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Call To Action

The Laughing Pew

Mom: “Why so much meat, son? Son: “My Sunday School teacher said the Bible says …”Man shall not live by bread alone.”


Illustration idea courtesy of Diakona Carrie Walker

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Second Baptist Church of Monrovia Pastor Christopher A. Bourne, Sr., Under-shepherd & SBC Family Honor and Commend New Members’ Department Director, Diakona Josephine Stokes, and Co-Directors Diakona Melva Hill & Diakona Robert Hamilton On Their 30 Plus Years of Service

Diakona Josephine Stokes

She is graceful, elegant, classy, poised, and in love with the Lord God. It is evident in her demeanor, whenever she eloquently speaks that her footsteps are ordered by our Sweet Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. She has made it her life-long task to ensure that any new member, who walks through the doors of Second Baptist Church is made to feel welcomed, taught the Clarion Holy Word of God, and definitely loved. If it is in the midst of class on an early Sunday morning, a hug, a personal phone call to share encouragement, or a small discussion to let you know how special you are to God and her, Sister Stokes diligently follows her par for the course.

Diakona Josephine Stokes got her start at SBC on February 1, 1987, where she was taught the Unadulterated Word of God from Emeritus Bishop Dr. William LaRue Dillard. She served as CoDirector of the 24-Hour Prayer Vigil, Jubilee Commission and then New Members’ Director for 30 years. Since March of 1988, she has been a member of the United Women’s Fellowship Guild, as well as a New Members’ Teacher in the New Members’ Department.

Diakona Josephine Stokes is “stepping to the side,” in her role as Director, and even though she will be greatly missed, we are grateful to have many future opportunities to call upon her to teach new members and view her presence in many facets of SBC.

“Teaching in the New Members Department has been my greatest joy. My objective has always been to encourage, assist and anchor the New Members in God’s Word. I will continue to stand on the premise moving forward,” said Diakona Josephine.

Diakona Melva Hill

On Sunday mornings, she arrives to the campus of Second Baptist Church of Monrovia with love and care in her heart. That love and care is seen and experienced in the New Members’ Bible Class Hour. A Woman of God, elegantly poised and ready to share His Love with everyone, including new members to SBC, Diakona Melva Hill so diligently evinces.

Melva joined SBC on January 1, 1989, arriving at 31 years of service at SBC thus far. She was named Teacher of the Year in the Teen Discovery Class, appointed Co-Director and Director of The New Members’ Department over 29 years. She was active in the Voices of Unity Choir, a Beloved SIster of the Diakonos Ministry, Building Commission, United Women’s Fellowship Guild and Editor to Bishop’s New Members’ Orientation Bible Study Course Training Manual, which has been known to the SB congregants to be a blessing and conduit in our study and understanding of God’s Holy Word.

Diakona Melva Hill is also “stepping to the side,” in her role as Co-Director, and even though she will be greatly missed, we are grateful to be able to call upon her and view her presence in the many facets of SBC.

“It has been an immense pleasure serving under Emeritus Bishop Dr. William LaRue Dillard and Pastor Christopher A Bourne, Sr. To God Be The Glory!!!” proclaims Diakona Melva Hill.

HDiakona Robert Hamilton e can be seen distinctively attired, with head held high, proudly marching around Second Baptist Church of Monrovia’s Sanctuary, as one of the SBC Ushers. A resident of Victorville, California for 21 years, never kept him from driving the 70 plus miles, every Sunday, to serve at SBC for more than 30 years. His dedicated his service in the Ushers’ Ministry, Evangelism, Jubilee Chairman, Fashion Show Chairman, Laymen League, Personnel Committee, Security Chairman, and the Photography, and New Members’ Second Co Director /Teacher. Diakona Hamilton is currently serving within the Diakonos Ministry.

“I’ve been a member at Second Baptist since September 1986. When Diakonos Lonnie Stokes, Josephine Stokes and I first started participating in the New Members’ Bible Class, we deemed it “Dillard University” because of how much learning took place. It has been more than a blessing to serve under the tutelage of Emeritus Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard. Whenever he spoke, it easily made me feel like going on to Heaven, right from where I was sitting, especially the Lesson 12- “The Raptured Saints Before The ‘Bema’ Seat Judgment” and Lesson 13- “The Tribulation, Satanic Trinity, and Armageddon, ”said a humble Diakona Hamilton. He further proclaims, “As long as any Pastor follows Christ, I will follow him. To God Be The Glory.”

Diakona Hamilton is also “stepping aside” as Co-Director of the New Members’ Department. He will be missed greatly, but we are thankful that his presence will be obvious during our Bible classes.

When requested to share comments on these three Faithful and Godly people, our Beloved Emeritus Bishop Dr. Wm. La Rue Dillard shared the following:

“Thank you for the opportunity to offer my sincere gratitude to Diakonos: Josephine Stokes, Melva Hill, and Robert Hamilton, for a job well done over the years of their spiritual leadership in the New Members’ ministry of the Parish of Second Baptist Church educational department.

The Good Lord assigned to me the spiritual development of the souls whom He sent under my shepherding oversight; they made themselves available unto the Lord Christ, and He directed them in their task. It is always a pleasure to say, “Thank you for a job well done over the years.” However, when valuable saints of God work, such as these have finished their term and time has come for them to make a U-turn in their task, It is always regrettable to lose them. Serving as their Undershepherd for many years, their labor made my task much easier because of their devotion and I am sure that I speak on behalf of the entire Congregants of the Parish, as well as Pastor Christopher A. Bourne, that their many hours of dedicated work have been deeply appreciated. They have been an asset to the parish church and it was my privilege working with them

Further; Let me welcome the new team of leaders who are coming aboard; I know each of you: Sharon Durall, Director, Co-directors: Walter McDonald, and Toulonne (Newhouse) Thomas, who have also been faithful, and each of you bring your spiritual gifts and fervent talents of smiles, friendliness, openness, and inclusion to all in your noble work. May the Lord Christ reward you richly for the faithfulness you will give as dedicated leaders, for you have had good examples in the ones you are replacing.

Thus, I commend you to God for your being available to be used by Him! The Lord’s Parish Church needs devoted, Spirit filled, sons and daughters to step forward just as you have done. What you do for God gives Him pleasure!”

Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard

It was a pleasure that our Beloved Pastor Christopher A. Bourne, Sr. shared the following:

“To God be the glory for the things He has done! With thanks and appreciation to:Diakona (Mother) Jo Stokes, Mother Melva Hill, and Diakona Robert Hamilton. Thank you for your years of introducing and teaching the Word of God to the New Members Class of Second Baptist Church. Your love for God and His people are evident in the fruit of your labor being manifested by the people who came under your tutelage.

As you continue serving God in other areas of ministry, I want to say Thank You for your love and faithfulness under my shepherding. I know that God will reward you greatly for your time of service. Hebrews 6:10, “For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister. May God continue to Bless and Keep you in His care!”

On behalf of Pastor Christopher A. Bourne Sr., our Under-shepherd, The New Members’ Department, and the entire Second Baptist Church of Monrovia Family, we Love, Honor, Commend, and say, “God Bless You, Diakona Josephine Stokes, DIakona Mother Melva Hill, and Diakona Robert Hamilton on a Marvelous Job well done!”

Article Written By Sharon F. Durall

As a part of the honor, each Diakona will be honored with a ravishingly, beautiful bouquet of flowers, gift card and an eloquently engraved glass plaque with the engraving as follows:

Second Baptist Church of Monrovia Pastor Christopher A. Bourne, Sr. Emeritus Bishop Dr. William L. Dillard & The SBC Family Give Love, Blessings, & Commendation to Diakonos Josephine Stokes, Melva Hill, Robert Hamilton for 30+ Years of Dedicated Service as Director, Co-Director and Teacher To the New Members’ Department

1 Corinthians 3:14 “If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward.”