2011-2012 Freeman Freshman Guide

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Survival Tips College courses require different and more advanced skills than most high school courses do, presenting new challenges for incoming freshman students. For this reason, the Office of Undergraduate Education has compiled a helpful guide of study tips on multiple topics. Because success in college is not always easy, we want to provide you with as much information as possible to help you achieve your fullest potential! Preparation is crucial and success can be effectively accomplished with the following hints in mind.

General Study Tips Organize and manage your time well. ● Utilize every opportunity you have to study for courses, review notes or your text books, prep for class, or do research for a paper or project. This will enable you to have more free time later. Select a specific place to study that has little to no distractions. ● This should be a place where you go to study or work on academics, not where you also sleep and live and preferably not your dorm room. ● Experiment with places to study until you find the one that is right for you, considering factors such as lighting and ventilation. Study deliberately. ● Study in chunks of time: 20-50 minute time periods that are followed by a break (5-10 minutes). ● Use daylight hours to study so that you are most alert and focused. ● Spend time studying and reviewing notes and the text book for your most challenging class every day and early in the day. ● Study actively: ask questions, review your notes regularly, and discuss key concepts with classmates and your professors.

A. B. Freeman School of Business | 20

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