San Francisco Bay Guardian

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news sh!t h@#pened limited replacement service to try to break the second strike. A statement by SEIU Local 1021 Executive Director Pete Castelli, put out after the vote, began, “Today’s Board vote incrementally restores the faith that the riders and workers have lost in the Board of Directors, but it’s not enough to fix the damage they’ve caused to our communities.” It goes on to blame the district for the strikes and closes with a vague threat to target the four directors who are up for election this year: Keller, James Fang, Thomas Blalock, and Robert Raburn (whose reelection launch party last month was disrupted by union members). “Today BART is less safe and less reliable because of the Directors’ reckless leadership,” Castelli said. “Something has to change in order for all of us to regain our confidence in BART, and it starts with having BART Directors who are committed to strengthening the transportation system we all rely on and who prioritize its workers’ and riders’ safety. We look forward to the opportunity to work with our communities and to elect Directors who are committed to improving service and safety to all who depend on BART.”




sf examiner photo by mike koozmin

Asked whether the union was indeed threatening to get involved in those four elections this year, spokesperson Cecille Isidro told the Guardian, “You’re absolutely right, that’s exactly what we’re trying to project.” Local 1021 Political Director Chris Daly took the threat a step further, singling out Mallett as by far the most caustic and antiunion director, saying the union is currently considering launching a recall campaign against Mallett, although that could be complicated by the fact that he represents pieces of three counties: San Francisco, Alameda, and Contra Costa. “He is so out-of-touch with the region. When he was elected, people didn’t know what they were getting,” Daly said, noting that voters elected Mallett over longtime incumbent Lynette Sweet


in 2012 mostly out of opposition to her and not support for him. Longtime Director Tom Radulovich, the Bay Guardian, and others who endorsed Mallett have been critical of Mallett’s erratic actions since then, which included trying to raise fares within San Francisco without required social equity studies, before becoming the most dogmatic critic of BART’s employee unions. Daly was also particularly critical of Keller, whom he accused of using the Jan. 2 vote “to roll out his reelection campaign” with an anti-worker tenor. Mallett didn’t respond to Guardian requests for comment, but Keller told us he takes the union’s threat seriously. “They’ll probably be successful,” Keller said of the impact that a serious union-backed challenge would have on his race. “If I lose my seat over this, I lose my seat.”




And by “this,” Keller means the likelihood that he’ll push for prohibiting BART employees from going on strike, which he said is already the case with the country’s four largest systems — Boston, Chicago, New York City, and Washington DC — which have deemed transit an essential service. “Large transit agencies do not allow their employees to strike,” Keller said, noting that the San Francisco City Charter also bans transit strikes, something he pointed out Daly didn’t alter during his tenure on the Board of Supervisors. And Keller said he’s willing to risk his seat to make that change: “I feel my responsibility is to use my remaining time to break this dysfunctional labor process.” Daly cited a litany of grievances that could be corrected by new blood on the board. “The experience of the last 8-10 months elevates the importance of these BART Board races,” Daly told us. “They spent about $1 million to basically malign their workers and improve their negotiating position on the contract.” SEIU Local 1021 members are slated to vote on the latest BART contract on Jan. 13. (Steven T. Jones)



FIre dIsplAces chrIstInA olAgue A fire broke out on Christmas night at the home of Christina Olague, a former San Francisco supervisor, and fatally injured her housemate and longtime friend, Randy David Sapp. Now, Olague’s friends and supporters are holding an online fundraiser (www. to help her get back on her feet in the wake of the tragic event. A benefit has also been planned for Jan. 12 at El Rio, 3158 Mission St. from 3-8 pm. Olague was unharmed and has been staying with friends since the fire. She’d lived with Sapp and his partner, Patrick Ferry, who were co-owners of a Cole Valley shop, The Sword and Rose. Ferry was seriously injured in the fire, but is expected to recover fully. (Rebecca Bowe)

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