Seconds Gazette May 2018

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109th Issue * Version 3

Second Baptist Church


Mission Statement econd’s Gazette serves as a monthly newsletter to inform the congregants of valuable information happening on the campus of Second Baptist Church and in the community, as well as spotlight individuals and events that edify our parish church, but most importantly; glorifies the name of Jesus Christ.

Evangelical Orthodox Communion Bishop Dr. Wm. La Rue Dillard 925 So. Shamrock Monrovia, CA 91016

Nadine O. Harris, MBA, Founder/Chief Editor Ferrari Y. Green, Production & Design Dr. Precious Flemings, Writing Editor Sherry Joiner, Operations & Distribution Vera Frazier, Operations

Contributing Consultants:

Something to think about…...

Peggy LaBon / Eric Johnson Jessie Anderson / Vera Reeves / James Ella Harvey Betty Thomas / Anita J. McCulloch/ Felicia Dickson

Photographers: Robert Anderson, Adele Davis, Rasheedah Ruffin, Robert Hamilton, Gerald McLendon

Children’s Church Consultant Jaylyn A. Harris

Second’s Gazette is published and distributed monthly, every First Sunday, to provide parishioners with information about our church, the community, and the world. We welcome your comments. Contact us at T h e

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Second Baptist Church Schedule of Worship Services Sunday Morning Services 10:45 AM Sunday Church School, Baptism and New Member’s Orientation Classes from 9:45 AM—10:30 AM ————————————————— Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper Celebration is served every First Sunday after the 10:45 AM Worship Service and at 4:45 PM in the Sanctuary ————————————————Mid-Week Bible Study and Prayer Services Bible Study, Prayer, Praise, and Testimonies at 10:45AM & 6:45 PM on Wednesdays Except Holidays

Second’s Gazette

The official flower of Mother's Day is the carnation, the favorite flower of the mom of the holiday's founder, Anna Jarvis. Over time, the custom arose of wearing a white carnation on Mother's Day if your mother has died and a red one if she's living. In fact, many carnation colors have special meanings. Pink carries the richest Christian symbolism. According to legend, carnations first appeared on earth as Mary wept while watching Jesus carry his cross. Where her tears fell, there appeared pink carnations, symbolizing a mother’s undying love. According to one theory, the English word for carnation comes from carnis, Latin for flesh. From the same root comes incarnation, God’s coming to earth in flesh. Thus, carnations remind us of our loving mothers as well as our loving Savior.


Attending Corporate Sanctuary Worship! Sons and Daughters of My Parish Flock, Grace to You!


he subject of my Epistle of Love last week was part one of “Attending Corporate Sanctuary Worship.” It discussed the first reason that we should attend “Corporate Sanctuary Worship,” based on Hebrews 10:24-25 as an act of Encouragement to Others.” This week I will discuss Parts two and three.

Part Two: “As An Act of Self-Condemnation!” Church attendance by the Saints is a rebellion against your sense of self-sovereignty. Yes, I know that sometimes my Sermonic Gospel Message is a little (or a lot) longer than you would like, the songs are not quite to your taste, the other Saints are too shy to welcome you properly (I don’t mean Welcome and Hospitality, but the regular worshipers), or exuberantly friendly that you feel overwhelmed. I am sure sometimes there are a million things you would do differently if you were in charge. So just think how sanctifying going to church worship must be! The gathering of the diverse and divinely empowered Saints is a community organized in part to stifle selfish human desire for autonomy. In a world where we encounter so much that caters to our sense of self-sovereignty, going to a church sanctuary worship can be a way of taking up our cross-not our will be done, but the Father’s (Yahweh), not our interests be first, but our brethren-and in that regard, it is extremely helpful to our spiritual growth in Christlikeness. Part Three: “As A Witness to Your Neighbor!” One of the most countercultural things you can do is get up early on Sunday morning, put real clothes on and drive to the campus of Second Baptist Church. Church attendance is not a cultural expectation in the United States any more, but in many cases, church attendance is downright abnormal. On the Lord’s Day morning, while other yards in your neighborhood are buzzing with lawn mowers, kids are making plans for a fun day and people are lounging, you show your family’s other worldliness. In that moment, you are witnessing without words! When you pull out of the driveway on Sunday morning, you are telling your neighbors that you need to worship the Lord Jesus Christ, and no amount of Sunday leisure can satisfy you like He can! You might be the kind of person they can talk to about the “alterative lifestyle” of following Jesus. Amen!

Until He Comes, I Am Serving Christ Joyfully, Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard Parish Shepherd



he Diakonos Ministry of Second Baptist Church is available to parishioners to help Bishop Dillard with members concerns and needs. Feel free to contact your representative below. The Diakonos are assigned alphabetically by last name. We are available to “Pray with You”, “Consult with You”, and “Assist You” in any way we can to help you in your Christian walk.

A—Robert and Jessie Anderson B—Dennis and JoAnne Craig Betty Brown, Rodney Bough C—A. G. Harrison, Shirley Robinson Larry and Deborah Hayes D—James and James Ella Harvey Venda Hawkins E-F—Ron and LaVonne Husband Adrienne Hurst G—Minnie Manning, Valeria Burwell Ellen Clark, Eric Johnson

Second’s Gazette

H— Thelma Jones, George and Tamara Lewis I-J—Ellis and Thelma Johnson Eva McLaurin, Walter McDonald K-L-N-O-T—Lonnie and Josephine Stokes, Terrence Williams M—Chuck and Martha Williams Melva Hill P-Q—Carrie Walker, Nadine Harris R-S—Larry Willis, Oscar Woodard UVWXYZ—Robert Hamilton, Ron Demps, Michael Dickson



The Bishop’s Epistle 3 Attending Corporate Sanctuary Worship

Every Month 2 4 5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14, 15 16-17 18-27 28-29 30-31 32

Editor’s Comments Diakonos Praying Contents Celebrations and Birthdays Blast and Footprints Movies/Health Corner Spirit Buzz / Community News Happy Mother’s Day / Missions Spotlights Looking Back At April Celebration/Upcoming Events Kids Zone Back Cover

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Second’s Gazette


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Mother’s Day


he modern holiday of Mother's Day was first celebrated in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother at St Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia. St Andrew's Methodist Church now holds the International Mother's Day Shrine. Her campaign to make Mother's Day a recognized holiday in the United States began in 1905, the year her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, died. Ann Jarvis had been a peace activist who cared for wounded soldiers on both sides of the American Civil War, and created Mother's Day Work Clubs to address public health issues. Anna Jarvis wanted to honor her mother by continuing the work she started and to set aside a day to honor all mothers because she believed a mother is "the person who has done more for you than anyone in the world". In 1908, the U.S. Congress rejected a proposal to make Mother's Day an official holiday, joking that they would also have to proclaim a "Mother-in-law's Day". However, owing to the efforts of Anna Jarvis, by 1911 all U.S. states observed the holiday, with some of them officially recognizing Mother's Day as a local holiday, , (the first being West Virginia, Jarvis' home state, in 1910). In 1914, Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation designating Mother's Day, held on the second Sunday in May, as a national holiday to honor mothers.

Dr. Precious

Second’s Gazette



ave I told you lately that I love you; and it ain’t nothing you can do about it! This was one of Mother Smith’s favorite saying. In this world of not speaking, not caring, not sharing, it is good to know that believers in Christ continue to greet each other (most of the time), care for each other, and share what they have so someone’s else life may be more complete, at least for a while. If you want God’s definition of love, here it is…. I Corinthians 18:1-10, “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails…. In conclusion, if you love someone, there should be no question about, your words, actions and deed will reflect it! “I love you SBC and there is nothing that you can do about it!” Happy Anniversary Bishop Dillard and Lady Betty!

Peggy LaBon



Second’s Gazette Welcomes donations of any size. Please make checks payable to

Second Baptist Church

SUPPORTERS Second Baptist Church Diakona Nadine O. Harris John P. Harris, Sr. Lady Betty G. Dillard Eleanor Harrison Mother Deloris K. Bridges Ferrari Green Diakona Melva Hill Barbara Jean Grant Shirley Towler – Hayes Elder Robert Craig Cameron & J.P. Dixon Dr. John & Apryl Harris Diakona Larry & Debra Hayes Christine Mathis Marva E. Hogan Ophelia M. Harris Barbara M. Harris Mildred Cross Diakona Carrie Walker Geneva Douglas Priscilla Stroud Diakona James Ella Harvey Laura Bullock

There is room for you too, Donate! Today! Second’s Gazette

“Through A Mother’s Eyes” is a movie about a wife and mother who believes that God does not care about her anymore after the death of her unborn son, Michael, who dies in her womb. But Debbie reaches the breaking point after a serious illness attacks her body and the doctors tell her that both of her legs need to be amputated. Debbie decides to die. “Why go on living?” Debbie needs to find the answer to this question for herself, and she will by the grace of God. “Through A Mother’s Eyes” is based on a true story from the book written by Debbie Miller. It is her story! You can watch this movie on Amazon Prime for $3.99, or on the internet at: https:// › Scotty Franklin › Videos. You will enjoy it!



ay is National Stroke Awareness Month, an annual event held in the month of May. The aim of this event is to make Americans aware that they may be able to save-the-life of a person experiencing a stroke. The National Stroke Awareness Month is run by the National Stroke Association that helps individuals ‘Save-A-Life’ by educating people about: risk factors, symptoms, and stroke preventative measures.

A stroke is a “brain attack,” which can happen to anyone, at any time. It occurs when an artery to the brain is either blocked, or bursts. As a result, a part of the brain does not get the blood it needs, causing the brain to start to die. When brain cells die, the ability to control the area of the brain such as memory and muscle is lost. Strokes are the fifth leading cause of deaths in the United States. Every year nearly 800,000 people have a stroke (610,000 are first-time strokes, and 185,000 are repeat strokes). Strokes kill more than 130,000 people each year and approximately, more than 55,000 women have more strokes than men each year. African Americans are almost twice the risk of having a stroke for the first time than Caucasians. During a stroke, two million brain cells die every minute, which increases the risk of permanent brain damage, disability, or death. Recognizing symptoms stroke, and acting FAST to get medical attention can save a life and limit disabilities. Stroke is an emergency! FAST is the acronym used to recognize and respond to signs of a stroke: Act fast! FACE Drooping: Does one side of the face droop or is numb? Ask the person to smile to see if there are drooping. ARM Weakness: Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward? SPEECH Difficulty: Is speech slurred, is the person unable to speak, or hard to understand? Ask the person to repeat a simple phase. TIME to Call 9-1-1: If the person shows any of these symptoms, even if the symptoms go away, call 9-1-1 and get the person to the hospital. There are medical risk factors that can be controlled and managed even if you already had issues with any of them in the past. Previous strokes, or previous episodes of TIAs (or mini strokes) puts one at higher risk. People who have heart disease, such as atrial fibrillation and coronary heart disease, or heart failure are at higher risk of having strokes. Talk to your doctor and work with your healthcare providers for management and control. High blood pressure (or hypertension) is the leading cause of strokes, and the most controllable risk factor for strokes. If you have hypertension, know your numbers and keep them low. Take control of your cholesterol. Large amounts of cholesterol in the blood can build up and cause blood clots, leading to a stroke. While diabetes is treatable, the presence of the disease still increases the risk of having a stroke. Learn how to lower the risks factors for diabetes and per-diabetes. Lifestyle risk factors include smoking, physical inactivity and excess body weight. Eat foods that will improve your heart and brain health. Diets high in saturated fat, trans-fats, and cholesterol can raise blood cholesterol levels. Diets high in sodium (salt) can increase blood pressure. A diet containing five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day may reduce the risks for stroke. To learn more contact the American Stroke Association and/or the National Stroke Association. For the American Stroke Association call: 1-888-4STROKE or visit: The National Stroke Association call: 1-800-STROKES or visit

Be proactive with your healthcare! Betty Thomas, RN

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"In order to learn what it means to be a woman, we must start with the One who made her." Working from Scripture, well-known speaker and author Elisabeth Elliot shares her observations and experiences in a number of essays on what it means to be a Christian woman, whether single, married, or widowed. Available in trade softcover and as a Living Book.

Second’s Gazette

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Not good with gardening? Why not start small? First, decorate a pot. Next, learn how to plant and maintain flowers or herbs that you can take home for a special someone. DATE AND TIME Sun, May 13, 2018 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM PDT Add to Calendar LOCATION California African American Museum 600 State Drive Los Angeles, CA 90037

B I B L E S AY I N G OF MOTHERS 5. Noah! No, you can't keep them! I told you, don't bring home any more strays!

“A Mother’s Love”

4. Gideon! Have you been hiding in that wine press again? Look at your clothes! (Judges 6:11)

Mother’s have the kind of love you can feel, When adversity takes place of prosperity, Mother’s will foot the bill.

3. James and John! No more burping contests at the dinner table, please. People are going to call you the sons of thunder! (Mark 3:17)

When friends desert us Mother’s Love surrounds us.

2. Judas! Have you been in my purse again?! 1. Cain! Get off your brother! You're going to kill him some day!

Mother’s are more fond of us more than any other parent, and has as much love for us as a full moon, because she and God are only certain we came from her womb.

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Second’s Gazette


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riel is a beautiful, strong, spirited-filled, determined young woman, who has been a member of Second Baptist for twenty years. She belongs to several ministries, Chosen Vessels, Mission of Mercy, and Advisor in Teens In Progress (TIP).

Ariel received a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Policy from UC Riverside and a Master Degree from Walden University in Non-Profit Management and Leadership. She also holds a Post-Secondary Certificate in Professional Fundraising. Ariel resides in Rancho Cucamonga and states that her proudest accomplishment is buying her Condo. “Really, this is my mom’s accomplishment (she kindly pushed me), but I get to foot the bill every month”! Ariel says that her best mentor is her boss, Shelia Spicer Batice because she is so wise; and her best role model is her mom, (Terri Hardy). “She is the best person that I have ever and will ever know.” Ariel’s community involvement is pertinent to her job, she is the Neighborhood Services Program Coordinator for the City of Monrovia. She is quoted as saying, “My job is doing community outreach and getting people involved in local government.” In March, 2018 Ariel was instrumental in bringing the Monrovia Block Party to Second Baptist Church to honor their first Pastor Lieutenant Allen Allensworth. One of Ariel’s little known secrets is that she loves make-up, watching videos about make-up, and making up her face or someone else’s face; products launches, the Science behind it, all of it is what she loves. Ariel watches Netflix documentaries, sermons on YouTube to relax and unwind; also by complaining about going to the gym, and then go to the gym. Over the last five years Ariel has learned that fresh flowers always make her feel better; there is great power in vulnerability; unless you ask for what you want, the answer will always be no; that sometimes you have to try the bad idea to get to the good one, and you never have to wait for permission to be who you want to be. Ariel’s favorite quote is: “I want you to say that I tried to love and serve humanity. If you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice. Say that I was a drum major for peace. I was a drum major for righteousness…I just want to leave a committed life behind.” (Martin Luther King Jr. Speech: February 4, 1968). She blogs too! Her favorite blog is from one of her great friends, Nicole (; and she loves Vicky Logan on YouTube. She is a preacher’s wife and talks about women’s empowerment. Vicky’s blog is located at: ( Ariel’s says that the most important innovation she has faced in her lifetime is absolutely, Apple Products and Amazon, which she uses daily. She states that she could not live without her iPhone, and the invention of Prime shipping has changed how she lives her life. The way Ariel defines success is to be exactly who you want to be. She says that there is success at every level and right now she is achiev ing goals. She states, “I have more goals, and one day, I will be successful in those as well, in Jesus’ name!” Second’s Gazette


Paije “Most Improved”


aige plays forward on the Frosh/Soph Basketball Team at West Covina High School. Having never played basketball, she decided to join the Summer League last summer; and when school began, she was chosen for the Frosh/Soph Team.

On Friday, April 26, at the Annual Basketball Banquet, each team member received a certificate. Paije received a plaque in honor of being named “The Most Improved Player”. She plans to play basketball for the next three years at West Covina High School. Earlier in the month Paije, along with other West Covina High School students, received a certificate of honor for being an honor roll student.


“Walk In Joy”,

Second’s Gazette

Galatians 5:22-23, 25



Second’s Gazette



Second’s Gazette



unday, April 29, 2018 Bishop Dr. Wm. La Rue Dillard received an Antique Bible as a gift for Second Baptist Church . The Bible was presented during worship service by Professor Bruce Carter on behalf of the City of Monrovia .


Second’s Gazette


Coach Dr. John P. Harris, Jr.

Premier Youth Opportunity Center celebrated its 4th Annual Sports Banquet on March 31, 2018. Their record was 30 Wins and 7 Losses.

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Second’s Gazette


Pat McLemore

and her grandson JOSIAH on the Price is Right. Pat was blessed to be a contestant. She made it on stage and played the race game. They won some fabulous prizes.


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BaLinda ReneĂŠ ~ 626-831-8910


Call 626-358-2136 or 359-7188 Fax 626-357-2477Email: Visit us Second’s Gazette


May Birthdays May 2 Joelle C. Dixon Aubrey Samuel May 14

Jashion Wade May 16 Jaycee Marshall



Sundays LIVE at 10:45 AM Second’s Gazette

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