3 minute read


Look at the birds of the air – they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? -Jesus

uncertainty hangs in the air clinging to cloaked silhouettes on sidewalks a thick blanket of fog hides the city skyline CN Tower - our Babel by Bay Street - disappearing behind walls of falling tears what was once familiar becomes foreign sight disappears beyond the edges of outstretched arms respiratory droplets dominate our thoughts attacked by an unseen enemy preying upon the peripheries anxious anchors exacerbate our fears as headlines send us headlong into the aisles hoarding our rapidly escaping sense of control - however look at the birds of the air - they do not sow or reap or store away in barns


experts have their extrapolations politicians have their plans eighty-two billion and counting

staving off the starving masses but “we’re much better at modelling things that people don’t react to” too many unknowns multiplied by too many curves to flatten let alone plank — toes planted, elbows grounded — we grasp for our core and yet your heavenly Father feeds them

rubbing nickels between our fingers fretting the falling market and precarious employment S&P GDP NASDAQ TSX West Texas Intermediate crude the suits shout apocalypse tumbling exchanges slump our shoulders a collective cascading of worth wrapped up in debt-driven desire lost in the endless pursuit is a final resting place the question of real import lying dormant are you not much more valuable than they

from the huddles of half-asleep humanity inertia’s tug of war yanks on our power cords avert reversion enter the kairos moment as sun rays strike earlier and sleeping gardens awake in the quiet of quarantine niggling nears to gnawing as the Teacher’s questions creep towards the light fuschia tepal blooms fight through the fog the magnolia’s brilliance a burst of clarity exposing the naked beauty that awaits within the sure yet fleeting days of Spring can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life

* Quote: Jonathan Dushoff, a biologist at McMaster University in Hamilton who has been studying the spread of COVID-19, in the Globe and Mail on March 16, 2020.

Written by: Scott Moore | Illustrated by: Landon Wideman Read more at: thesemoments.ca

Community Corner Life in and around Spring Garden

CONNECT ONLINE For the most updated list, please go to: www. springgardenchurch.ca/connect-online

LIFE GROUP - Connect for Community SUNDAYS 1:00 PM Together through bible study, prayer and sharing Please email office@springgardenchurch.ca for the login and password. REFRESH - A Online Gathering of Women WEDNESDAY 10:00 AM A online gathering of women from our church and the community finding God together, reading and reflecting on scripture, sharing life stories and praying and supporting each other. Small children welcome, just let us know. To join or ask questions, please email Beverly Holtzman (holtzb@rogers.com)

EVENING PRAYER THURSDAYS 8:30 PM We are inviting you to a virtual time of liturgical prayer. If you would like to join us we will be using Zoom. <Join Zoom Meeting> Meeting ID: 107-508- 336 FOR THE PASSWORD, PLEASE email: OFFICE@ SPRINGGARDENCHURCH.CA.

SPRING GARDEN CHURCH COMMUNITY - Facebook During this unusual time where we are facing things most of us have never had to face before, most of us are finding new ways to connect with friends and family online. This Group is where we can connect as a church community. We’ll be posting articles that may help us journey through this time

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