April delve 2018 web

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April 2018

And Life

Delve An


Features April Musings on Membership Why Do I Want to be Listed in the Church Directory? Showing God’s Care for our Neighbours and Creation: Opportunities to Serve Thank You for Supporting Freedom February

4 8 10 27

Departments SGC Discipleship Ministries Resource Centre

18 24

Information Contact Inormation Calendar

28 30

Cover & Design: Clement Lee Michelle Li Contributors: Karen Cassel Greg Kay Jeremy Ranasinghe Margaret Sutton Gene Tempelmeyer Kaitlyn Williams Copy Editors: Karen Cassel Greg Kay Michelle Li Gene Tempelmeyer

Delve submissions are due on the LAST MONDAY of each month. To submit for the next issue of Delve, please email: delve@springgardenchurch.ca

Musings: On Membership by Gene Tempelmeyer

republic for which it stands” and then reaching an age when that republic could arbitrarily send me off to a war I did not believe in. I discovered, rightly or wrongly, my allegiance did not go that far. I believed in keeping promises and was not anxious to make another pledge my conscience might not allow me to keep. This was a spiritual matter. To become a Canadian it was necessary for me to pledge allegiance to the Queen, her heirs and successors. Is it appropriate for a follower of Jesus to pledge allegiance to anyone other than Jesus? As a Christian, should I show preference for one nation over another, or is our true nationality in being “fellow citizens with the saints and members of God’s household” (Eph 2:19)? Whether you feel this is a legitimate concern or not, to understand this story you need to understand that this was not a theoretical question for me. I already had to choose once between nation and conscience.


aving dropped my son off at school, I noticed on the way to my office that he had left his lunch in the car. Returning to school, I happened to walk into the building just as “O Canada” began to play over the intercom. I noticed a bright red maple leaf embedded in the foyer floor tiles. “This is where my life is. It’s time,” I realized. When I reached my office the first thing I did was make an appointment with a citizenship judge to become a Canadian. It was not an easy decision to make. I had been a landed immigrant for 15 years, and the only things I couldn’t do were vote and serve jury duty. And how many Canadians view jury duty as a privilege? (Although, truly it is a very great privilege, which we would know if we lived a while anywhere there was no commitment to due legal process.) I was welcomed. I had friends and family here. Why did I need to become a legal citizen? There were reasons why I was reluctant to become a Canadian. None of this reluctance came from a lingering commitment to the nation in which I already was a citizen. It was, rather, a memory of standing every morning pledging allegiance to a flag “and to the 4

But my life was here. I had married a Canadian woman. I quite happily paid - and am still happy for the privilege of paying Canadian taxes. My children were born Canadian citizens. I have no plan to live anywhere else, although I think inviting Turks and Caicos to become a Canadian Territory is an excellent idea! My ministry is here. My network is here. My life is here. Was I being fair to enjoy the benefits of Canada without making a commitment to this place and people who had welcomed and assimilated me so warmly? I passed the citizenship test. I met with the judge and told her that if my oath of citizenship ever came into conflict with my Christian conscience I would have to follow my Christian conscience. She assured me this was an acceptable qualification. The following Canada Day, along with several other new citizens, I took my oath of citizenship in the middle of Windsor’s main thoroughfare to launch the annual Canada Day parade. I recount this because as we have discussed making changes to the requirements for Church Membership at Spring Garden several people have asked me, “Why would I become a member?” Some add to this question the observation that Spring Garden is their home and they can already do everything but vote or become a 5

deacon. Most congregants view serving deacon duty about the way most Canadians view serving jury duty. Others ask why they should become members when they are already members of the Universal Church, and becoming a formal member of Spring Garden feels like adding a layer of human institution to a deeply spiritual reality. I get it. For a long time I considered myself a “citizen of the world.” I was already part of a much wider community than one nation. Why should I formally attach myself to one of the three nations I have lived in? (The third is Belgium, by the way.) I won’t answer the question “why become a member?” with, “So you can vote and serve deacon duty.” I know that wasn’t enough for me. One motive sounds egocentric and the other onerous. But that’s not why I became a citizen and not why I think you should become a church member. This is where our life is. If we have children, this is where their faith is being nurtured and we are being equipped to nurture faith at home. This is where we tithe and give offerings. It is not a perfect community by any means. Our community life will sometimes disappoint us and fail to live up to our standard of what God’s family should look like. But it is OUR community. It where we are planted. And the vote at a business meeting is not about having my voice heard in the din. It is about a community discerning together the will of God for our community, praying and listening and discovering where God is taking us – together. It is not your voice we need. It is your sense of the Holy Spirit’s voice and the unique ear and help you can bring our ability to hear Him. I don’t know that I will spend the rest of my life in Canada. It’s probable, but who of us knows the future? Whatever the future holds, while I am here I am committed to the people and well-being of this country. Thirty years of citizenship have taught me that commitment to the well-being of Canada is not a distraction from being a disciple of Jesus. It is part of being a disciple of Jesus. I am committed as ever to following my own conscience. Sometimes Canada needs my conscience. I am not a detached bystander. I’m invested and committed.

is the only one I haven’t left for one reason or another! Moving is part of 21st century life in North America, and change is part of life everywhere. The churches I have left still have a piece of my heart. I have felt the pain of roots torn from their soil. This is where I am now. I want the community to know I am committed. I want to take my place among those seeking to discern God’s will for our community. I want to sink my roots in a community as deep as I can for the time I am in that community. I have been like a rolling stone, “without a home, like a complete unknown.” The formal thing called “church membership” is not the only root that holds us in place just as my citizenship is not the main thing that keeps me in Canada. But it recognises and nourishes the roots of friendship, love, accountability, involvement, concern, and conscience. You shouldn’t become a member because you will get something out of it. You should become a member because you already are getting something out of it – and because God has gifted you to add something to it. If it’s time – come talk to me.

I have been a member of several churches. So far, Spring Garden 6


Why Do I Want to be Listed in the Church Directory?


bout once a year we publish a directory of Spring Gardeners containing names, street addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers. If you are not sure whether you are allowed to be in the directory because you are new or because you are not formally a member – you’re allowed! Encouraged, even!

• The Pastors use the directory as a prayer guide. Each week we pray through one page. You can join us in this exercise, or return the blessing by praying regularly through the list of pastors, elders and deacons. • Having street addresses helps us to know how widely spread we are throughout the GTA, and if there are clusters of Spring Gardeners in a neighbourhood that might want to come together around a need in their neighbourhood – or just get to know one another. These are just a few of the ways it is helpful to have your information for the directory. The deadline for adding yourself or changing your contact information is Sunday, April 15. There are forms at the Welcome Desk for those who have not been in the directory before. If you are already in the directory, your information is on a table near the welcome desk. Please check to make sure we have accurate and up-to-date contact information for you. Thank you for taking the time to be listed!

Some of the ways the directory is used: • Connecting with people, especially new church friends we don’t know very well, but would like to get to know better. • Contacting various leaders about questions, concerns, or compliments. All of our Pastors, Deacons, and Elders are listed. • Pastors and other ministry leaders may contact you about something coming up we think you might be interested in. 9

Showing God’s Care for our Neighbours and Creation: Opportunities to Serve

organize and/or care for the garden: some people who know what to grow, some who want to help dig and plant, some who want to help weed and water, some who perhaps don’t want to garden but who are willing deliver our vegetables to the Drop-Inn where we donate them. One of our hopes for this year is also to include some of our neighbours in the care of the garden. If you enjoy gardening and/or are interested in being part of caring for creation and our neighbours in this way, please contact Victoria Shipmaker (garden@springgardenchurch.ca) before April 30th.

Property Maintenance: Spring is here; bulbs are sprouting up in the church's beds and the buds on shrubs will be opening soon. The outer appearance of our church sends a message to our community, neighbours, and all who pass by. Does it look cared for? Is it clean? Inviting? To achieve that end we need help with the ongoing maintenance of the property outside. The more hands the less work!


e have three places of need and opportunity to show love for our neighbours, for creation and for God taking place on and around our property this spring, summer and fall: our Community Garden, care for our property, and Good Seed Sunday. Please read below for details!

Community Garden: For a second year we will be caring for our neighbours and caring for creation with our community vegetable garden. For this to happen we need a core group of people who are willing to help 10

Are you willing to serve in some way? Perhaps you would spend a little time weeding a bed (one of our biggest needs throughout spring, *summer, and fall), or keeping the stone areas clear of debris and weeds, or helping with a little judicious pruning, or caring enough to pick up any litter that accumulates in the beds, or dead-heading spent blooms throughout the growing season... This can be done on your own timetable. Perhaps it can be a family project or a life group project. Let's improve the outward appearance of SGC and make it visually welcoming! If you are willing to help in any way, please let either Peggy Moore (peggylouisemoore@gmail.com) or Wes Chapman (wes.chapman@gmail.com) know. Thank you.


Good Seed Sunday (April 22nd): Good Seed Sunday is a day set aside by many churches to acknowledge our call to be stewards of God’s creation. The way we at Spring Garden celebrate this is to clean up the garbage on our property and in the neighbouring park (Willowdale Park). Following 10am worship and a quick ‘brown bag lunch’ (which means bring some nourishment for yourself, preferably a litterless lunch) we will be heading outside to clean. Garbage bags and work gloves will be provided.

TRAUMA TREATMENT THROUGH THE EYES OF FAITH presented by the Christian Mental Health Practitioners Network DATE: June 23, 2018

Early bird pricing in effect - Deadline: May 1, 2018 Therapeutic Interventions: EMDR & CPT

Diagnostic & Pharmacological Issues

Kristen Adams Ph.D, C.Psych

Adrianne Sequeira RP, CP, RN

Patrick Lo MD, MDiv, FRCP(C)

For more information on Good Seed Sunday, or to learn about the Christian call to care for creation, please visit https://arocha.ca/ get-involved/good-seed-Sunday

Panel Discussion: Health of the Practitioner, Mind, Body, Soul Sharon Ramsay MDiv, RP, RMFT

Ken Gamble MD, FFTM, RSCPS

Anna Chen MD, FRP(C)

Spiritual Warfare

Integrative Christian Perspectives

Roy Matheson ThM, ThD

Darlene Arntt MDiv (student)

Andrew Blackwood DMin, RP

flc@tyndale.ca www.tyndale.ca/family-life 3377 Bayview Ave Toronto ON


SGC Summer Camps


his year our camp will focus on activities and skills from which the kids can choose an option. We will be hosting activities including sports, culinary, art etc. Different options and tracks will be sent out closer to the dates, for the child(ren) and parents to choose together. Parents/Guardian's have the option of signing up their child(ren) for either the half-day camp or the full-day camp which includes larger activities outside the property. Pricing is as follows: Cost: $80 per child ($60 for additional children of the same family). Camp T-Shirts and Outings Included Half and Full-Day Camp will be offered on a "first come, first served" basis. **Please be aware that the Full-Day Camp will only be offered to children in grades 1-5 (ages 6-10), while the Half-Day AM Camp is open to children from JK - Grade 5 (ages 4-10)** Date: July 30th-August 3rd, 2018 Event Timing: 9:00am-12:00pm for Half Day 9:00am-3:30pm for Full Day Event Address: 112 Spring Garden Ave, Toronto, Ontario, M2N 3G3 Contact: Jeremy Ranasinghe Jeremy@springgardenchurch.ca or (416) 223-4593 - Ext 223




Partnering with Families

SGC Discipleship Ministries

Upcoming Opportunities

Faith at the Table - April 29, 12pm-2pm At this faith at the table we will be having round table discussions on different topics for us to get practical about parenting. We'll be learning from one another to see how to grow as parents! We will also have experience parents who have gone through raising children, as facilitators during the discussion time. Child care and lunch will be provided. Please sign up through our website. Spring Garden Camping Trip to Pinery July 19-22 or July 20-22

Spring Garden Day Camps July 30-Aug 3 and Aug 7-10

We are offering two weeks of day camp this year. For more information and to sign up, please go to our website.

Spring Kids Here is an overview of what we will be talking about on Sundays for Spring Kids.

A camping trip for the whole church. Young or old, families or singles. This year we are offering a 2 or 3 night option. For more information and to sign up, please sign up through our website.

Pre-K – JK/SK: Alive After Jesus rose from the dead, he spent time visiting people and spending a little more time with his disciples. In this series, kids will hear stories of Jesus and his friends after he rose from the dead. This series is about Jesus after death, and children will be reminded that Jesus is alive forever! Jesus said, “I died, but look – I am alive forever and ever!” | Revelation 1:18 NLT

Grades 1-5 - The Big God Story - God Is Love - Jesus is Compassionate - God is Near - Jesus Restores

SGC Youth Here is what's happening in April!

Sunday Morning Worship Gatherings:

April 20th - Taco Tuesday on a Friday: Our annual taco night is this month. We will be cooking together and eating together and then playing some games. Time: 5:00pm-9:00pm Cost: $5

Staying Updated: To stay up to date on what is happening for your youth, please visit our google calendar which has all our planned events. http://tinyurl.com/SGCYouth

April 1st 15th, 22nd,and 29th, - We will be having regular worship gatherings for youth in grades 6-12. Following the children’s blessing, youth will move to the youth lounge to continue worship there. April 8th: Serve Sunday - We will be joining the upstairs worship this day as the youth band leads the musical portions of worship. Youth are encouraged to serve through the different opportunities available.

Life Groups: Life Groups will be on April 27th this month. For more information please contact either Sam or Jeremy for boys life groups, or Kaitlyn (kaitlynrenaa@gmail.com) and Diana (diana.boisvert@sgbc.ca) for the girls.

Youth Events: April 14th - Adventures In the 6: We are planning a downtown scavenger hunt for the youth. More information to come. Time:11:00am-4:00pm Cost: TBD 20


Listening, Learning and Living into Reconciliation: Friday, April 20 to Sunday, April 22. Experience a weekend of indigenous history, culture, food and art. Events include: Friday night movie; Saturday keynote address by Lee Maracle, OC, celebrated author, poet, educator, storyteller and performing artist; Kairos Blanket Exercise; Sunday morning worship featuring Jennifer Henry, Executive Director, KAIROS Canada; afternoon workshops. Everyone welcome! Come for the whole weekend, or just one or two events. Location: Lansing United Church (49 Bogert Ave., Yonge & Sheppard). For more information contact Lansing United Church: http://lansingchurch.com/ (416) 221-1722 or Cummer Avenue United Church: www.cummeravenueuc.ca/trc-event/ (416) 2225417. Registration is not required; however, for planning purposes, we would appreciate knowing if you are interested in attending.


Should you have any questions, please speak to Margaret Sutton at the Welcome Desk on Sunday or you can reach her at 416-223-4593 ext. 226 or margaret.sutton@springgardenchurch.ca



Spring Garden’s online library catalog can be accessed at springgardenchurch.ca/library

If you know of books or DVDs that you’d like to recommend to the Resource Centre, please contact Karen Cassel karen.cassel@bell.net

Recomendations From The Resource Centre Mercy: life in the season of dying, by Peter Roebbelen

Mercy is a pastor's recording of the life lessons he's discovered as a result of sitting at the bedsides of courageous people facing death's certainty. Peter Roebbelen explores the gifts that people have given him, the wisdom that he's gleaned from them, almost as if he's been the one being counselled, rather than the other way around. This joyful and instructive book will encourage anyone who reads it to live to the fullest in the present, and to love the people around them as never before.

who wish to not only survive but thrive as Christians in our challenging, secular, atheistic culture. This five-fold foundation can help us stand as well as advance against today’s increasingly strong cultural headwinds.

Psalms for young children, by Marie-Helene Delval The Psalms describe a whole range of emotions, from joy and wonder to sadness and regret. This collection of Psalms, paraphrased for young readers, uses simple yet powerful imagery to help children express their feelings.

Life’s ultimate questions: exploring the stories that shape our every day, by Jake Wiens This book is presented as “core-curriculum” for young adults and new believers alike, 24


Thank You for Supporting Freedom February by Kaitlyn Williams


n February our youth group held a bake sale to raise money for Fight4Freedom. Through this fundraiser, we were able to raise $900 as a church! This money will be used to support survivors of human trafficking across Ontario. It will help supply women with necessities such as grocery cards, transportation, housing, and counselling!

Children can you hear me? By Brad Jersak God longs to open the eyes and ears of faith in every boy and girl. He desires that each child would hear his voice and see his face--even the child in you. This children's storybook features full color illustrations by Ken Save as well as a chapter from Can You Hear Me? Tuning In to the God Who Speaks that explains how parents can encourage their children to embrace a lifestyle of listening prayer.


As the Survivor Care Coordinator at Fight4Freedom, I work with the women who are receiving these supports. From first-hand experience I have seen just how much $900 can do! It could pay rent for three months, counselling for four and a half months, or groceries for almost a year! It is so amazing to see how our church came together to raise this money. I have never seen such a generous group of people who are able to raise so much just from a bake sale! Our youth did such an amazing job planning and organizing the entire event! Thank you all so much for supporting our youth group and Fight4Freedom. Our church has been such a blessing to this ministry and we are truly so grateful!


Leadership at Spring Garden


Pastoral Team Gene Tempelmeyer, Pastor 416-223-4593 genetemp@springgardenchurch.ca Greg Kay, Worship and Mission Pastor gregkay@springgardenchurch.ca Margaret Sutton, Pastoral Care/Seniors margaretsutton@springgardenchurch.ca Sam Lee, Pastor of Discipleship, samlee@springgardenchurch.ca Michelle Li, Church Office and Communications Manager michelleli@springgardenchurch.ca Jeremy Ranasinghe, Discipleship Ministries Assistant jeremy.ranasinghe@springgardenchurch.ca

Ext. 222 Ext. 224 Ext. 226 Ext. 227 Ext. 221 Ext. 223

Deacons Sam Chaise sam_chaise@yahoo.com Adora Chui adora.chui@sgbc.ca Lesley Daniels lesley.daniels@sgbc.ca Joanne Laing ​joannelaing@gmail.com Gonzalo Librado gonzalo.librado@sgbc.ca Shannon Loewen shannon.loewen1@gmail.com Peggy Moore peggylouisemoore@gmail.com Esther Penner esther.penner@sgbc.ca Doug Willson doug.willson191@gmail.com 28

Garth Barron garthbarron@sympatico.ca Darlene Boyd darlene.boyd@gmail.com Cindie Chaise cchaise@yahoo.ca Cheryl Chapman cheryl.chapman@live.ca Joanna James jo.april.james@gmail.com Barrie Porter barriep91@gmail.com Brad Sider ​bradsider@yahoo.ca Corinne Sutton-Smith blestfoods@aol.com

416-724-9329 416.385.2483 416.738.0530 416.222.6963 647.928.0862 416.829.4210 647.200.6853 647.704.7710 ​​

647-968-5065 905.962.3897 416.806.5373 416-617-6582 416.229.2695 647-202-0701 416.225.2406 416.227.1840 416.221.0450

Discipleship Ministry Interns Sarah Lander - Children’s Intern sarah.lander@sgbc.ca Diana Boisvert - Youth Intern diana.boisvert@sgbc.ca Calvin Pais - Parent and Family Engagement Intern calvin.pais@sgbc.ca

Spring Garden Church T 416.223.4593 112 Spring Garden Ave. F 416.223.6126 Toronto ON M2N3G3 www.springgardenchurch.ca office@springgardenchurch.ca Prayer Line 416.223.4038 29

What’s Happening Life in Spring Garden

Weekly Tuesdays 1:00 pm - Pastoral Team Meeting - in Meeting Room Wednesdays 10:00 am -11:30 am - Refresh Women's Group - in West Lounge (childcare provided) 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm - ESL cafe - Wednesday in East Lounge Thursdays 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm - The Thursday Bunch - in East lounge Sundays 9:00 am - 10:00 am - ESL Bible Class - Sunday in Basement Hallway 9:00 am -10:00 am - Sunday Morning Bible Study - in Meeting Room 10:00 am - 11:30 am - Sunday Morning Worship (communion on the first Sunday of the month) If you would like to receive a weekly email update on what’s happening in Spring Garden, please visit the SGC website (www.springgardenchurch.ca) and add your email address at the bottom of our home page to subscribe to our weekly update

This Month

April 1 - 6:30am - Easter Sunday Sunrise with Communion - 10:00am - Easter Sunday Worship Celebration with Communion - 11:30am - Easter Community Continental Lunch April 2 - Church Offices will be closed April 10 - 7:15 Deacons Meeting April 14 - 11:00 am - 4:00 pm - Youth Group "Adventures in the 6" (pg 19) April 20 - 5-9pm - Youth Group Taco Tuesday on a Friday (pg 19) April 22 - 11:45 pm - Neighbourhood Park Clean up (pg 12) - 12:00 pm - Elders Meeting 30 April 29 - 12:00-2:00pm- Faith at the Table (pg 20


Our Values We believe in a humble God who came not to be served, but to serve. Therefore we engage in sacrificial and active service to those around us. We strive to be good stewards of God’s gifts and talents by serving one another in humility. We aspire to regard others as higher than ourselves, which liberates us to creatively take risks in serving others for God’s glory. We believe in a God of grace who came to save the world, not to condemn it. Therefore, as we are continuously receiving the gift of God’s grace, we seek to grow in that grace and extend it to others. We strive to define ourselves by what we are for, not what we are against. We believe in a God who knows us, and who desires to be known. Therefore we embrace a journey of faith that requires us to constantly strive for a personal, intimate and transformative knowledge of God. We strive to be led by God’s Spirit in supporting and encouraging one another in working out our faith. We believe in a creative God. Therefore we are open to expressing our faith in new and creative ways that reflect the beauty and complexity of our creator. We are called to use our creative gifts in worship and service as we engage with our world. We take joy in the diversity of gifts that allow us to delight God and participate in His ongoing story. We believe in a triune, relational God who calls us to come together as a diverse community of believers. Therefore, we want to walk together, supporting one another physically, emotionally and spiritually. We strive to be a welcoming, inclusive family that goes through the joys and the trials of life together, acknowledging that God uses this community to deepen and mature our faith. We believe in a God who loves this broken world and wants to reconcile us to Himself. Therefore we are commissioned by Christ to go out into the world, meeting the holistic needs of the local and global community. God calls us to participate in a redemptive work that he has already initiated; in humility, we will partner with others to work alongside and chase after Him. We believe in a God who is our center. Therefore where we are on the journey is less important than that we are moving towards a deeper relationship with Christ. We believe and participate in God’s redemptive work in all people, which gives us the freedom to come as we are, and to accept others as they are. We each are on a unique journey to become who God has created us to be.

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