1 minute read

Resource Centre

The Resource Centre Recommendations

Find a colouring page here: https://christianpreschoolprintables.com/wpcontent/uploads/CPP/FruitSpirit/FruitChartPack. pdf


Find some craft ideas here: https://images.app.goo. gl/yRR7YVwA35uNf5SF9

Find a fun song to learn here: https://youtu.be/ Rezg4jYFoj0

Fruit of the Spirit Resources

For the Adults

Here are some ebooks available from the Toronto Public library that relate to our studies on the Fruits of the Spirit. A woman’s walk with God: growing the fruit of the spirit, by Elizabeth George

When I don’t desire God: how to fight for joy, by John Piper

Finding the peace God promises, by Ann Spangler

Human(kind): how reclaiming human worth and embracing radical kindness will bring us back together, by Eiland Ashlee

Life changing love: moving God’s love from your head to your heart, by John Ortberg

Loving my actual neighbour, by Alexandra Kendall

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