Evangelization prm synthesis english

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Spiritual Animation It is urgent to move forward with enthusiasm in order to:                  

deepen our relationship with Christ be authentic and credible witnesses of the Gospel intensify our prayer life continue to make Jesus Christ known by responding and supporting new calls for foundations in areas marked by poverty and need keep alive the burning zeal of our Blessed Marie Rivier revisit Marie Rivier’s writings – adapt her outreach to our time deepen our knowledge and love of the Rule of Life maintain and continue to support the “Marie Rivier Young Evangelizers” and the group: “Jeunesse Rivier” continue to witness to the «Let us come together » contemplate the Word of God – allow it to transform us so that we can transform others. continue to make of our lives a living example of what religious life is calling us to live not lose sight of our first mission be women who seek to respond to the new opportunities and new challenges that the world and the Church present to us today and to do so with courage, faith and confidence in Divine Providence. dare speak openly our about our life, our desires, our dreams, our hopes, our projects. accept one another with our strengths and weaknesses support our missions through prayer, personnel, finances remain open to the signs of the times and trust in God make our Mother House a place of adoration according to the desires of Marie Rivier

Catechesis and Evangelisation                

Make vocation ministry a priority Be audacious, inventive and creative in the way we evangelise and proclaim Jesus Christ Be missionaries of love and compassion for the poor Live authentic community lives Reserve a privileged places for the teaching of catechism in our schools, in public schools and in the peripheries Every now and then invite a poor person to share a meal with us in community Use our properties to serve people on the margins of society Remain open to creating new ministries with the poor Continue to maintain and support the orphanage: Marie Rivier Home for Children Sponsor the education of poor students Encourage one another to give the best of ourselves and to say « no » to mediocrity Offer training to the young sisters for youth ministry Encourage those called to a mission “ad gentes” Train our sisters in parish ministry and catechesis Accept to share from our necessity Get involved in social justice

Means of Social Communication   

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Use the modern means of social communication to proclaim Jesus Christ and to diffuse the Word of God Create an International Congregation Web Site with links to provincial Web Sites In order to bring greater sophistication and professionalism to our Web Site consider a small committee or hire a professional person to ensure that our charism, mission and values are prominent. These persons would provide content and act as a clearinghouse for materials, maintaining and updating the Website. Make training sessions available to the sisters in the use of new technologies such as Internet, Facebook, Web Site, Cloud, Twitter, and provide guidelines for the appropriate use of these technologies. Use Skype for spiritual direction, for community meetings and other important gatherings Free one sister to take charge of our social networking with the young people in order to talk with them about religious life and about Marie Rivier.

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