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The origin of the Seamen’s / Fishermen’s Service Center begin with the PCT General Assembly Church and Society (formerly called Social service and Development Committee). It came to the attention of several committee members that the number of Taiwanese ships meeting disasters at sea and detainment in foreign ports was steadily increasing. Led by their faith and based on Christian commitment, they decided to enact a program to support Taiwan fishing community. In February 1985 the PCT General Assembly sent a worker to begin researching conditions at the country’s largest port, Kaohsiung. After one year of dedicated effort and survey, on 27April 1986, the PCT Fishermen’s Service Center was established at the fish market of Chi-chin; and in June 1997 the center was enlarged and moved to a new and more spacious place of the Kaoshiung city fishery department complex, which is a very convenient place to serve seafarers of all nationalities.
