How Kids take great photos

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Special care rules with cameras 

If there is neck strap…wear it! If there is a hand strap…put it on! If there is lens cap…always replace it! Try not to touch the screen or lens with your fingers Turn off the camera when you are not using it

If you are taking a close up‌ ‌move the camera up closer rather then using the zoom

High Angle or Birds Eye

Your subject should look small and insignificant so the higher up looking down the better!

Low Angle Or Worms Eye

The camera is down low looking up making your subject look more important or powerful.

Wide Shot or Long Shot Establishes the setting Take a Wide shot that sets the scene for the viewer

Horizon line Don’t cut your picture in half by setting the horizon line in the middle 

Set high to suggest closeness

Set low to suggest spaciousness

Leading lines

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Look for natural lines of the scene that leads the viewers eyes into the picture and to your main centre of interest Remember horizon lines Do a vertical and a horizontal photo

Look carefully behind your subject or beside your subject

Horizontal and Vertical Take a photo in horizontal view

Take the same photo in Vertical view.

Close up Shot The subjects head will fill most of the shot from the chest or neck to just above the head. Use this shot to emphasise something. Have them look away!

Do not put the head in the middle of the shot (unless it is a newsreader) give the head space in front of it!

Newsreader shot

Photos of kids If they are smaller then you then get down low. Take photos when they are doing something. Get in close. Make it fun.

Extreme close up (ECU) Only a part of the body or face is shown and generally is used to demonstrate deep emotion.

Medium Shot MS

shows a character from the waist to just above the head

Two shot Profile of two people communicating

Over the shoulder Face and shoulder shot of speaker, listener just part of head and one shoulder

Reverse Shot Same as above but change speaker and listener

Macro or super close up Set your camera to Macro and take close ups of nature

When taking close ups move as close to the subject as possible before using the Zoom

Foreground Sometimes objects in the foreground can set a scene like branches or doorways

Remember these rules 

People or subjects are better off centre Don’t make the eyes the centre of the photo Portraits are usually eye level (position yourself so you are eye level) Find simple uncluttered backgrounds

Stay away from signs and large text

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