11.24.04 Cherokee Sentinel

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November 24, 2004

Martins Creek Veterans Day celebration

Frank Bradley/Sentinel photo Franks Bradley/Sentinel photo

Martins Creek Elementary first graders sing at the Veterans Day celebration.

Martins Creek Elementary third graders at the Veterans Day celebration.

Frank Bradley/Sentinel photo

The Girl Scouts at Martins Creek perform a special song at the Veterans Day celebration.

Frank Bradley/Sentinel photo

Martins Creek fifth and six graders performing a special song for the veterans at Veterans Days celebration.

Toys-for-Tots Santa ’s Breakfast

Kids wait in line at Koo-Koos waiting to tell Santa all their Christmas wishes.

Sentinel photos Trish Golden

Blaiyre Lloyd and Carolyne Lloyd telling Santa all the goodies they want for Christmas

Left Ashlynn Wright happy to be telling Santa what she wishes for Christmas.

Caleb Rose nibbles on a pancakes stick at the Toys-for-Toys Santa ’s breakfast. Kena Grindstaff enjoys coloring as she nips on bacon at Santa ’s breakfast held at Koo-Koo ’s last Saturday.

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