Tactics Magazine, Volume 8, Issue 6

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Raised Print Did you notice the snowflakes on our cover? If you’re reading this column, we bet you did. In fact, you probably ran your fingers over them a few times, noticing the raised texture—and that’s the point!

Hey John! an issue of Don’t miss 019. Look Tactics in 2 new your inside to re n today! subscriptio


VOL. 8, ISSUE 6, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 Shawmut Communications Group | www.shawmutdelivers.com

Now that we have your attention, you might be wondering how we created this effect. We digitally printed our cover with HP Indigo Transparent ElectroInk. That’s it! No special die or additional machinery required. Unlike thermography, which requires specialty ink and powder along with multiple production processes, digital printing is a simple and powerful way to create high-impact direct mail, signs, packaging, business cards, and more. Raised ink for digital printing offers: • T he ability to add personalization with variable data • N o powder residue and clear, crisp print details • F iner detail and placement of raised print areas • T he ability to add color to the transparent ink • A wide array of paper and substrates to choose from • A n greener alternative to embossing, engraving, and thermography As you can see and feel, raised ink can help your brand stand out. By engaging someone’s sense of touch, you’ll create a stronger connection and it’s more likely that customers will remember your brand and message. In a few months, you might remember these snowflakes.

READER SURVEY We are firm believers in the motto: it takes a village. From design and marketing teams to suppliers, press operators, and customer service, everything we produce is a group effort—including Tactics Magazine. Each issue in 2018 included perspectives from our staff, clients, and partners. Alongside articles, expert interviews and infographics, every issue highlighted an interesting production technique. We showcased unique substrates, coatings, die-cuts, and other ideainspiring print effects. Now we want to hear from you! Inside you’ll see a subscription renewal card so that you can stay on our list for 2019. While you’re there, complete our short reader survey and be entered to win a $250 gift card. It’s our little way of saying thanks for being a loyal subscriber.

FEATURED EXPERTS Paul Bolas Senior Sales Exec., Mailing, USPS Monica DeSalvo Senior Designer, Boston College Todd Mitchell Owner, Mitchell Creative Group Kayla Moran Assoc. Art Director, Allen & Gerritsen Leslie Roque Art Director, Dartmouth College Christie Wrazen Design & Production Manager, Pannos Marketing

Looking for inspiration? Check out Our Work on our website! This area features some stand-out print and marketing projects and highlights our creative community. It’s a great way to get ideas for your next project and see some of Shawmut’s award-winning production techniques.



Catch Someone’s Eye It’s hard to believe this is the last issue of Tactics for 2018. Thanks to your feedback from last year’s reader survey, Tactics Magazine has become an even better resource for our community of marketers and designers. Why? Because it includes the community. In 2018, every issue offered unique perspectives from our clients and partners, many of which are based right here in New England. Your feedback also led us to highlight a variety of interesting production techniques. From glowin-the-dark substrates and digital handwriting technologies to unique coatings and colored envelopes, we hope something in Tactics caught your eye (if not, hold tight because we’ve got some great things planned for 2019)!

Fortunately, there is hope. Eye-catching print materials are helping brands stand out from the competition, grab attention, and increase sales. In the past couple of years, online retailers like Birchbox introduced holiday catalogs and traditional outlets like JC Penney returned to print catalogs after digital-only strategies resulted in lower sales. Why? Because print can catch someone’s eye in a way that digital media can’t—and without that, the end goal is next to impossible. Looking ahead, we’re excited to show you some additional production techniques and continue to publish the very best thinking from our network of print, design, and marketing enthusiasts. If you have a unique perspective to share, let us know in this year’s survey: surveymonkey.com/r/tacticssurvey. I hope you enjoy this issue.

As you consider your marketing goals for the upcoming year, remember how crucial it is to catch someone’s eye. It happens well before a click, conversion, or sale. But when the average consumer sees more than 5,000 advertising messages per day, grabbing your customer’s attention often seems like an uphill battle.

Michael Peluso President



Many designers seek advice from the printers that bring their creativity to life. See what five design pros say are some of the most important lessons they’ve learned from printers.



There are hundreds of print techniques and special effects that will spotlight your brand, excite your audience, and boost response rates. Learn how to make your brand stand out with these 10 techniques.


DID YOU KNOW? PRINT COULD BE YOUR SECRET WEAPON IN 2019 Fighting digital overload? Trying to stand out in a crowded market? See why adding print back into the marketing mix can help you break through the noise.


INFORMED DELIVERY FROM USPS CHANGES DIRECT MAIL AS YOU KNOW IT mnichannel takes on a whole new meaning O with Informed Delivery. We interviewed Paul Bolas from the USPS to see how this new technology is helping marketers generate multiple impressions from a single mailpiece, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 Shawmut improving ROI.



Designers Share Important Lessons They’ve Learned from Printers


Monica DeSalvo Senior Designer, Boston College


Leslie Roque Art Director, Dartmouth College

Graphic design is a competitive and fast-changing field. Ask any seasoned pro and they’ll tell you about numerous changes they’ve experienced throughout their career.


ayla Moran K Associate Art Director, Allen & Gerritsen

An obvious shift is the number of designers focused on digital media, particularly among recent graduates and young professionals. But despite the rise of digital, there’s no denying the importance of print in our lives. In fact, every organization in some capacity requires print design—and versatility is one of the top skills hiring managers look for when filling graphic design roles.


Christie Wrazen Design and Production Manager, Pannos Marketing

However, to be successful in print, designers must understand the process and have the ability to transition on-screen artwork to their recipient’s hands. To do so requires more than a mastery of design software and tools. Designers must be knowledgeable about materials, product specifications, printing processes, and how to get the best quality out of their work.


Todd Mitchell Owner, Mitchell Creative Group

Where better to learn that than directly from printers? We asked five design professionals to share what they’ve learned from working with the people that bring their creativity to life. Here’s what they had to say.




IMPORTANT LESSONS There’s No Substitute for Hands-On Experience MD: I learned the most by being on the production floor. Some printers keep customers in the customer room which isn’t very helpful. I think it’s critical for designers to get out there and spend time on the production floor. Talk to press operators and see how each small adjustment they make affects your work.

Planning is Key LR: Print design can be complex and there’s a lot that happens behind the scenes. Allow enough time to plan and work through a project as things can become more complicated than expected, especially when mailing is involved.

File Prep Can Make or Break Your Project KM: The most important thing I’ve learned is how important it is to check your files before releasing them to the printer. There are many variables that can lead to issues or reprints—incorrect/nonoutlined fonts, using RGB instead of CMYK, hidden layers, and even the way you save a PDF.

Understanding Print Lingo Leads to Better Quotes CW: One of the most important lessons I learned was how to communicate what you need for a project with the printer, especially

during the quoting phase. Providing the right information upfront leads to a smoother, faster, and more accurate quoting process. It also helps to be familiar with printing lingo. For example, working closely with the printer (Shawmut!) I was able to understand what a “lot” is and why it’s important. The ability to indicate how many lots, or pieces of artwork, helps printers provide accurate estimates and be prepared for the files.

Be Precise and Then Trust Your Printer to do Their Job TM: Print design is all about the details. You’ve got to be careful, precise, and detailed so printers can carry that detail through to your finished product. I’ve also learned that you’ve got to trust your print representative to take care of the job. Allow for their input and be open to possibilities. Don’t rely on a “must have” design mentality because you can learn a lot from being open to the printer’s suggestions.

ADVICE FOR BEGINNING YOUR NEXT PRINT JOB Find a Vendor with Mailing Expertise MD: When projects are developing I ask lots of questions regarding the technical specs, especially if it’s a mailing project. I depend on the vendor 100% for mailing criteria including postage requirements, size and shape

restrictions, etc. It’s vital to have a printer that’s an expert in this area because postage is a big part of the budget.

Be Upfront about Everything LR: Before a project begins, I need to determine pricing, the amount of time required for completion, and whether there are limitations or any anticipated problems.

Ask for Advice and Resources KM: I love to consult the printer about their recommendations for paper, ink, varnish or even how to go about a specific project. The printers are the experts, so sometimes they think of small touches that wouldn’t have crossed my mind.

Know Your Printer’s Standards CW: To start any project I make sure I know the printer’s average turnaround time and if they can accommodate a specific delivery date. Beyond that, it’s good to know if they have specific turn times by job type because it can vary from project to project. It’s also helpful to know what file type(s) the printer prefers for producing the job—whether it’s native files, high res PDFs with crops and bleeds, or both.

The Information You Didn’t Know You Needed Can Make all the Difference TM: A successful, effective, and high quality printed piece (as they all should be) should




include the printer as a part of the process. Print technology is constantly changing as well as the skills involved. By partnering with the right print group, you’ll bring together the managers, the creators, the developers, the writers, and the producers. That’s why the information I need from the printer includes the primary data (price, spec, etc…) but also includes the information I didn’t know I needed! That’s the info that often makes for a better project and outcome.

WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO WORK CLOSELY WITH YOUR PRINTER There’s No Such Thing as Minor Details MD: Every client is unique and has specific requirements even for minor details, like the mailing

panel. Your client expects that you’ll account for every detail such as line length and text wrapping so your printer needs to be aware of that detail too— even if it seems minor.

Plan to Avoid, But Don’t Rule Out the Unexpected LR: As a designer you’re working with an incredible amount of variables. Working closely with a printer is important to avoid unexpected outcomes—whether it’s the wrong stock or color that needs to be adjusted.

Share Your Vision KM: You can miss little details that can make all the difference if you aren’t communicating closely with your printer. It’s important to share your vision so the printer can correctly achieve it, or even

surpass it. Give them more than specs, make sure they understand your goals.

Strong Print Partnerships Lead to More Opportunity CW: I have found that if you work closely with your printer and build a relationship, you can learn a lot about the options that are available and they can get to know your preferences to better meet your expectations.

Good Relationships Lead to Better Results TM: For me and my business, it’s about relationships. Trust, commitment, communication, dedication, and expertise. All of those take continuous nurturing to attain a solid relationship that yields higher level results.

HOW PRINTERS CAN HELP YOU GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR WORK Get Ideas for What You Can Do Different MD: The design world is crowded. So I like to ask the printer for tips on how I can do something that’s a little different. They’ve helped me think about how to apply coatings or why we may want to use UV versus conventional ink.

Leverage the Printer’s Network of Industry Partners and Experts LR: Shawmut has been very helpful by hosting seminars that included speakers from Mohawk and Sappi




as well as one-on-one meetings with representatives to help us develop our projects. The work and patience of an experienced printer’s staff—including rep, prepress, and press—are key.

Use the Printer’s Recommendations for Paper KM: Printers know what paper and ink combinations will make your job stand out. I’ve had problems in the past with colors not being vibrant or even the right shade, but have found that as long as I am communicating what is important to me, the printer knows just what to do to achieve the look that I want.

Discuss Projects In-Person and Take a Plant Tour CW: I think one of the best ways to get a fantastic final product is to meet with your print rep in person. If they are willing to come to your location to get a good sense of you and/or your business, they will listen to your needs and make suggestions. There are always new products and techniques (paper, coatings, etc.) and they have a good sense of what’s available. I also recommend going to the printer, taking a tour, and getting your hands on some samples!

You Can’t Underestimate a Good Relationship TM: I get the best out of any project by opening up and trusting the printer. When you trust your printer, you open up

channels of creativity that you never considered. And vice versa— they are open to your ideas also. Together you work toward the same high-quality goal!

ADVICE FOR FELLOW PRINT DESIGNERS Collect Samples MD: I would encourage young designers to meet with paper reps and get as many samples as you can. See how they feel when you hold them in your hands and study those production notes. Also take every opportunity to go on press and ask your printer lots of questions to see if what you’re doing is correct and efficient or if there is a better way.

Study Up on Different Print Methods LR: I would recommend that a new print designer spend time looking at and touching at a variety of printed materials—brochures, packaging, magazines—and try to understand how it was produced. Understand when to print offset vs digital, as this is helpful to print a quality product within budget.

Do a Press Check KM: The most eye-opening part about press checks is learning how all of the projects are made. That knowledge can help you set up your files more efficiently. There are so many things a printer does that you don’t even realize, and until you do a press run you

may not even know all of the possibilities out there!

Ask Questions CW: My advice would be to learn as much as you can about the printing process. Research the difference between digital and offset printing, binding options, paper materials, etc. Printers will work with you and cover topics that they may not teach in design school. It’s exciting to learn about all the possibilities out there, so be sure to ask a lot of questions!

Learn from Peers TM: Have conversations with other designers about the experiences they have had, and with whom. Find out what relationships worked really well, and which ones to avoid! A lot can be learned by others. Find case studies, or examples of pieces that came out well, and discuss with peers who they used and WHY they continue to use them. Leverage online and social channels to research print companies and ask yourself: “Would you trust them with an expensive job? Would you put your name on the line with them? Would they back you up?” Good printers will invite you in, communicate well, provide samples, and really put an effort into a relationship. It will just feel right! 




10 PRINT TECHNIQUES THAT WILL SURPRISE AND DELIGHT YOUR CUSTOMERS In the age of artificial intelligence and virtual reality, good old print and direct mail may seem boring. After all, it’s just ink on paper, right? Wrong!

Print is inherently creative and innovative. Since the very first presses, print has been in a continual state of evolution. Today, it’s a technology-driven creative powerhouse that can be a real show-stopper for your brand—if you know what’s possible. Adding special effects and unique print techniques to a well-planned and targeted print campaign can significantly boost response rates. Because print is used less often, it’s noticed more—although that’s just one of the reasons print and direct mail generate 10–30% higher response rates than digital channels. Trustworthiness, easier processing, and sensory experience are a few of the other reasons they perform so well. So how can you push the envelope (pun intended!) with your next print or direct mail campaign? Making use of these ten engaging print techniques is a great place to start.




Die-cut promotion with punch-out mask and ring Metallic gold foil stamping applied to pocket folder

Die-cut trade show handout with white foil stamping on a one-sided navy stock

Die Cutting Die cutting is the process by which flat printed sheets are cut into the shape and structure of a final printed piece. A die cutting machine strips away any excess from the sheet and the area left behind is the actual product you intended to produce. Think of it as a cookie cutter but for paper or other print substrates. Although there are various types of die cutting— including flatbed (the most common), laser, and rotary—each approach uses a pre-made die created from a dieline. That’s why the first step in any die-cut project is to develop the dieline that will be placed into the artwork. If you’re new to working with dielines, it’s a good idea to look online for available resources and templates. You may find an existing dieline that suits your needs or one that you can easily modify instead of starting from scratch. Check out Shawmut’s dieline and template collection.

Die cutting is a fantastic way to make your print piece stand out. It can be used to create unique shapes and patterns as well as interactive pop-ups or layering effects. Use this technique to add dimensionality to a printed piece or reveal new content through the use of perforated windows. The options really are endless.

Foil Stamping People like shiny things. They catch our attention. So why not use that to your advantage in print? Foil stamping allows designers to add a little sparkle to their print materials. Like die cutting, foil stamping uses a pre-made die to adhere a mylar-backed foil (not ink) to the printed page or colored stock. The difference is that a foil stamping die is heated. When the die heats up, the foil sticks to the design of the die when it’s transferred or imprinted onto the printing substrate. That’s why it’s referred to as stamping.




a three-dimensional impression. Debossing is a similar process, but the die is designed to lower the surface of the paper, creating an inward effect. Recipients will take notice and spend additional time interacting with the embossed or debossed areas of your design. This technique can also be combined with foil stamping and die cutting to add greater impact to your materials.

Colored Paper

Holographic foil applied to embossed lettering

Foil stamping is offered in a variety of materials and colors, including pearlescent, metallic, and clear styles. Although photos can’t do foil stamping the justice it deserves, we’ve included a few examples that caught our eye (yes, we love shiny objects too).

Embossing and Debossing Want to add an elegant, yet subtle touch to your next printed piece? Embossing and debossing are a great way to make people take notice without overdoing it. Each option creates a tactile effect which is proven to generate a higher response rate and brand recall.



The 2017 USPS Irresistible Mail Campaign

In fact, a 2015 study by Sappi Fine Paper and Dr. David Eagleman showed that our sense of touch significantly impacts our ability to understand and remember what we read. During their research, they conducted an experiment where subjects were asked to read a company brochure on highquality coated paper vs a lowergrade paper. Not surprisingly, people reacted most favorably to the brands shown on high-quality paper. Even a week later the name recall for those brands was 3 times higher than those that were shown on low-quality paper. Adding an emboss or deboss can have the same effect. Embossing uses a die to raise elements of your artwork from the paper to create


Because most projects are produced with 4-color printing, paper can give you one extra color to work with. Using paper as the fifth color, you can choose colors based on how non-opaque inks will look when the paper shows through. Plus you may find new ways to combine and mix colors to create a fresh look. This strategy can also help you enhance your photography. For example, the color of your paper can shift an image from cool to warm, sending an entirely different message.

Thanksgiving card printed on a cream linen stock

Specialty Coatings

Want to see our specialty coatings for yourself?

When it comes to coatings there are a lot of options. Depending on the printing method used for your project and the material you’re printing on, there are a variety of coatings available to further enhance your design. In some cases, a coating is also used to protect the printed sheet from scratches and fingerprints. You can also combine multiple coating techniques such as an overall soft touch and spot UV to add interest and intrigue to your materials. Here are just a few of the most popular coating styles that can help you grab your audience’s attention.


Soft Touch

Spot UV

MotionCoat ™

Soft touch is one of our favorite coatings. This liquid, somewhat rubbery coating dries quickly and gives paper a soft, velvety texture and a matte look. Soft touch can be applied to a variety of materials and its unmistakable texture gets a positive response from almost everyone that interacts with it.

As the name indicates, a spot UV is used to highlight specific areas (or spots) of a print piece and adds a ton of visual interest. To get the most dramatic results, a spot UV coating is typically applied on top of a matte coating to create a stark contrast. The spot gloss areas really pop off the page as they reflect light.

MotionCoat™ is a patent pending UV coating system. When used in conjunction with vector-based artwork, MotionCoat creates an amazing motion-like image. This unique coating works best on heavy, dark coverage ink areas. In the right instance, MotionCoat can really wow your audience.

Raised Ink Printing

Specialty Inks

Raised ink printing is a head-turner. As the name suggests, the ink is raised off the page creating a similar tactile effect to an emboss. However, since only the ink is raised, rather than the paper itself, the back of the sheet remains flat to the touch. If you have a piece that’s printing two-sided, raised print will not interfere with messaging on the opposite side. Raised ink is transparent; however, designers can also add color to it for their designs. It can be put down in three levels—medium, high and highest—which is something that should be specified to your printer when quoting your project. Check out our cover to see a sample of raised ink printing!

Printing isn’t limited to CMYK. Brands can achieve a near-perfect color match by using Pantone colors, and specialty inks let you explore new possibilities. A few of our favorites include metallics, white, and fluorescents.

Metallics Metallic inks contain actual metal! Particles from copper, aluminum, bronze or zinc are mixed into a varnish to create the ink. When the ink dries, those metallic particles rise to the surface to reflect the light and create that metal look. This is why metallic inks




look best when used with a dark colored paper. Metallics can create a similar effect to foil stamping, but they are less expensive to use because they do not require a die. They can also be used with a wide variety of printing equipment including conventional offset, UV offset, or digital printing presses.

White Ink White ink opens up a new world of possibilities when it comes to printing on dark substrates. You can also use white ink as a “backer” when printing on colored stocks or other substrates that might affect color output. For example, if you were printing an image on a clear frosted acrylic substrate you may want to lay down white ink below the image so that it doesn’t look muddled.

Fluorescents Creating truly vibrant pieces is another way to make sure your print piece is noticed. By adding fluorescent inks you can achieve radiant spot colors and even glowin-the-dark effects under UV light. Talk about a wow factor!

Unique Substrates Using substrates other than paper is often dictated by usage (i.e. printing on outdoor signage or apparel) but in other cases, it’s another opportunity to get creative. Consider this scenario: you attend a trade show and



White ink applied to a clear acrylic substrate

collect several business cards throughout the event. If you’re lucky, you’ll remember half of the people you met. But then someone hands you a metal business card. Whether its metal, wood, Sintra or another unusual substrate the material sparks an interest (and likely a conversation). You’ll hang onto and remember that card.

Overprinting By default, the most commonly used print design software will automatically “knock out” any artwork element below another. This prevents all the colors in your design from being printed on top of one another creating muddied

Unique substrates for print and direct mail offer enormous opportunity to appeal to a customer’s sense of touch, ultimately influencing recognition, recall, and purchasing decisions.


Not sure what substrates you can print on? ownload our D substrate guide.

Without overprinting (left) With overprinting (right)

colors—or worse,“ghosting” which occurs if printing plates aren’t exactly aligned. Although in most cases you want to avoid overprinting (and your software will automatically help you do so) there are cases where an intentional use

of overprinting can have a neat result. Plus, if you are working with a limited budget and only printing with a few colors, overprinting can help you achieve a third color without any additional cost.

NFC Print comes alive when it’s combined with the power of Near Field Communication or NFC. This technology offers the ability to drive people from a printed piece to a website without the use of a URL or QR code. Beyond that, NFC chips can be reprogrammed easily so consumers can scan the same printed piece again and again to access new content. This can significantly extend the shelflife of your printed piece and impress customers who can unlock new content with a wave their smartphone. Left: A postcard printed on stock with an embedded NFC chip

A gray PMS color overprinted on red

Shawmut’s Substrates Mailer features PVC, Walk & Wall, PhotoTex™ and clear acrylic

These ten print techniques are just a few of the ways you can wow your customers and boost response rates. Although print already offers one of the highest response rates, don’t settle for the average by sending the same materials as everyone else. Instead, get creative and be different by using all of the print techniques and technologies available to you. 





Print Could be Your Secret Weapon in 2019 By now, your holiday marketing campaigns are well underway and it’s time to turn your attention to the year ahead. Many of the annual blog posts on New Year trends are already out, along with popular reports like the B2B Content Marketing 2019: Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends—North America from MarketingProfs.

After reviewing these predictions year after year we see a continued theme: consumers are experiencing a digital overload. As a result, many marketers are insisting that print remains part of their marketing strategy. In fact, 27% of B2B marketers plan to increase their use of print content (magazines, books, brochures) while 56% say their use of printed material will hold steady in 2019.

Here are a few reasons why adding print to your 2019 marketing strategy could be your secret weapon.


of all Internet users are expected to be using some form of online ad blocker by the end of 2019.1

12% of marketers cite the public’s trust issues with media to be a top content marketing challenge for 2019.2

Consumers rank print as the most trustworthy advertising channel.






82% trust print ads for purchasing decisions, followed by TV and direct mail catalogs.4


Adding print makes online display ads 4x more effective and TV 2x more effective.3

73% of US consumers said they prefer direct mail for brand communications because they can read it at their convenience.5


1 2 3

Direct mail has a median ROI of 29%, putting the ROI in third behind email and social media marketing.6

Adding direct mail to your digital ad campaign boosts your conversion rate by 28%.7

1: Business Insider, 2: MarketingProfs, 3:Tactician Media, 4: MarketingSherpa, 5: Epsilon, 6: DMA, 7:NonProfit Pro





Informed Delivery from USPS Changes Direct Mail As You Know It Direct mail is going digital, thanks to a new program offered by the U.S. Postal Service. Noticing the ever-increasing use of smartphones, tablets, and all things digital, the USPS is now giving customers a way to digitally interact with their daily mail.

USPS Senior Sales Executive Paul Bolas says the new program, known as Informed Delivery, makes mail desirable again. “This program is a game-changer for residents, direct mail users, and for us at USPS,” he says. “We’re really excited to see where this new program takes us.” We talked with Bolas about Informed Delivery to give readers a look at what the program is and what it can do for your next direct mail campaign. What is Informed Delivery? Informed Delivery gives residents the ability to digitally view their mail before it arrives in their mailbox. Residents who sign up for the program receive a daily email that shows exterior pictures of their mail before carriers deliver it. How do residents enroll? To sign up for Informed Delivery, residents must visit the USPS website, answer a few security questions, and provide a valid

email address. Once enrolled, residents receive a “mailbox preview” via email every morning. How does Informed Delivery change direct mail? Informed Delivery adds a digital component to direct mail. Let’s say your company sends a postcard to its customers. In their daily email, the customer not only sees a picture of your postcard, but can also click on a website. How can companies create campaigns like this? The USPS has an Informed Delivery Team that works with marketers and advertisers to enhance direct mail pieces. Companies simply provide a color photo of their mailer and the URL they’d like to attach to the piece, and the Informed Delivery Team makes it happen. Campaign metrics can be provided pre- and post-campaign. Shawmut can help you coordinate these efforts as part of your overall print campaign.

As a member of the Postal Service for more than 30 years, Paul has worked in nearly every department within the USPS. From mail carrier and truck driver to operations and facilities management, Paul knows mail better than anyone and is delighted to be bringing innovative services like Informed Delivery to USPS customers.

How effective are campaigns that utilize Informed Delivery? Direct mail campaigns are extremely effective. Ninety-five percent of Informed Delivery customers open their email every day, so companies are able to reach a captive audience. What’s the biggest benefit of Informed Delivery? Mail is more interactive and relevant with Informed Delivery. With a few clicks, a customer sees a direct mail campaign and visits a corresponding website. How popular is Informed Delivery? The program officially launched in 2017 and now has over 12 million users enrolled. The program grows exponentially every day. What’s the cost? Informed Delivery is free for all consumers. That’s right—free. Where can I learn more? Visit informeddelivery.usps.com for more details or reach out to a Shawmut representative to take your direct mail campaign from concept to completion. 

Shawmut Communications Group 33 Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 www.shawmutdelivers.com

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