Second's Gazette June 2014

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Second’s Gazette Second Baptist Church, Inc. Evangelical Orthodox Communion Bishop Wm. La Rue Dillard, PhD

925 So. Shamrock Monrovia, CA 91016

Issue 62 Version 8 June, 2014

Now the Lord is the Holy Spirit. And where the Spirit of the Lord is, freedom is also there. II Corinthians 3:17 Call 626-358-2136 or 359-7188 Fax 626-357-2477 –Email: / Visit us at:


God Is First At Second Baptist Church Nadine O. Harris, Founder/Chief Editor Tinisha McDonald, Administrative Mgr. Precious Flemings, Writing Editor Ferrari Y. Green, Production & Design Contributing Consultants: Jessie Anderson Peggy LaBon Danielle McKay Sherry Joiner Children’s Church Staff: Christa Moreland Jaylyn A. Harris MyReeanna Wade Second’s Gazette is published and distributed monthly, every First Sunday, to provide the congregation with information about the Church, the Church Family, the Community, and the World. Contact:


Cover Story

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Bishop’s Epistle

T h e B i

Mission Statement Second’s Gazette serves as a monthly newsletter to inform the congregants of valuable information happening on the campus of Second Baptist Church and in the community, as well as spotlight individuals and events that edify our parish church, but most importantly; glorifies the name of Jesus Christ.



enowned actor Sidney Poitier once said, “I decided in my life that I would do nothing that did not reflect positively on my father’s life.” If you’re blessed with a dad you admire and respect, how would it affect your life to make such a decision? Would you be inspired to set sound priorities, live with integrity, be a positive role model to the young people you influence? For all of us — children of the only perfect Father — may our prayer and intent be:

God, while earthly fathers are a mix of strengths and flaws, you give yourself to us as our heavenly Father, wholly loving, kind and passionate about our best interests. May we, in turn, seek to reflect positively on you. May my life spread far and wide your love, kindness and passion for the best interests of all, and may others see you in me. Amen.

Page 4, 5 Dates/Church News Page 6, 7 Church Ministry News

Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody This is a little story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

Page 8, 9 Celebration Pictures/Ads Page 10, 11 Health and Community News Page 12, 13 Second’s Gazette Celebration Page 14, 15 Kid’s Pages/Children’s Church Page 16, 17 TIP

There was an important job to be done, and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

Page 18,19 Prayer Calendar Page 20 Back Cover

Second’s Gazette

Discover Jesus, Read the Bible!


“We Have Hope From a Hard Saying of Jesus” I love you!


here are things Jesus says that are hard to understand. When He said, “Most assuredly I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:53-54). Please read the entire context in John 6:52-57. When we assemble this afternoon to observe the Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper, at Suppertime, it will be as a memorial unto Him; “we eat His flesh and drink His blood.” Just as one eats and drinks in order to have physical life, so it is necessary to appropriately set apart to honor Christ in order to have eternal life. We already have eternal life, so we can count on being raised. Jesus’ words brought strong resistant responses: The people were really put off by Jesus’ hard saying. It was hard for some because they did not understand; it was hard for others because they understood too well. For some, perhaps it sounded like cannibalism. For the Jews, even eating the flesh of meat from which blood had not been completely drained was forbidden. Others present might have thought Jesus was advocating some of the practices of the mystery religions. But those who understood the real meaning was challenged most of all. Jesus clarified His own intent of the hard saying in verse 56: “He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me and I in Him.” I call every one of you to gather this afternoon in preparation for the Supper-Time meal in Jesus’ memory. This hard saying means the same for the saints today—and much more! It means Christ life-giving and healing Spirit within us for the healing of our hurts, our confused thinking about ourselves, the Scriptures, the future, and our spiritual illnesses. It also means that He who has the healing power of the world can heal our bodies and make use whole. Yes! This hard saying offers the hope of the healing of the hurts of life—physical and psychological. Jesus, the Christ offers us the full impact of His life, ministry, and message. His death on the cross provides us with the forgiving power of His shed blood. But most important of all, it gives us Himself in the power of His Spirit. See you this afternoon, (4:45 pm), for the purpose of eating His flesh and drinking His blood. That is, symbolic of course, show you are obedient to Him, and my shepherding leadership. Amen. Until He Comes, I Am Serving Christ Joyfully,

Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard Parish-Under-shepherd


Dates to Remember   

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6/1: The Lord’s Supper Celebration-4:45pm 6/7: Brotherhood Laymen’s League Breakfast-8am 6/8:Day of Pentecost and Graduation Recognition Day10:45am 6/14: Flag Day 6/15: Father’s Day 6/19 UNETEENTH 6/19: Board of Trustees-7:30pm 6/21: First Day of Summer and Apologetics Mentoring with United Women’s Fellowship Guild Breakfast-9am 6/24: Joint Board-7pm 6/26: Semi-Annual Church Convocation 6/28: Second Quarter Teacher’s Meeting

He Is! I lift you up, I praise your name, I magnify the Lord, You are my God, you I trust, By you all things consist, So..Raise your hands, Bow down your heart, I am because He Is! God Is Great, His Son He gave, His Spirit is life, Amen. Second’s Gazette

DAY JUNE 15, 2014 AUGUST 10, 2014 Invite your friends, co-workers, neighbors and family to fellowship with us at both services (7:45 AM & 10:45 AM)

HOSTED BY: Hospitality Ministry




uneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. Dating back to 1865, it was on June 19th that the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. Note that this was two and a half years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, which had become official January 1, 1863. The Emancipation Proclamation had little impact on the Texans due to the minimal number of Union troops to enforce the new Executive Order. However, with the surrender of General Lee in April of 1865, and the arrival of General Granger’s regiment, the forces were finally strong enough to influence and overcome the resistance. Later attempts to explain this two and a half year delay in the receipt this important news have yielded several versions that have been handed down through the years.


History of

FOOTPRINTS “Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord” (James 5:7). These days it seems like there’s so much to be patient for, to be in prayer for and seek God’s wisdom with your whole heart for!


remember when it seemed like whatever I wanted was just around the next corner. I could ask the Lord for something and it either came fast, or something just as good was there. Patience wasn’t in my vocabulary when I was younger it seems. Maybe I looked for an alternative because I was inpatient. Whatever the case, I’ve learned to be patient today. I don’t know about you, but I’ve found that there is no substitute for what the Lord does for me! So as we continue to pray for our love one’s healings, growth in Christ, doing well in school, with work, in retirement, and whatever service you are led to do, we know now that patience is an important dynamic in our prayers. God knows what we are asking for (before we ask), and He knows when He will grant it; or it may come in a totally different way than our request. Only He knows!!! We must trust HIM!!!!

Love you, Diakano Peggy LaBon


Part 2 of My Personal Ministry Songs In all I think and say and do, I long, O God, to honor You; But may my highest motive be to love the Christ who died for me. D. DeHaan


ello SBC! Today, I am giving you Part 2 of my personal testimony and the songs I sing when I need to be ministered to and uplifted in my spirit. Last month, I shared my story of being in a state of depression. I was in a lonely and sad place. I didn’t want to get up some mornings. But then I started to sing some of the old hymns and they ministered to my soul. My depression has gone away and now I wake up in the morning singing, “I am On the Battle Field for My Lord,” and then I transition into a praise and worship song like “Worthy is the Lamb.” My sisters and brothers in Christ, I pray that you will be blessed and realize that you, as well as I, go through life up’s and down’s on this journey. But I know God is real and he lives within me.

A Sunday School teacher asked her class why Joseph and Mary took Jesus with them to Jerusalem . A small child replied, “They couldn’t get a baby-sitter. ‘”

My prayer is that the people of God will unite on one accord and help each other and not look down on another person. The Bible says that we are to be our brother’s keeper, and that we are to love one another dwelling together on one accord. SBC let’s get to know each other so that when you or I go through a period of depression, or a time of need, we won’t turn to gossip and the wrong crowd of people. Let’s learn how to be witnesses and say an encouraging word to help each other; and know that someone cares. Until the next time, I am out! ~Danielle~


.Samson caught 300 foxes, tied them tail to tail, put a lighted torch between their two tails, and set them loose to destroy the fields of the Philistines. (Judges 15:4-5).

English: Happy Father's Day! Spanish: feliz día del padre!

Second’s Gazette


ing. Warrior. Mentor. Friend. In this revised and updated

release of his bestseller, with two new chapters, Stu Weber paints a dramatic and compelling picture of balanced manhood according to God's blueprint. A Tender Warrior is what every woman dreams of for a husband, every boy desires to be, and every man yearns most to develop within himself. Written in a warm, personal style, Weber presents the characteristics of tender warriors -- including watching out for what lies ahead, keeping commitments, and learning to speak the language of women -- in an upfront, straightforward style that challenges readers to realize God's plan for men.

In the Blink of an Eye, a movie that shows what happens to believers and unbelievers. God is coming like a thief in the night, we can be sure of this. This is what happens to David after his wife and friends are gone in a blink of an eye, caught up in the rapture. This movie can be purchased online for just $5.00 at, or you can view it online.



Congratulations 2014 Superintendent Dr. Precious Flemings Announces

BIBLE JEOPARDY WINNERS Second/Third Grade - Left to right back row— Teachers Clergy Wife Diane Saleem, First Lady Betty G. Dillard and Sister Deborah Benson. Front row John Harris, III, Jason Jenkins, Jr. and Jaylyn Harris. Fifth Grade Student Paige Jenkins and Teacher Vaughn McClure share in the Spotlight as Bible Jeopardy Winners, 2014.

2nd, 3rd Grade

5th Grade


Second’s Gazette




t may seem that there’s nothing you can do about stress. The bills won’t stop coming; there will never be more hours in

the day; your career and family responsibilities will always be demanding. But you have more options than you might think. In fact, the simple realization of this is a foundation for stress management.

To identify your true sources of stress, look closely at your habits, attitude, and excuses: Do you explain away stress as temporary (“I just have a million things going on right now”), even though you can’t remember the last time you took a breather? Do you define stress as an integral part of your work or home life (“Things are always crazy around here”), or as a part of your personality (“I have a lot of nervous energy, that’s all”). Do you blame your stress on other people or outside events, or view it as entirely normal and unexceptional? These coping strategies may temporarily reduce stress, but they cause more damage in the long run. Smoking - Drinking too much - Overeating or under eating - Zoning out for hours in front of the TV or computer - Withdrawing from friends, family, and activities - Using pills or drugs to relax-Sleeping too much - Procrastinating - Filling up every minute of the day to avoid facing problems - Taking out your stress on others (lashing out, angry outbursts, physical violence). Remember there are many healthy ways to manage and cope with stress, but they all require change. You can either change the situation, or change your reaction. Some healthier options include: Going for a walk. Spend time in nature. Call a good friend. Sweat out tension with a good workout. Write in your journal. Take a long bath. Light scented candles. Savor a warm cup of coffee or tea. Play with a pet. Work in your garden. Get a massage. Curl up with a good book. Listen to music. Additional sources:

Live Life Healthy, Jessie Anderson

What Makes A Dad?

Second’s Gazette

God took the strength of a mountain, The majesty of a tree, The warmth of a summer sun, The calm of a quiet sea, The generous of soul of nature, The comforting arm of night, The wisdom of the ages, The power of the eagle’s flight, The joy of a morning in spring, The faith of a mustard seed, The patience of eternity, The depth of a family need, Then God combined these qualities, When there was nothing more to add He knew His masterpiece was complete, And so, He called it…Dad

11 Second’s Gazette

Welcomes donations of any size. Please make checks payable to

Second Baptist Church

Hollywood & Highland Shopping Center June 21 @ 10:30a.m., 2 p.m., 5:30 p.m. $20-$45 June 22 @ 1 p.m., 4:30 p.m., $20-$45 Dolby Theatre 6801 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood & West Hollywood Venue phone: 323-308-6300 Venue website:

SUPPORTERS Second Baptist Church Nadine O. Harris Tinisha McDonald Eleanor Harrison Mother Berdie Pulliam Mother Deloris K. Bridges Ferrari Green Dr. Precious Flemings Lady Betty G. Dillard Mother Mae Lean Buckley Melva Hill Emelbra LeBlanc Redd Barbara Jean Grant Shirley Towler –Hayes Mother Hortense Anderson Elder Robert Craig Cameron & J.P. Dixon Dr. J.P. & Apryl Harris Geneva Ward-Douglas Larry & Debra Hayes Christine Mathis Marva E. Hogan Ophelia M. Harris Barbara M. Harris Shermanika Roland

There is room for you too, Donate!



Second’s Gazette


Can you guest who these SBC Trialism in Poetry Youth Praise Dancers are? See Page 18 for Answers

5/4/2014 - 17 attended, two visitors = Dayah Lawrence, Tomaiya Rockwell offering = $12.00 5/11/2014 - 16 attended, one visitor = Cali Roman, offering $5.35 5/18/2014 - 16 attended, no visitors offering $6.40


Second’s Gazette


Internet Words Defined


2014 Theme:

"The Jesus Connection... What a Friend".. . Please mark your calendars Vacation Bible School (VBS) Monday, July 21, 2014 through Friday, July 25, 2014 - 5PM to 8:30PM DAILY Persons interested in teaching a class, facilitating a workshop, or assisting in this ministry contact Danyelle Rucker at 626 316-0496 or Second’s Gazette

All children are Invited!


Candace Johnson

attends Pasadena City College. Goals are just to finish Junior College and then transfer to Cal State Long Beach. She will major in graphic design and merchandising, and then transition to a SBC T.I.P. Advisor.


his year has definitely been a memorable year. Along with making new friends, I was able to participate in many different clubs and activities. The transition from high school to college was not that difficult. I can happily say that I have finally completed my first year of college. I joined a program that is geared towards African American students known as Ujima. Ujima is a program that guides you through your first year of college. This program makes you feel like you are a part of a family and provides you with resources you need to relieve some of the stress that comes with being a first year student. College was not what I expected, but as soon as I stepped on campus I immediately fell in love with “college life.” I experienced a lot more freedom, which was one of the perks of being in college. Being a full time student, working, going to church and still managing to have a social life was overwhelming at times. There were a couple times when I just broke down, but each semester I try to take a class that I enjoy such as dance to help me stay sane. The key is to always manage your time well and keep God first in everything you do. There are so many people of different cultures, views, and opinions and it is easy to get influenced. That is why it is important to stand firm in what you believe. I’d like to thank my family, Bishop Dillard and church family for grounding me in God’s Word.

The SBC College Mail Ministry wants to reach out to your loved one, but we need to know where to send the mail. Please complete the College Mail Ministry Survey and return to church office (surveys located in Church Office).


Left to Right: Raeyani Cross, Kori Webb, Serenity Spicer, Sherika Ewing-Brown, Le Lani Mays, Erika Collins, Raeven Cross, Ms. Lynn Causey (Instructor) Paige Jenkins, Crista Moreland, Jaylyn Harris (not pictured: Madison Brown, Myreeana Wade, Rakiyah Wilson, Raechel Cross Please continue to encourage and pray for these youth praise dancers! If interested in joining, please contact Ms. Lynn Causey @ (323) 517-1074 Second’s Gazette

Theaters of Vision Productions (TOVP) Media Lani Ridey Pedrini: (626) 831-0520



Tickets Available for …. ‘ Thanks for the Memories’ A Musical Tribute to Bob Hope and the USO Celebrating and Honoring our Veterans! Sierra Madre, California , June 28 & 29, 2014 – Theaters of Vision Productions (TOVP), is proud to present Thanks for the Memories: A Musical Tribute to Bob Hope and the USO, featuring the toe tapping, nostalgic and Patriotic favorites, performed by the Theaters of Vision All Star talented cast in true USO tradition. This live stage musical production will take place at the engaging and lovely Sierra Madre Playhouse on Saturday, June 28, 2014, at 7:30 PM. With 2 more performances on Sunday, June 29 at 2:30 PM and 7:30 PM. The Sierra Madre Playhouse is located at 87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Ticket prices range from $15 to $35. Discounts are available for Children, Veterans, and Seniors. A portion of the net proceeds will benefit the Pasadena Senior Center and The Sierra Madre Playhouse. The show will start with the first Bob Hope USO show at March Field (1941) and will progress through his continued shows during wartimes in our rich history: WWII (1941-1945); Korea (1950-1953); Vietnam (1964-1975) and Iraq (1990). This show engages us with performances from celebrities of the times that historically donated their time and talents to support the troops, just as our cast and production team are today. The spirit of human unity and resilience; courage and heroic service have been the mark of these turbulent times in our history. Celebrated Veteran honorees, invited to attend the production include the remaining members and widows of the Tuskegee Airmen, Rosie the Riveters, the Women Air Force Service Pilots and the 99ers. In addition, the event will honor the great service of two (2) worthy Veteran Services Organizations: U.S. VETS whose mission is the successful transition of military veterans and their families through the provision of housing, counseling, career development and comprehensive support; and The Fisher House Program which provides a home away from home for families and caregivers of veteran patients receiving medical care at major military and VA Medical Centers throughout the US. This event is an outreach to the San Gabriel Valley Community. Therefore, a portion of the net proceeds will go to benefit the Pasadena Senior Center and The Sierra Madre Playhouse. The Pasadena Senior Center opened in May 1960, and was the first nonprofit senior center in southern California and one of the first in the nation. In March of 1999, the center was awarded national accreditation by the National Council on Aging’s National Institute of Senior Centers. Its mission is to improve and enrich the lives of seniors with a wide variety of programs and services designed for those age 50 and over. The Sierra Madre Playhouse is located in the charming foothill village of Sierra Madre and attracts patrons numbering more than 8,000 from throughout the San Gabriel Valley and nearby cities. Most productions are presented on Friday and Saturday evenings, and Sunday matinees and evenings. In 1923, the structure housing the Sierra Madre Playhouse was built. In its history, it has served as a movie house, an arcade and and a nonprofit theatre venue and has a solid reputation for providing quality entertainment and culturally sound family theater fare. This opportunity is a trifecta for all who attend this celebration of our brave troops. Please join us as we provide the opportunity to support our Seniors and honor our Veterans, while we give back to the community with a spectacular show in a lovely venue and reach out into the community for talented performers. This is what Theaters of Vision Productions (TOVP) is all about! Tickets are now available. For reservations go to or call (626) 355-4318 and push 0.


Bishop Wm. La Rue Dillard, Ph.D. Parish-Shepherd 925 South Shamrock Monrovia, CA.

Worship Services Sunday Morning Services 7:45 AM & 10:45 AM

Sunday School 9:45 AM

Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper Celebration 4:45 PM Every First Sunday of the month, the Lord’s Communion Supper is served after the 7:45 am and 10:45 am worship services, if you are unable to attend the 4:45 pm service Wednesday Services Bible Study, Prayer, Praise, and Testimonials at 10:45 AM & 6:45 pm Choir Rehearsals Every Tuesday and Thursday Evenings at 7:30 pm Jesus, for this time of worship, and with your gentle help, I lay the ups and downs Second’s Gazette of this week at your feet. When I depart, remind me to let you carry them .

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