and Kate was not happy. After a few minutes, she started getting angry and growling on the

phone. Finally she switched off her phone and cried. I was shocked and comforted her. That was so embarrassing to me that other people sat near us must think we had an argument. I hoped there was a hole I could hide at that time. She revealed that they had a fight and hadn’t got along together for these days. Later, she started complaining about her boyfriend. “Why he always asks me where I am, who is with me and why I haven’t given him a phone call? Do you know he requires me to give him a phone call every hour? That’s so exaggerated.” In addition, she said they had a fight because she was with a male friend---that’s me. To my surprise, she mentioned that her boyfriend had borrowed money from her so many times and never have given it back. At first she just

thought it was natural and showed the honor to her boyfriend, but she found that something was wrong. In However, she didn’t know how to say to him and there were a lot of troubles between them to solve. Although I didn’t know what happened to them after that day, I just knew I had a bad feeling about love relationships. I always thought falling in love with someone was trouble. There were so many problems that happened on my friends, and these finally led to unnecessary arguments and complaints. Moreover, I love the freedom to do anything as well as living unrestrainedly, so I hate to be asked that report my location to someone on time. That makes me feel I am a prisoner. In addition, I love myself than others so that I always think about myself, and I have plans about my single future, such as having a dream job to make a lot of money and buy many things I want, purchase a single apartment and keep a dog to accompany with me. Now, I have been single for 22 years and happy to be a bachelor. I am also happy as same as those people are in relationships. Bachelors are not alone.

addition, she got tired of his strong possessiveness and would like to break up with him.

Long-distance Relationship I am a girl who sinks into love deeply.

Naturally, I share

things that happened between me and my boyfriend with my friends very often. However, when they learned that he isn’t studying in Kaohsiung but in Hsinchu, they were shocked.


comes several questions like “Aren’t you worried your boyfriend will have a love affair?”, “How can you stand not seeing each other for a long time?”

When I answered them, they were

surprised- again. To me, long-distance relationship is not a problem.

The only important thing is to trust and remain

committed to each other.

No doubt, it is inevitable to have some quarrels in our relationship.

In the past, I complained about that

he couldn’t accompany me often. I always envied other couples because they could have a dinner or chat with friends together. Not to mention that others also spent times in every holiday. Furthermore, owing to separating in different places, we gently had few friends and topics in common.

What’s worse, we

stopped fighting but started a silent treatment.

Nevertheless, we go through our low tides.

In addition, we

realize that we are the only one who can tolerate each other. After all, there is no perfect lover in the world.

Thanks to these

quarrels, we changed ourselves and adapted to each other. Moreover, the long distance makes us cherish the time we spend together no matter in phone calls, on the Net or when we are physically together. Many people seem to have a stereotype toward long-distance relationship; yet, I will say that the proper distance can benefit and warmth your relationship.

Due to the distance, you will

cherish the time being together, not be easy to get bored.


the other hand, you also can remain your own private time and space.

Don’t be afraid of long-distance relationship if you meet

a suitable lover.

The world is changing and the distance is

shorter than before.

Don’t make the long-distance relationship

become a small stumbling block.

As long as you can cross it

with patient, there is no obstacle between you and your lover. By Gina Jheng

Crazy in love-The Story Between Us By Ashley Tsai I love my boyfriend and we have met each other when we were in senior high school. We were both in the cheerleading club but we did not know each other at that time. We got together when we were sophomore. It is a long story and today I want to share is not how we get together but the sweet memory between us. This summer, we want to Taitung for working holiday, Taiwan. I found that there was a tourist home which needed some staff and we decided to try the job and experience a different life there. We went there for two weeks and it was the first time we went away together for a long time. I felt excited and a little bit nervous, but it was really a meaningful trip for us. I cherish this trip because it was

the last summer vacation for us; my boyfriend was going to be a policeman after summer vacation And I still have to complete my university. It was raining when we left for Taitung. We took the train and started our trip. The hosts of the hostel drove us to the place we were going to work for two weeks. They were surprise that we were boyfriend and girlfriend. We told them that we were there to experience a different culture and we wanted to visit some aboriginal tribe. They told us that as we finish our work, we can go wherever we want to go but be careful. We got up early every day and prepared breakfast to the customers. I loved working and preparing breakfast with him. I felt happy in the morning and I dreamed that I can make breakfast with him every morning. I still remember the day we had our first day off; we planned to sleep late and went out

somewhere far from the

place which we work. We rode a scooter and started our adventure. There were no other people but only my boyfriend and me. I felt comfortable and relaxed. The work in hostel is a little bit strict; I felt happy and lucky for the day off. We went to eat the most delicious lunchbox at the train station and we rode a bicycle on bicycle path beside the mountain. The scenery was so beautiful that I can’t forget it. We also went to a second hand market in Taitung. I found a lot of interesting things and spots there. Being with my boyfriend, I feel safe and comfortable. I am not afraid and I am willing to try new things. I think that I have really changed a lot after I got together with him. I found a person who is willing to be a good listener and willing to accompany me. He tries his best to be with me and I also see him as a very important person. We can’t speak out how much we love each other but we use action to express it. Even up to now, we talk and share our daily life with each other every night. Sometimes he feels tired but he usually tells me that he is there to listen to my sharing. Although we live in the same hometown,

but his home is far from mine. He sometimes complains about this but he usually takes me home anyway. He is a person who has a similar personality with me. He is a person who I love and crazy about. We are committed with each other t to work hard in life and be better person. We face difficulties in life together and I believe we can conquer the first one-he started working and I am still studying.

Darbie Being Eager to Have Love Relationship for the First Time Just as the title suggests, I am so longing to have love affection with the person I adore. Regardless of the gender, I would like to have a boyfriend or girlfriend because I think homosexuality is equal to heterosexuality. Love is love, so there is no discrimination. The reasons why I am very yearning for love are 1) to have someone to share my daily feelings, and 2) to have someone to hold, to embrace or kiss. So, I can’t wait anymore to have a meaningful relationship. Some of my friends around me are in love. They love each other and have much happiness and felicity. When I sometimes hang out or have a reunion with some of my friends, I often see them hand in hand with their boyfriend or girlfriend hugging together, or kissing each other’s cheek. At times, I see them talking to their own partners. It absolutely makes me pretty jealous and envious of them because I don’t have any lover beside me. I don’t want to be still single, so I wish to keep away from bachelorship. I am weary of it for a long time. What would I do to break away from bachelorhood? Yes, I did meet the one. I admired her, but she didn’t appreciate me. On another occasion, someone liked me, but I didn’t have any feeling towards her. I didn’t know whether I am too picky or not. After a while of musing I concluded that if I meet the one I adore, with her first. Maybe the person’s considerate impression and behavior would arouse my feelings. I to myself not to judge people by appearance as that may sadden or deject the person who has a nice feeling towards me; maybe this relationship which is called true love in some occasions will last for good. I really can’t experience the feeling before I do have a partner. It must be sweet, touching, and thoughtful. I believe that I will meet the one in the future. It is just a matter of time.

Q&A of Relationship In University We conduct a survey on our friends, according to people who are single, in a relationship, or encounter a problem with relationship. In this survey, we can roughly know the information about college student toward love. Also, you also can answer the questions to see whether you are the same with the majority.

If you are single now, would you like to have a relationship with a boy or a girl during the period of university? 4% 21%

(A) In my opinion, academic performance is the most important thing now. (B) Yes, I am waiting for my Mr. /Ms. Right.


(C) No, I have never thought of having a relationship even in the future.

If your boyfriend or girlfriend often gets attention on other spicy girls or handsome boys when hanging out, what should you do? 0% (A) Have a fight with him or her.

31% (B) Calm down and discuss why he or she wants to look at others.


(C) Actually, I don’t mind it.

If your parents do not support you to have a 3% relationship during university, what are you supposed to do? (A) Agree with them.

34% 63%

(B) Against them or have a relationship secretly. (C) Express your feeling and try to make them understand your thought.

Taurus 2013 may be a year where you do a lot of soul searching relating to your love life. Saturn, planet of wisdom and maturity, along with the node which stands for fated events, will both be travelling through your relationship area for the duration of this year along with some other key dates to keep in mind.

Gemini New Year's Eve will probably find you wishing on a star as far as love is concerned and with Venus already in your relationship area through to January 9, who could blame you for being a bit starry-eyed as this year begins.

Cancer You start the new year with Venus in your love area from January 1 to 19 and Mercury up until January 11. On the same date Mercury leaves your love area you have a new moon to fall back on which looks like it could hold the promise of great beginnings in your love life.

Leo Your love life this year starts with a bang with Venus, Mars, Mercury and the sun all in your relationship area at one time or another up until February 26. You may find that you are feeling more assertive in matters of the heart around this time and it is also a good time for you to take charge of such things.

Virgo Because of Neptune's influence in your relationship area this year you may find love will be on your mind from the start of the year and may not let up... which sounds like a pleasant change from the work you usually throw yourself into.

Libra Love is to the forefront of your mind in March with both Venus and Mars playing around in your love area. On April 10 the new moon in your relationship area gives you guidance in what you may be wanting in love vs. what you have



compromise on.




Aries You will go after what you want in a relationship and you will find yourself inexplicably drawing love into your life. Powerful events + lack of control to outcome






something you had been hoping for.

Pisces This means you are not only thinking of yourself but you need to take your partner into consideration in anything you may come up with. You may have to wait till July for your love life to start getting interesting this year, but when it does, it does so on several levels.

Aquarius Keep in mind that the first half of 2013 finds you in a playful mood, urging you forward to any fun pursuits that take your fancy. Now you've been warned and you know the dates to look out for.... it's up to you what you do with it.

Capricorn Opportunities will arise that you can take advantage of within your relationship, so get a really good idea of what you want because you are about to be ushered into a time of positivity, excitement and happiness when it comes to love.

Sagittarius No doubt you already know that Jupiter has been travelling through your love area for the past six months or so and you still have another six months, up until June 26, of your ruling planet bestowing its benevolent gifts upon you when it comes to matters of the heart.

Scorpio Be on the lookout for a karmic feel to any situation going on at this time and be ready to act to clear anything that has been stagnating in your love life. You have the potential this year to learn lessons and put them to good use with the added bonus of what may seem like karmic or fated events throwing the light on where, how, and what you need to do next.

Exclusive Interview We interviewed with three friends - Doris, Christina and Kalmarr to share their experiences about love.

Kalmarr Q: How many times? A: Two times. Q: The shortest & longest one? A: Two months / ten months. Q: Use a sentence to describe the meaning of love. A: Sacrifice Q: What is your unforgettable memory? A: I made a phone call to my ex-girlfriend after breaking up, and it was she. However, she asked me "who are you?" Therefore, I was really confused.


Christina Q: How many times? A: For me, I think just only one time, the rest I don't care anymore. Q: How long? A: About one year. Q: Use a sentence to describe the meaning of love. A: Love is like a sweet chocolate ice cream melting my heart. I like someone accompanying with me, encouraging me when I am down, and bringing me happiness. But love is also Christina blind. Once you fall in love with someone, nothing can change your thoughts toward your partner even though you get

hurt. Q: Unforgettable experience? A: First love happened when I was second grade in the senior high. Because it was the first time, I paid a lot of time, energy, and most importantly love for me. Being his side, I felt very happy and warm. It seemed that he was the center of mine, and no one could change my love for him. We seldom had arguments until 11 months which was our relationship almost broken. Because at that time I was preparing for the college entrance exam, I didn't keep arguing with him. I just wanna focus on my studies. But to my great sadness, he said he wanna break up with me! But I didn't say yes or ok. Honestly, after hearing this bad news, I couldn't focus on my studies anymore. The exam was very significant to me, but.......ok, forget it! After I finished the exam, I heard that he had a new girlfriend! What a surprising new was! We haven't fully broken up at that time, was so quickly that he had a new partner!!! Ok, then I totally understood he had liked another girl when we were still together. It was my first love. So fucking unbearable! Since this experience, I don't easily believe men's sweet words. They are all deceptions.

Doris Q: How many times? A: I have once time, also this time. Q: The shortest & longest one? A: It has been to be about nine months. Q: Use a sentence to describe the meaning of love. A: I think the feeling and the trust are everything. The relationship with your lover is interrelated and interdependent. Q: What is your unforgettable memory? A: The most unforgotten memory was we went to IKEA together. We looked around


the designed rooms and imaged our future. I really hope we could have our own house one day. It doesn’t need too big but each other.

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