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It is a widely known fact that biological diversity is severely threatened in Kenya, and its protection requires extensive intervention and efficiency. Since the biodiversity crisis directly corresponds to social and political development, it calls the foundation of human organization into question.

Wildebeest Migration Pattern 1978 = 29,000

Wildebeest Migration Pattern 1999 = 1,500

Wildlife Density 197 7

Wildlife Density 1999









Image courtesy of Paul Banton | http://www.wildernesstravel.com/trip/extension/kenya/masai-mara

One of the biggest safari attractions is the wildebeest migration, where wildebeests migrate from Tanzania to Kenya on a yearly basis. The number and size of wildebeest populations just south of Nairobi National Park declined sharply between the 1970s and the 1990s. Land-use changes and fencing of private lands for domestic livestock ranching now threaten seasonal wildlife movements. Biodiversity is declining due to threats that are either directly or indirectly related to tourism, such as human-wildlife conflicts, human encroachment, over-exploitation of natural resources, pollutants and tourism impacts, which include off-road driving, harassment of wildlife, and destructions of wildlife habitat for construction of facilities.

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