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Spring Youth 14 | Youth Events

Our youth life groups will begin meeting this month, and we are excited to provide 3 areas for our youth to meet in person, Jr High Girls (Grades 6-8), Sr High Girls (Grades 9-12), and the Guys Life Group (Grades 6-12). Here are the days we’re meeting as well as who to contact: Jr High Girls: brittni@sgbc.ca -Mon., Dec. 13, 5:30-8:30pm Sr High Girls: Kaitlyn.ranasinghe@sgbc.ca -Fri. Dec. 10, 6-8pm Guys Life Group: Jeremy@springgardenchurch.ca -Thur., Dec. 9, 7-9pm Youth Events

December 3rd: SGC Youth: Home Movies - We will be meeting at our building to plan and shoot our own movies. Youth will be split into 2 groups to make original movies together using only basic equipment and props available in the building. We will also be making our own pizzas for dinner. Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm Cost: $10 per person ($5 for additional members of the same family)


December 18th: Youth Christmas Party - It is a tradition that each year (excluding 2020) we have a Christmas Party Potluck. We are asking our youth to bring their favourite home meal that we can share and enjoy together. Included in the festivities are a Pink Elephant gift exchange and a classic Christmas movie. Time: 5:00pm-9:00pm

Jr High Youth Retreat: January 14th, 15th, and 16th, 2022

We have partnered up with our friends from Immanuel Baptist Church, and together we're having a joint retreat for youth in Grades 6 - 8. Each day we will be meeting at a different location (all within a close radius of each other) and participating in some games, times of worship, and will cook and have meals together enjoying our time.

Cost: $60 (subsidy available)


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