ShellsuitZombie Magazine Issue 3

Page 25



wartime journalist listens to a Portishead

Darryl was at a stage in his life where he’d been

album to help compensate for his stressful

relentlessly touring and boozing with some of the

life of danger and tough, potentially fatal

biggest cats in the sea for over 10 solid years (cats-

decision-making. Meanwhile, a zookeeper

people, sea-industry). Which sounds really fucking great right?

of hibernating lemurs has nothing short of 160 bpm Danish heavy metal on his iPod to get his ticker going


every morning. Music can provide a counterbalance for your emotional equilibrium.

At this point he’d developed a vocal disorder, had There are dozens of reasons why people listen to music,

hardly spent a second with his wife and newborn son,

but what I’m interested in is how it affects your mood

his dad died, Jam Master Jay died, the group started to

and can influence you emotionally. From enhancing

slip off the covers of magazines and down the charts,

your dimples that extra millimetre, to making your

and err oh yeah he just found out he was adopted. So

blood boil with anger. Okay, well you might not have

basically shit got tricky. He plummeted from the top

thought about going on any killing sprees lately, but

of the top to the lowest of lows in a matter of weeks

there are people out there who are so strongly affected

and had diddily squat to shout about. On the verge of

by music, that they lose all rational thought.

suicide he heard Sarah McLachlan’s song ‘Angel’, on the radio, which completely knocked him for six.

When Mark Foster wrote the song ‘Pumped Up Kicks’ for his band (Foster The People), he wanted to get

This one song had such an immediate impact on his

right inside the head of an isolated, psychotic kid.

whole outlook of life; it made him take a big step away

Little did he know that almost exactly a year later in

from the hip-hop scene. He wrote an autobiography,

September 2011, a 14 year old boy was to get arrested

worked tirelessly to help charities supporting foster

for comments on the song’s YouTube page. After

kids and visited various businesses and colleges as a

obsessing over the lyrics which urge all the cooler kids

motivational speaker, using his story as the inspiration.

that they’d better ‘outrun my gun’, the young outcast threatened to take his rifle into Wigwam Creek School

This begs the question, why can’t that song affect

and go on a shooting spree the next day.

everyone’s life for the better? Sure, not everyone needs their life to take a 180, but if we pinned down

Foster claims he was bullied at school, but the band’s

Mel Gibson and forced that song into his anti-semitic

bassist, Cubbie Fink (great name), used to share bunk

ear-holes, would he be converted into a loveable chap?

beds with someone who very nearly suffered at the

Almost definitely not. It’s a great song n all, but some

hands of similarly troubled youths during the Columbine

people are simply bad eggs. Every good or bad song

massacre. Cubbie’s cousin fortunately survived but he

resonates with each individual in a unique way, and it

shared much of her emotional torment after the event.

takes a certain state of mind to want to change in the

The band felt that they could use these experiences

first place.

as a platform to communicate the message that youth Almost everyone has a go-to song (some have many)

gun violence in the States needs to be addressed.

that takes them to a place emotionally when others Initially, when I heard this story, I was shocked that a

can’t. For some, that song can change over time

young boy could get himself arrested for writing words,

depending on trends, lifestyle or whatever, for others it

YES WORDS. But then it got me thinking about the

remains a constant beacon. There’s no right or wrong,

influence music can really have on people. Let’s not get

that’s just the way it goes.

too bogged down in depressing stories of worryingly impressionable folk who start etching away at their

Don’t get me wrong, music doesn’t always want to

wrists the second they get caught downwind of a

be taken too seriously, I’m all for sticking Hall & Oates

Coldplay concert though. I stumbled across an uplifting

on full whack and dancing in my pants until the seam

story about Darryl McDaniels (formerly one third of hip

gets breached. It’s just great to have a song or album

hop group Run-DMC). He openly talks about how he

you can fall back on because it helps you revisit that

was on the brink of suicide when he heard a certain

special place.

song, which transformed his entire outlook on life for My song? At Last - Etta James.

the better.


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