Shakespeare magazine 09

Page 39

Interview: Paul Edmondson





Paul Edmondson of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust is the author of 7LEOIWTIEVI -HIEW MR 4VS½PI, an eminently readable introduction to the Bard. We met Paul in Stratford-upon%ZSR XS LIEV EFSYX LS[ LI´W ½RHMRK RI[ TIVWTIGXMZIW SR XLI centuries-old facts of Shakespeare’s life.

Interview by Pat Reid 4LSXSW F] 'LVMWXSTL 1YIPPIV At one point, Paul, you had no less than five Shakespeare books in the pipeline. Let’s talk about just one…

“Shakespeare: Ideas in Profile is published by Profile Books, who published Eats, Shoots & Leaves. It’s a book about Shakespeare for the general reader, it’s about 40,000 words long, and it’s divided into six chapters. The first is biographical, it’s

called ‘What was his life like?’ The second chapter is ‘How did he write?’ The third chapter is ‘What did he write?’ The fourth chapter is called ‘The Power of Shakespeare’, and puts over some of the great themes to be found in the works. The fifth chapter is called ‘Encountering Shakespeare’, which considers things like theatre reviewing and how we might do it, reading Shakespeare aloud, thinking SHAKESPEARE magazine


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