July 2012 - Seattle Natural Awakenings

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feel good • live simply • laugh more



Pleasurable Pastimes


Five Powerful Lessons From Ghandi

Tips to Protect Your Skin

July 2012 | Seattle Edition | SeattleAwakenings.com

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elcome to the July issue of Seattle Natural Awakenings! After a lush and green spring (otherwise known as rainy and wet), this is the month we always hope to finally unfurl the beach and patio umbrellas, kick back poolside and enjoy the good life. Routines get upended this month, and in a good way—the warmer days beckon with all kinds of outdoor activities. My parents had an above-ground pool when I was growing up, and it was just big enough to allow me to spend many a relaxed summer afternoon drifting on a float with a book. When I think of simplicity and being unavailable to the world, my mind goes to those moments suspended above the water, seemingly suspended from time as well. There are understandably not many pools in the northwest compared to warmer regions of the United States, but just sitting next to a lake or the Puget Sound this time of the year is incredibly refreshing and abounds with simple pleasures: a warm breeze, perhaps the lapping of the water or the crashing of the waves, and the scent of healthy, pure air that usually lingers near aquatic environments. We know you want to live the good life this summer, too, and you want it to be healthy and conscious, so we've brought you some tips and ideas for a beautiful and simple summer. Start with some mouth-watering and all natural picnic ideas for fun outdoor gatherings, like amazing pesto corn on the cob and more in “Outdoor Entertaining” (page 22). Need ideas for ways to enjoy the sun and your extra time outdoors? Check out "Simple Summer Pleasures" (page 12) for classic reminders of amazing activities like stargazing, hosting a potluck block party, or taking a sunrise walk. Brush up on your knowledge of an important issue, genetically modified foods, in our article “The Truth about GMOs” (page 18). There's lots more inside these pages, and we hope it all contributes to a peaceful and simple summer for you and your loved ones. Get out there and soak up the precious sun, and enjoy. To your health and happiness,


contact us Publishers Ann Dorn David Seregow National Editor S. Alison Chabonais Account Manager Dena Marie 425-350-5448 Dena@SeattleAwakenings.com Design & Production Patrick Floresca Franchise Sales John Voell II 239-530-1377 To Advertise: 206-788-7313 or 425-350-5448

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natural awakenings

July 2012


contents 10

5 newsbriefs 10 healthbriefs 11 inspiration


14 healingways 16 wisewords 17 yogalife 18 actionalert 22 consciouseating 26 calendar



30 naturaldirectory

advertising & submissions HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 206-788-7313 or 425-350-5448 or email Publisher@SeattleAwakenings.com. Deadline for ads: the 15th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Submissions@SeattleAwakenings.com Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Email Calendar Events to: Calendar@SeattleAwakenings.com or submit online at SeattleAwakenings.com. Deadline for calendar: the 12th of the month. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locallyowned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com.

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Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.


Five Powerful Lessons from Gandhi by Arvind Devalia


Sweet, Easy, Perfect


by Claire O’Neil


Protective Tips for Sunny Days by Kathleen Barnes

16 TOOLS FOR CHANGE 16 Yoga Provides Path Of Tranformation by Frytz Fatepahl Mor


Refreshing Trips That Renew by Andrea Blair Cirignano


ABOUT GMOs Plant Pathologist Don Huber Reveals the Risks


by Melinda Hemmelgarn



Backyard & Picnic Party Foods by Renée Lou



Delicious Natural Recipes by Renée Lou


newsbriefs New Food Growing Towers Coming to the Northwest


local resident is bringing a new indoor growing method to Seattle. A compact vertical growing system of interlocking pots, the Foody is ideal for those with limited space, according to Greg Hendrick, who is the exclusive Northwest distributor of the system, along with his wife Brenda. "One of the benefits is that it allows for year-round growing of delicious organic food,” Hendrick says. "It allows anyone to grow healthy plants just about anywhere and inspires whole generations to take ownership of growing some of their own food,” Hendrick explains. “It’s a great conversation starter.” The Foody tower contains from three to five stacked units, each divided into eight compartments, or pockets, and can work either hydroponically or with soil. The arrangement reduces weeding and water use. In fact, according to Hendrick, plants grown in the Foody require only about 2 percent of the water needed by plants grown outside. The unit takes less than two square feet of actual floor space. "One of the beauties of the Foody system is that you can stagger your plantings, so you always have something coming up,” Hendrick explains, noting that most leafy greens can be harvested repeatedly and will continue to grow more leaves. Owners of Foody towers have grown everything from herbs, tomatoes and eggplant to cucumbers, cabbage and even potatoes. Hendrick has an aquaponic set-up that runs water from his aquarium, in which he grows tilapia, through his Foody tower. For more information: 509-293-2628 or SmartoGrow@gmail.com.

Sweet Survival

blamed for the “colony collapse disorder” that has been decimating bee populations. The current double-whammy for honeybees is an Asian mite, the varroa, which feeds on honeybee young and adults and spreads viruses. To fight the pest, commercial beekeepers have turned to heavy feeding and medication to try to keep hives alive. Now, scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s honeybee lab, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, that have studied for the last decade why some hives had low mite levels, have determined that the bees in those colonies were able to detect mites hiding in sealed cells and feeding on developing young. The researchers’ goal is to breed a queen that will pass on to her colony the traits of resistance to pests and disease, gentleness, productivity and winter hardiness, thus creating a superbee. The project is ongoing. Source: Environmental Health News

NW Healing Tree Opens In Lynnwood


W Healing Tree, a new healing center that offers acupuncture, massage, sound healing and Ayurveda, has opened near the Whole Foods Market in Lynnwood. Operated by Melissa Yaden, NW Healing Tree is located within Lynwood Natural Medicine. “I’m excited to bring the power of natural health and healing to the residents of Lynnwood and surrounding areas,” Yaden enthuses. “Working with Lynnwood Natural Medicine, I can offer the highest level of care and effective ayurvedic, massage and acupuncture remedies for clients who want to feel amazing.” Location: 3005 Alderwood Mall Pkwy., #100, Lynnwood. For more information: 360-434-0670 or NorthwestHealingTree@gmail.com. To learn more about Lynnwood Natural Medicine, visit LynnwoodNaturalMedicineWa.com.

Bees & Superbees Update While bee colonies die off around the world, pesticide chemical companies continue to protect their businesses by lobbying against bans on neonicotinoids, a group of nicotine-based toxins designed to paralyze insects by attacking their nervous systems. And that, claim critics, includes honeybees. Mounting authoritative research undermines the pesticide industry’s long-repeated arguments that bees are not being harmed, and increases pressure on U.S. and UK authorities to follow other countries in banning the suspect chemicals, natural awakenings

July 2012


Local fitness studio changes name to The Chris Meredith Method


he Redmond based fitness studio formerly known as Hardcore Fitness Studio is now the Chris Meredith Method Fitness Studio, a name change that reflects owner Chris Meredith’s evolution towards a unique form of functional fitness. “I’ve been training for years, and one thing that I really want to emphasize is my results-oriented approach,” Meredith says. “We do a 30-minute workout and complete money-back guarantee, which reflects how strongly I stand behind the fitness concepts I have adapted and developed.” The Chris Meredith Method Fitness Studio is notable for the lack of complicated fitness machines: rather, everything in the studio compliments the body’s natural range of motion and enhances “functional fitness,” the ability to improve strength for everyday tasks instead of isolating muscles for body building, for example. However, the simplicity of the heavy ropes, half bouncing balls, punching dummies and bands hanging from the a-frame structure should not be underestimated. Testimonials abound and clients say the studio’s 30-minute classes have helped them slim down, tone up and build plenty of muscle. “We have a really strong community here, because our classes are semi-private,” Meredith explains. “We usually have four to six people in one class and they get to know

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each other. It’s a great supportive atmosphere for reaching fitness goals.” Meredith says they also strive to offer a friendly, inclusive environment. “We’ve had people of all ages, fitness levels and abilities in here, and they all leave feeling like they were incredibly challenged but not discouraged,” he says. “The great thing about our approach is that it’s relevant to every fitness level. A pro athlete can walk in and get a very challenging workout, and so can a retired grandparent who has not worked out for years.” Meredith offers a free week trial and a money-back guarantee. When asked if he’s ever had to refund someone’s money, he laughs and points to a wall filled with dramatic before and after photos of his clients. “You show up for 30 minutes, three times a week, and we’ll take care of the rest.” For more information: TheChrisMeredithMethod.com or 206-595-5291.

Yoga For Hope Expands Awareness Of Mind-Body-Spirit Connection


he fourth annual Yoga for Hope takes place July 14 at the Seattle Center’s North Fountain Lawn underneath the Space Needle. Registration and vendor booths open at 9 a.m., opening remarks begin at 10 a.m., and yoga with the music of Steve Gould begins at 10:30 a.m. The yoga class features prominent Seattle instructors Jenniferlyn Chiemingo, Dora Gyarmati, John (Jess) Jessum and Cosetta Romani. Yoga for Hope is a fundraising event for City of Hope, an innovative biomedical research, treatment and educational institution dedicated to the prevention and cure of cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Yoga beginners and experts alike are welcomed to practice together, celebrating the practice’s benefits, while raising funds to advance City of Hope’s mission to transform innovative research into treatments that save lives here and around the world. In its three-year history, Yoga for Hope has raised more than $80,000 for vital research and treatment. “Yoga for Hope is the most inspiring event I have ever been a part of,” said Jenniferlyn Chiemingo, instructor and Yoga for Hope presenter. “To witness yoga truly 'uniting' for an important cause is powerful. I am so honored to be a presenter, demonstrating how to take your yoga off the mat, and to save lives.” Patient treatment at City of Hope recognizes the mindbody-spirit connection and incorporates complementary and integrative therapies. Gentle, restorative yoga and meditation classes are offered to City of Hope patients and their caregivers to provide a way to help manage the emotional and physical process of treatment and recovery. Many participants report profound impacts on their symptom management and quality of life. Cost: $35 in advance or $45 at the door. Location: 400 Broad St., Seattle. For more information and to register: YogaForHope.org/Seattle.

Dowsing and Earth Acupuncture Training with Karen Rice King


aster Dowser Karen Rice King will be training others in Earth Acupuncture and dowsing in Bellingham, July 21 and 22, and at Brooke Medicine Eagle’s organic farm in the Cascades near Loomis, on July 28 and 29. In Earth Acupuncture, geobiologists dowse for geopathic stress—zones of energy which conflict with and cause harm to living organisms. They find and map meridians—unseen electromagnetic energy lines—in order to heal them because they can affect the physical and emotional health of living organisms. By placing metal or crystal rods in the earth on the intersections of these meridians, geobiologists can help neutralize negative energies. According to King, the discipline of dowsing can cure one’s own home and office, but two distinctly different settings (one, urban/residential; the other, rural/agricultural) were chosen for the training to show the versatility of the process. “Dowsing has been used for thousands of years to meet the needs of people all over the world, primarily for finding water and precious stones, gems and metals,” King says. “Dowsing is used now by healthcare practitioners to create effective treatments for their clients; by agriculturalists for farming and raising stock; by the military for strategizing operations; and by developers and builders for deciding on a location for investing and for clients.” “Essentially Earth Acupuncture addresses all matters of health, wealth and happiness,” King continues. “It is the modern geomancy that our ancestors knew and used for their challenges.”

Cost: $390/individual or $300/each for a couple. For more information: 303-665-0175 or Karen@KarenRiceKing.com.


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natural awakenings

July 2012


Workshop: Intuition in Space Clearing


obyn Fritz of Alchemy West will present the workshop, Using Intuition in Space Clearing, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., July 10, at East West Bookshop in Seattle. “The workshop is a hands-on event for participants to explore Space Cooperating, a new modality of space clearing I pioneered in Seattle,” says Fritz, an experienced intuitive that works in partnership with a citrine Lemurian quartz. “Space clearing is a holistic, practical, intuitive technique that revitalizes space on an energetic or vibrational level, much like vacuuming and dusting keep the physical space clean,” she explains. “It helps establish and maintain clear home and business space to promote healthy, balanced lives. It’s useful for real estate, when selling or buying a new home, it provides creative support and facilitates personal and business changes.” Fritz explains that Space Cooperating moves deeper into space clearing because the practitioner intuitively talks directly with the space being cleared, addressing its concerns and interests as well as human ones. In this workshop participants will learn how to talk intuitively with the space, choose appropriate tools and conduct a clearing, so they can either apply this technique to their own home or business or determine when they should work with a space clearing professional. Cost: $10. Location: 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. To register, call 800-5876002 or go to EastWestBookshop.com/events/. For more information: Robyn@ AlchemyWestInc.com.

Ninth Annual NW SolarFest Comes To Shoreline


W SolarFest Renewable Energy & Sustainable Living Fair takes place July 28, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., at Shoreline Community College. Displays and interactive presentations from nearly 80 participating vendors and non-profit and educational organizations will demonstrate products, such as appliances and vehicles, that operate using solar, wind, geothermal and other renewable power sources. The event will feature a variety of food vendors, and an after-party complete with beer garden and entertainment takes place from 6 to 8 p.m. The region’s longest running grassroots-organized renewable energy and sustainability fair, NW SolarFest is intended to help attendees learn and apply more sustainable habits in daily living. SolarFest is organized by members of Shoreline Solar Project, which operates with a mission to promote the practical application of renewable energy and environmentally responsible practices to enhance the economic, ecological and social environment of the community. Cost: Free. Location: 16101 Greenwood Ave. N. For more information: 206-306-9233 or ShorelineSolar.org.


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Daughter of Dr. Christiane Northrup Comes to Seattle and Tacoma


ate Northrup, daughter of Dr. Christiane Northrup, will share the story of how the pair founded Team Northrup and how the company has grown since then, with engagements in Tacoma, July 3, at 7 p.m., and Seattle, July 5, at 7 p.m. Dr. Northrup says, “Team Northrup began with a handful of people and a dream: Give women of all ages a way to learn about finances, pursue a life of passion and have a career in the health and wellness industry. Today, Team Northrup is a group of thousands of women and men around the world who are consciously creating vibrant health and vibrant wealth, with USANA Health Sciences as their product partner.” USANA Health Sciences develops and manufactures nutritional supplements, healthy weight-management products and personal-care products. Dr. Northrup calls USANA “one of the world’s leading companies in the field of health and nutrition.” “Kate Northrup’s approach to business is unique,” Local Team Northrup leader Michelle Wong explains. “By redefining sales as service, she is leading a movement that sees selling as a spiritual practice.” The two free events give details about how Team Northrup can help health-conscious individuals achieve financial success and personal freedom. Cost: Free. Locations: July 3, 7030 Tacoma Mall Blvd., #200, Tacoma; July 5, 1520 Eastlake Ave. E., Seattle. Preregistration is required. For Tacoma event, register at TeamNorthrupTacoma.eventbrite.com; for Seattle, go to TeamNorthrupSeattle2012.eventbrite.com. For more information: 206-552-8819.

YogaTone H2O Brings SUP Yoga to Juanita Beach Park


his July, YogaTone H2O returns to Lake Washington. Offered for the second consecutive year by Northwest Paddle Surfers in partnership with yoga instructor and Natural Awakenings writer Andrea Blair Cirignano, the class comprises a full yoga lesson on standup paddleboards (SUP) in the water just off Juanita Beach Park. “Both yoga beginners and SUP beginners are welcome,” Cirignano says. “Each class starts with a paddle lesson and a warm-up paddle before a full yoga session on the water, and students have time for extra paddling after yoga.” Cost: $26 single class rate includes all equipment; discounts offered with 5- and 10-class packages. Advance registration required at NorthwestPaddleSurfers.com. For more information and class schedule: NorthwestPaddleSurfers.com. For more information about Cirignano: ABCYogi.com.

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July 2012



Wondrous Watermelon


n a hot summer day, a cool, juicy slice of watermelon offers enticing refreshment. The treat offers surprising health benefits, too— it may help keep weight off and arteries clear, according to a recent study involving mice with high cholesterol by University of Kentucky researchers. One group sipped watermelon juice; the control group, water. After eight weeks, the mice that imbibed the juice had a lower body weight due to a decrease in fat mass; lean muscle mass was unaffected. These same mice also experienced reduced atherosclerotic lesions—associated with hardening of the arteries—and lower concentrations of cholesterol in their blood. “This pilot study has found… interesting health benefits in the mouse model of atherosclerosis,” says lead investigator Dr. Sibu Saha, a cardiothoracic surgeon. “Our ultimate goal is to identify bioactive compounds that would improve human health.”



ow consumers have another convincing argument to add more fiber to their diet. According to a National Cancer Institute study at the National Institutes of Health, which followed patients over a nine-year period, scientists associated the intake of fiber (about 30 grams per day) with a reduced risk of death from any cause, including cardiovascular, infectious and respiratory diseases. Source: Archives of Internal Medicine

The Lowdown on Low Iron


ow levels of iron in the blood not only cause fatigue, but also may be linked to more serious health risks, including dangerous blood clots. Iron deficiency is widespread, and thought to affect at least 1 billion people worldwide, mostly women. Alleviating such deficiencies is a preventive measure. Source: Imperial College, London

Cancer Prevention in a Spice


his year, an estimated 52,610 people (38,380 men and 14,230 women) will develop cancer in the head and neck, leading to an estimated 11,500 deaths (or just under 22 percent), according to statistics adapted from the American Cancer Society’s publication, Cancer Facts & Figures 2012. New hope may lie in an ancient spice. A pilot study conducted at the University of California-Los Angeles Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center has shown that eating curcumin, the main component in the spice turmeric, works to suppress a cell-signaling pathway that spurs the growth of malignancies in the head and neck. Further, curcumin reduces pro-inflammatory cytokines (naturally occurring regulatory proteins) within saliva. Turmeric is widely used in South Asian and Middle Eastern cooking (curry, for example), and has been long valued for its anti-inflammatory properties. In India, women have used it for centuries as an anti-aging agent rubbed into the skin, as a poultice to promote wound healing and as a treatment for menstrual cramps.





The Ultimate Minimalist

Five Powerful Lessons from Gandhi by Arvind Devalia

“You may have occasion to possess or use material things, but the secret of life lies in never missing them.” ~ Mohandas Gandhi


olitical and spiritual leader Mohandas Gandhi practiced total simplicity and minimalism, leaving an admirable legacy of how to live. Born into a prosperous family, he enjoyed a privileged upbringing and studied law at University College, London, in England. When he left Earth, he had fewer than 10 possessions. In contrast, most of us tend to spend a lot of time and

energy accumulating and looking after possessions; by having less, life naturally becomes simpler. We can take up author Dave Bruno’s The 100 Thing Challenge and start cutting down to bare basics by recycling, refusing to accept more stuff and giving away or selling unwanted possessions. Accumulate little. Gandhi believed in possessing only the clothes, sandals, watch and spectacles he wore and some cooking and eating utensils. He would give away or auction any gift he received. Eat simple food. Gandhi never had a problem being overweight. He followed a strict vegetarian diet and frequently cooked his own simple, locally produced foods. He ate from a small bowl, a reminder to eat moderately and mindfully, often accompanied by prayers. Dress simply. Gandhi wore simple clothes, often just a wraparound cloth, for modesty and comfort. A simple hairstyle can shorten daily grooming. Gandhi shaved off his hair. Lead a simple, stress-free life. Gandhi meditated daily and spent hours in reflection and prayer. Though he was a revered world leader, he led a simple life with few distractions and commitments and would interrupt political meetings to play with children. Gandhi insisted on doing his own simple tasks. He advocated self-sufficiency and simple work. Let your life be your message. A prolific, concise writer and powerful speaker in public; in private, Gandhi spoke quietly and only when necessary. He preferred to let his life talk for him. By living a simple life, Gandhi was able to devote himself to his chosen higher purpose and focus on his commitment to his people and the world. Accordingly, consistent focus determines anyone’s success and the potential for leaving one’s own inspiring legacy. Arvind Devalia is the author of the bestselling Get the Life You Love, an inspirational coach and prolific blogger. Connect at ArvindDevalia.com/blog.

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* Transformative Classes & Events See complete schedule online www.EastWestBookshop.com

natural awakenings

July 2012



Sweet, Easy, Perfect by Claire O’Neil

Summer beckons with the freedom of long sunny days—a perfect time to cultivate the art of treating one’s self to simple pleasures.


uthor Neil Pasricha observes, “I like to stop and remember sometimes that we’ll never be as young as we are right now. We only get 100 years or so to enjoy interior design, books, buffets and clean sheets, radio waves and good movie seats, bakery air, rain hair, bubble wrap and illegal naps.” The Toronto-based creator of the international bestseller, The Book of Awesome: Snow Days, Bakery Air, Finding Money in Your Pocket, and Other Simple, Brilliant Things is on such a roll that he keeps adding to the list at 1000AwesomeThings.com. All it takes to travel this pleasurable path is a little attitude adjustment and awareness, agrees Victoria Moran, author of Creating a Charmed Life. She suggests we continually ask, “What




simple thing can I do today that will make it an amazing day?” What follows is not exactly a bucket list, but more like a summer “sand pail” sparked by Natural Awakenings publishers and contributors around the country. Taking cues from summers past and present, they happily offer a springboard to enjoyment.

Acting Like a Kid Again

Just the thought of summer days to come brings back memories of free time, family vacations and outdoor fun. Whether we go swimming, sip real lemonade on the porch or catch and release fireflies with our kids or grandkids, we love renewing that “in the moment” feeling for ourselves. “I love hanging out with 3-yearolds,” says Pasricha, “because they’re

still seeing the world for the first time. Every moment is right now.” If you’re having trouble reaching your inner child, “Think of how you were when you were 10 years old,” suggests Joy Behar, comedian and cohost of The View. “What did you like to do then?” Sometimes revisiting a childhood pleasure or two can provide the missing link to fresh summer fun. Retro sweets: When is the last time you heard the tinkling bell of an ice cream truck? If you’re lucky to hear one this summer, don’t miss the chance to indulge in a favorite childhood treat. Grab some coins from the change jar and run outside, barefoot and all, but be wary of the stubbed toe. Bike riding and kite flying: Freewheeling it on two tires instead of four with wind blowing in one’s face is sheer exuberance. Flying a kite can feel like that too, and when you pass it off to someone else, watch a huge smile break out across his or her face. Potluck block party: Gather kids, parents and grandparents and transform a summer barbecue into a mini-block party. Set up rows of card tables, covered with colorful camp blankets and old tablecloths and adorn with a few Mason jars filled with puffy, purple-tinged hydrangeas, dainty red-and-yellow-spurred columbines or the simple cheer of sunflowers. Bring the fun and games outdoors and join the neighborhood youngsters in a game of kick-the-can, hide-andgo-seek, or flashlight tag.

Indulging the Senses

The sights, sounds, smells, tastes and textures of summer are easy to discover or recreate. They can be as simple as making the most of… A sunrise walk: A peaceful early

call you outdoors, reach for binoculars or a telescope and point toward the stars. Consult EarthSky.org for a meteor shower calendar and you’ll be counting shooting stars during the summertime Delta Aquarid and Perseid meteor showers.

Personal Pursuits

morning walk before the thermometer starts to rise is a great way to start a summer day. Listen to the quiet twitter of birds as they wake with the morning sun and inhale the freshness of a new day. Dining alfresco: On summer evenings, find an opportunity to indulge in outdoor meals, replete with candles and cool, crisp salads, featuring fresh summer fruits like berries, nectarines and peaches. Keep meals simple and let summertime story telling and laughter serve as background music. Stargazing: It’s easy to acquire a lifelong fascination with the desert night sky. When warm, calm nights

“Having space and time to nurture our creativity may be one of people’s authentic hungers,” muses author Sarah Ban Breathnach, well-known for her Simple Abundance books. She suggests allotting perhaps an hour a day to dabble in a hobby, to paint, to plot or to throw pots. It can feel like taking a little getaway every day. “Some days are shaped by summer pleasures, others are redeemed by them,” concludes Breathnach in Simple Pleasures. Making time for such simple joys nurtures an ongoing summer vacation state of mind.

Two Local

Simple Summer Picks Spend a few peaceful hours at the Ballard Locks, watching the occasional salmon jump the fish ladder and the boat traffic come and go. Don’t miss the visitor center and botanical garden. Free. Lake Washington Ship Canal and Hiram M. Chittenden Locks 3015 NW 54th Street, Seattle 7am-9pm 206-783-7059 Go blueberry picking (mid-July through early Sept, call ahead to confirm) in these expansive organic berry fields with a striking view of the Bellevue city skyline. Mercer Slough Blueberry Farm 2380 Bellevue Way SE, Bellevue 9am-7pm 425-467-0501

Claire O’Neil is a freelance writer in Kansas City, MO.

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The FoodyTM before and after planting

natural awakenings

July 2012



Natural Summer Skin Care Protective Tips for Sunny Days

by Kathleen Barnes


ow that much-anticipated beach vacations, gardening, outdoor sports and other outside summer activities are on our calendars, it’s time to practice ways to protect skin from sun damage. The medical profession has reported loud and clear that too much exposure causes dryness, wrinkling, premature aging and even skin cancer. Yet, many people don’t understand that certain types of medications, among other factors, can

increase sensitivity to the sun’s rays. People of all types of skin can be susceptible to allergic reactions to sun exposure, and contrary to popular belief, dark-skinned people are not immune. There are many ways to protect skin from overexposure, burning, drying and wrinkling, and careful use of safe sunscreens is one of the best.

Sun Protection from Without Yale dermatologist Dr. Nicholas Perricone, author of The Wrinkle Cure,

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strongly recommends natural nonchemical sunscreens such as “physical” blockers titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, not chemical sunscreen formulations, for everyone that plans to spend more than a few minutes in the sun. He states, “The benefit of a physical sunscreen is that it acts like tiny mirrors—deflecting all spectrums of the radiation away from the skin, including the dangerous ultraviolet [UV] rays.” Taking commonsense steps can reduce exposure to both sun damage and sun-blocking products that have, among other synthetic chemical ingredients, paraben-based preservatives and can carry health risks, says medical researcher Elizabeth Plourde, Ph.D., author of Sunscreens are Biohazards: Treat as Hazardous Waste. Plourde supports Australia’s Victoria-based SunSmart program, credited with preventing more than 100,000 skin cancers and saving thousands of lives since its inception 32 years ago, in a country with one of the world’s highest rates of skin cancer, according to Cancer Council, Australia. Effective UV protection has come from the increased use of hats, sunglasses and protective clothing, including neck-to-knee swimsuits for children. Rather than use chemicals, Plourde is among the health advocates that suggest sun worshippers seek shade, cover up and avoid sun between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.; be extra-careful when the UV index is high; find the daily National Weather Service forecast assessing the risk of sun overexposure at epa.gov/sunwise/ uvindex; take extra precautions near water, snow and sand, because they reflect and substantially intensify radiation; avoid tanning products or tanning beds, even those advertised as safe; and wear tightly woven, dark, clothing for maximum sun protection. Lightweight denim is a good choice.

Skin Protection from Within

Numerous studies show that specific foods can help provide natural sun protection, working from the inside out, including a class of foods incorporat-

Chemical-Free Sunscreens Look for sunscreens that contain either zinc oxide or titanium dioxide and are free of cancer-causing parabens. These are a few of the more natural products on the market: Aubrey Organics Natural Sun Burt’s Bees Chemical-Free Sunscreen with hemp seed oil Perricone MD More than Moisture Jason Sunbrellas Chemical-Free Sun Block Lavera Sun Nature’s Gate Mineral Sportblock

ing carotenoids, which give rich colors to fruits and vegetables. According to recent research from Henrich-Heine University, in Dusseldorf, Germany, subcategories of the nutrients lutein (in dark green leafy veggies) and lycopene (in tomatoes and other pink/red foods) are among the most powerful antioxidants. Perricone explains, “Numerous scientific studies from around the world show that oral supplementation with carotenes, especially lycopene and betacarotene, improve skin structure, have powerful wound-healing properties and offer great protection from damage caused by sunlight.” Because inflammation is a major cause of

many types of skin damage and premature aging, he highly recommends the Mediterranean diet and other eating plans rich in healthy oils like olive oil, omega-3 from walnuts and butternuts and oily fish, along with lots of vegetables and fruits. A growing body of research from such prestigious institutions as North Carolina’s Duke University and the Xienta Institute for Skin Research, in Pennsylvania, shows that vitamins C and E can protect skin against free radical damage and also reduce the chances of sunburn. Potent antioxidant herbs such as green tea (Camellia sinensis) are also proving effective, according to research from the University of Alabama.

Coming in August

Healthy Living Tips for the Whole Family

Healthy Sun Exposure

Still, sunshine is the best source of vitamin D, so Perricone recommends stepping outside without sunscreen protection for at least 15 minutes a day with as much skin exposed as possible, even when clouds are present, preferably in early morning or evening sunshine. “But don’t bake in the sun,” the doctor warns. “Limited sun exposure will increase vitamin D production, known to reduce the risk of many internal cancers, while also reducing the risk of osteoporosis.” Kathleen Barnes is a natural health advocate, author and publisher. Rx from the Garden: 101 Food Cures You Can Easily Grow is among her many books. Visit KathleenBarnes.com.

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July 2012



Tools For Transformation by Frytz Fatehpal Mor Everyone wants to be happy—it is a core desire of humanity. For centuries, yogis have lived the idea that people can be whoever they want to be; all they need are the right tools and the ability to understand and respond to their changing environments. Recent research and theory advances the notion that individuals are affected by what they think and vibrate and can affect change through thoughts, words and vibrations. It stands to reason, considering that the human body comprises a high percentage of water. Masaru Emoto, author of Messages From Water, demonstrates his postulation that words, thoughts and ideas can have a direct effect on transforming water, as shown in its frozen crystals. Emoto maintains that positive projections onto water led to snowflake-

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like, brilliant designs, while negative projections onto water appeared to form “incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.” Recently, biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev reported his findings supporting the hypothesis that human DNA is coded much like human language, using grammar and syntax, and storing memory like a computer. He also finds that language and sound vibrations can alter DNA if the right frequency is used. These types of studies lend credence to the idea that people have the ability to directly recreate themselves anew in each moment. Kundalini yoga speaks of “cherdi kala.” It translates “rising spirit,” or “continuous resurrection.” In every moment and in every situation, people have the opportunity to recreate themselves, be at their best and rise above. People can confront every situation with commitment, character, divinity, dignity, and grace: the light of the spirit shining bright. Yoga offers tools to help practitioners achieve that state. However, most people cannot hide in caves like the yogis of old. Most are householders with careers and families, living in environments that changes constantly and quickly. Old ideas make way for new inspirations in finance, technology, science, spirituality, governance, community, communication and interconnection. How does the individual keep a tranquil pace with the constant revision? By incorporating a method of recalibrating the mind, body and spirit to remain neutral and flexible in an ever-morphing environment. Kundalini Yoga and Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan offers such transformative technology. Utilizing pranayama (powerful breath work), kriya (sets of postures designed to strengthen the body and nervous system), mantra (calibrated vibratory wordings chanted or sung), and mudra (hand positions) the practitioner can experience their true natural vitality and soul. Kundalini yoga is a technology for happiness. Frytz Fatehpal Mor is a kundalini yoga and meditation teacher (certified by Kundalini Research Institute and International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Assocation) and a former television producer and editor. He is currently co-owner of Wahe Guru Yoga, located at 7415 Greenwood Avenue North, in Seattle. For more information, call 206-783-WAHE, email info@WaheGuruYoga.com or visit WaheGuruYoga.com.



Offer Long-Lasting Benefits by Andrea Blair Cirignano


t’s that time of year again—time to count down to July 5, otherwise known as the unofficial start of summer in Seattle. Many Pacific Northwest residents have a love/hate relationship with the weather in the area: it is one of the few places in the country that runners can get out year-round, but it is also home to shorter, later summers than most other U.S. cities. “The Pacific Northwest has an extremely prosperous high-tech community,” said Ali Valdez, local resident and founder and owner of Sattva Yoga Online. “This means we have extremely intelligent people laboring in sedentary positions in front of computers for extended periods of time.” This makes Northwesterners ideal candidates for warm-weather yoga retreats. “Our bodies, circadian rhythms and melatonin production are reliant on sunlight,” added Valdez. A retreat is an organized vacation that encourages students to disconnect from technology and their everyday lives. “No one leaves a fifty-hour-a-week job on Friday afternoons refreshed, invigorated and recommitted to their overall well-being,” said Valdez. It is important to practice healthy habits like yoga on a regular basis, but sometimes yoga students find it difficult to block outside distractions when they are only taking an hour-long break from the stress and their yoga studio is right down the street from work or home. Because of the distance and change in scenery, retreating can be a healthy practice for anyone, even residents that enjoy the local climate. “When you

make a commitment and investment to get away from it all, you are more likely to use the getaway to unwind, decompress and focus inwardly,” Valdex says. Some retreats are more structured than others, but most will promote a healthy diet, an active lifestyle and time outdoors—all habits often lost in the daily grind. Local studios and local instructors offer retreats of all types in a variety of locations but Valdez said one of her favorite places to retreat at this time of year is Bali or Southeast Asia because the weather allows for time outdoors and compliments relaxation. Writer Andrea Blair Cirignano is a local yoga instructor with a journalism background. She believes yoga is for everyone and that each member of the community could benefit from the practice in some way, shape or form. Her articles highlight the unique pairing of this ancient practice with a modern Pacific Northwest lifestyle. Find out more about Andrea at abcyogi.com.

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July 2012



The Truth about GMOs

Plant Pathologist Don Huber Reveals the Risks by Melinda Hemmelgarn


t least 70 percent of processed foods in supermarkets contain genetically modified (GMO) ingredients, mainly from corn, soy, canola, sugar beets and cottonseed oil. Yet the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not require GMO food labeling, despite overwhelming consumer support for their “right to know.” Genetic engineering goes beyond traditional plant breeding because it allows scientists to cross species barriers and insert a gene from one organism into another that would not normally occur. Examples include inserting bacterial DNA into a plant to effect traits such as pest or herbicide resistance. Plant Pathologist and Purdue University Professor Emeritus Don

Huber, Ph.D., speaks out internationally about the risky business of biotechnology.

We are told we need GMOs to “feed the world,” but will GMOs provide affordable food for the masses, as Monsanto ads tell us? There is nothing in the GMO process that has added any new yield potential to any crop. All of the yield increases achieved in the past 15 years have been through traditional breeding programs. When Professor Karen McAfee, an economist at Yale University, analyzed the GMO claim, she found that the only entity that benefited was the biotechnology industry (Geoforum report). Nutri-

tional quality has suffered, food safety has been compromised by the toxic entities involved in the genetic engineering process and farmers’ production costs have increased significantly, while quality and harvested yield potential have decreased. What we see in practice are failed promises.

What is the risk and potential harm to people and the planet due to GMOs? There are two serious risk factors involved in current genetically engineered plants. The first is an increase in plant, animal and human diseases plus pests associated with GMO crops, reported by sources as diverse as the European Journal of Agronomy, Earth Open Source and the University of Leipzig, in Germany. The second is abusive use of the chemical products that the herbicide-tolerant GMOs have been developed to tolerate; supporting studies include research published in the European Journal of Agronomy and the Fluid Fertilizer Foundation’s Forum. For example, glyphosate in many weed killer formulations is used excessively both on Roundup-ready crops and as a single chemical for general weed control. This has resulted in super weeds, super pathogens, compromised natural biological controls and devastated components of the soil biology responsible for nutrient availability and function.

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Recent research from institutions around the world, including the UK’s King’s College and Leipzig University, is now showing a link between GMO crops and/or the products they produce or tolerate and increased incidence of mutations, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, allergies, birth defects, cancer, reproductive failure and other health effects. It is a heavy price for society to pay for a massive experiment. Scientists also are seeing hazardous levels of some of the products excessively used to grow GMO crops accumulating in the Earth’s soil, water and air. The biodegrading process of those substances often takes much longer than anticipated, and damage to non-target crops, plants and organisms is becoming a serious concern (Plant and Soil and Geoderma). Scientists also are finding that such ‘foreign’ genes in the environment are quite promiscuous and can persist, perhaps indefinitely, in soil, intestinal or plant environments with unknown health consequences (Reproductive Toxicology, Aquaculture Research and Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry). Several countries have banned importing crops grown in any field where one of five corn hybrids were previously grown, for instance, because soil microbes have picked up the GMO genes from decomposing plant residues and can transmit the genes to future crops—resulting in the toxic product possibly being present in the later crop. No one knows how to remove the GMO foreign genes once they are introduced.

lets’. Adding 2,4-D tolerance introduces another foreign and potentially toxic protein in the plant and an additional toxic chemical applied directly to food and animal feed. Food safety, nutritional quality and potential yield will all be compromised in the process.

Looking to the future, should we be concerned by chemical companies’ lobbying for approval of the next leap in GMOs, to 2,4-D resistant crops?

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Like glyphosate tolerance, 2,4-D resistance is based on flawed science and a failure to understand that agriculture is the management of a delicately interrelated ecological system, comprised of the plant and its various environments (biological, chemical and physical), rather than the selection of ‘silver bul-

Do you see any benefits from this technology? The GMO technology could be a powerful tool when we gain enough understanding to use it properly and effectively. We are a long way from gaining that essential understanding. The current rush to commercialize it and widespread implementation of the associated hazardous and ineffective products currently on the market may well be a major deterrent to future use of the technology when it is properly understood.

What can people do to avoid GMOs and protect their health? Buy organic foods, preferably from known local growers, and stay alert to the issue to take needed grassroots actions. Future historians may well remark not about how many pounds of pesticide we did or didn’t apply, but how willing we were to sacrifice our children and jeopardize future generations for the massive flawed experiment of genetic engineering only to benefit the bottom line of a commercial enterprise.

Petition the U.S. Food and Drug Administration today to require labeling of GMO foods at JustLabelIt.org. Melinda Hemmelgarn, aka the “Food Sleuth,” is a registered dietitian and award-winning writer and radio host at kopn.org, in Columbia, MO (FoodSleuth@gmail.com). Hear her interview with Don Huber at Tinyurl. com/foodsleuth.

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July 2012


Conquering ANY Disease & Losing Weight An Interview with Qigong Practitioner Jeff Primack

(Part 2 of 2)

This interview was conducted by Diana E. Vargas M.D. as a written transcript for her patients. She has practiced medicine for 31 years and was recently certified to teach Food-Based Healing. Jeff Primack is a Qigong teacher that has studied with many naturopathic healers from all over the world and has taught over 30,000 people in live seminars. Dr. Vargas: Medical weight loss with HCG was very popular in 2011. People lose weight, but many contest it is a starvation diet. What are your feelings? Primack: HCG is a homeopathic formula for suppressing the appetite. I have seen dozens of my students lose very hard-to-burn fat with HCG when high-phytochemical smoothies are the main part of the diet, but I disagree with the diet most people are using along with the HCG. Most people are advised to eat zero fat, meat and vegetables for 30 days! This will make anyone lose weight; however, this creates a very acidic condition for the body. My weight loss protocol can be combined with HCG; however, drinking high-phytochemical smoothies automatically suppresses the appetite because the body is getting the nutrients it needs. High-phytochemical smoothies and a combination of thermogenic fat burning foods work better for weight loss than a crash diet.

Dr. Vargas: Why is it common for people eating healthy to have difficulty getting enough phytochemicals?

Primack: Most phytochemicals (active plant medicine) hide in the cellulose fibers of seeds, stems, skins and rinds of common foods. Many people eat the right foods, but throw away the parts with all the medicine! Smoothies from a 3-horsepower blender have helped many people to reverse cancer. We need to cleave out or “micronize” phytochemicals from the seeds, stems, skins and rinds. Juicing fruits and vegetables is a waste of time. It throws fiber away that God intended us to eat and is where phytochemicals dwell! Most people simply don’t know where the phytochemicals are.

Dr. Vargas: It amazes me more Doctors are not educated about Food-Healing. Especially considering America has seen a 500 percent increase in Diabetes in 10 years. Jeff, how can people naturally balance their blood sugar? The white part of the grapefruit is phytochemical-rich and highly effective at fighting cancer. 20



Primack: People often balance blood sugar after a few weeks on a high-phytochemical diet. It is very inexpensive and does not require much of anything outside of the pro-

Jeff Primack tells an audience of 2000 people how to make smoothies with avocado seed taste delicious. He gives everyone a sample to prove it tastes good. duce department. Certain foods like the bitter melon contain an “insulin-like substance” that, when eaten, naturally lowers blood sugar. Bitter melon helps the body naturally balance its sugar. Many with diabetes have missing information and eat foods they think are healthy, but in reality are not. To begin with, nobody has told the diabetes community that the disease is completely reversible. Monitoring blood sugar proves food works. The first step is to increase the amount of phytochemicals eaten and the second is removing certain problem foods. Oddly enough, the foods I recommend avoiding are many of the same ones the diabetic community thinks are good to eat.

Primack: I realize most nutritionists are surprised to see me blend a delicious smoothie adding AVOCADO WITH THE BIG SEED. When a knowledgeable nutritionist hears that the Avocado Seed has tons of phytochemicals for detoxification and more soluble fiber (for cleaning plaque out of arteries) than any other food, we usually have their attention. Some of what I say is controversial, but real life people have tested my heart disease protocol. Reishi mushroom is clinically shown to help heart disease patients with chest pain and is backed by research from the University of Tokyo. My grandfather had chest pains every day for years, and the same day he began supplementing Reishi into his diet, the chest pains stopped. Along with ingesting the high soluble fiber foods like avocado (and its big seed), my grandfather extended his life, astonishing the doctors with his lipid panel. Cholesterol can be safely lowered with special foods and inexpensive mushrooms. We make a tea out of Eggplant and other powerful foods that can significantly lower the LDL bad cholesterol. Some foods like eggplant are so effective, simply drinking the tea can be very beneficial. I combine several foods that have similar effects and add foods to balance the taste, making it delicious. Don’t assume that medicine has to come from a pill or inside a bottle; often it’s just sitting in the produce department. Jeff Primack will teach 4-days of Food Healing & Qigong for $99. “Qi Revolution” comes to the Tacoma Convention Center July 21–24. To reserve tickets or for more info, call 800-298-8970 or visit Qigong.com.

Dr. Vargas: Let’s talk about Asthma and its connection to Vitamin C deficiency. You have hundreds of Asthma reversal testimonials and I specifically want to hear how food and Qigong play a role. Primack: I became Asthma-free 15 years ago using a Qigong breathing technique called “Breath Empowerment”. We teach it on Day 1 of our Qi Revolution seminar along with food-based healing. People's wheezing and Asthma symptoms often vanish in as little as a few days using breathing techniques and, of course, eating specific foods. I've recommended Kiwi for years because of its superior bioavailable Vitamin C content. The white center of kiwi holds a treasure trove of phytochemicals and is particularly effective in helping to reverse symptoms of asthma! Asthma is often caused by a deficiency of Vitamin C; however, tablets of Vitamin C will not reverse someone’s asthma; only food-based Vitamin C does this. There are many foods that when eaten help to keep asthmatics out of the emergency room.

Dr. Vargas: The unique aspect of your program is that you BLEND parts of fruits and vegetables that most throw away. Why do you do this specifically for reversing heart disease?

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natural awakenings

July 2012



Tasty Ways to Savor Summer Grilled Black Bean Quinoa Patty

OUTDOOR ENTERTAINING Backyard & Picnic Party Foods by Renée Loux


ummer is the high season for outdoor gatherings to celebrate warm weather and make the most of evening’s lingering natural light. When it comes to outdoor entertaining, simple is generally better. Backyard cookouts and picnic takeouts call for tasty fare, light foods and nothing too fancy or fussy. In most parts of the country, summer brings a bounty of just-picked produce, and the fresher it is, the fewer the steps required to make delicious dishes. By keeping just a few staples on hand—cold-pressed olive oil, garlic cloves, fresh herbs and lemons, a good sea salt and freshly ground pepper—the cook will always be prepared to put together a delectable, trouble-free spread. Options run from grilled goodies to marinated and tossed salads that give the hosts time to enjoy their company. Complete the treat by serving skewers of fresh, ripe, cut fruit for dessert—an easy, healthy and welcome alternative to rich and complicated or store-bought sweets. Creating a fun and festive atmosphere for backyard gatherings is easy, without a lot of fanfare. String up twin22



kly lights and use natural wax votive candles placed in empty jam and jelly jars to protect them from the wind. To ward off mosquitoes and generally keep bugs at bay, encircle the patio, deck or park picnic area with citronella candles or incense. Fire pits always make an outdoor gathering feel more special. A mesmerizing center of attention, they also warm up the evening as the temperature drops. To keep serving and cleanup easy, use eco-friendly disposables. Look for plates made from recycled content or bagasse (derived from sugar cane fiber), cutlery sourced from biodegradable, plant-based plastic and recycled-paper napkins. Give guests instant access to a nearby compost bin, garbage can and recycling bin, or designated carry-away bags. Happy summering! Renée Loux is an organic chef, restaurateur, green expert and media personality. Her books include Easy Green Living and The Balanced Plate. Visit ReneeLoux.com.

These flavorful patties are a hearty and complete source of protein, a popular, plant-based option for traditional burgers. Ground flaxseed mixed with water works to bind the ingredients together in place of eggs. When grilling, be careful to flip them gently, so that patties stay together; they’re equally delicious cooked in a skillet on the stove. Serve on a whole-grain pita and load on the toppings. For a gluten-free alternative, use ground tortilla chips instead of breadcrumbs. Yields 6 to 8 burgers 1 15-oz can black beans, rinsed, drained and spread out to dry for 20 minutes; divide into two equal parts 2 Tbsp Vegenaise 2 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp dried oregano 1 tsp garlic powder ¼ to ½ tsp crushed red pepper (optional) 1 Tbsp ground flaxseed, mixed with 3 Tbsp water ½ cup cooked quinoa ½ cup breadcrumbs or ground tortilla chips, as needed 1 /3 cup finely chopped red onion ¼ cup chopped cilantro Sea salt Freshly ground black pepper Toppers Salsa Avocado slices Lettuce Sliced red onion Pickles 1. Drain and rinse black beans in a colander. Shake and let stand for a few minutes for excess liquid to drain. Spread out on a clean, dry towel; blot dry with another clear, dry towel; and let stand to dry for 20 minutes. This can also be done in the oven—spread on a cookie sheet and dry at 300° F for 15 minutes.

photo by Stephen Gray Blancett

5. On a grill preheated to mediumhigh and brushed with oil, cook patties until crisp and brown, turning once, 5 to 6 minutes on each side. Or heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat and cook until browned, turning once, 5 to 6 minutes on each side.

Grilled Portobello Mushrooms with Quinoa, Tomatoes and Herbs

2. In a food processor, place half of the beans, Vegenaise, cumin, oregano, garlic powder and crushed red pepper. Chop in pulses to create a coarse purée. Transfer to a medium bowl. 3. In a small bowl, mix ground flaxseed and water. Let stand 5 minutes to thicken. Mix into the black bean mixture and add remaining beans, quinoa, breadcrumbs or ground tortilla chips, onion and cilantro. Mix until combined. If the mixture looks too wet to hold together, add more breadcrumbs or ground tortilla chips. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 4. Form into 3- to 4-inch-circumference patties. If time allows, let chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours to firm and for flavors to develop.

Grilling mushrooms brings out their savory flavor. Stuffed with protein-rich quinoa, this dish is satisfying enough to be served as an entrée. Yields 6 servings 6 Portobello mushrooms, stems and gills removed 3 Tbsp olive oil 1 tsp balsamic vinegar ½ tsp dried thyme Sea salt 1 Tbsp olive oil 3 scallions, chopped 1 large clove garlic, minced ¾ cup uncooked quinoa 1½ cups water 1 low-sodium vegetable bullion cube 2 medium heirloom tomatoes, diced into ½-inch pieces 2 Tbsp chopped herbs—basil, parsley and/or mint Sea salt and freshly ground black

pepper to taste 1. Preheat grill to medium-high. 2. Whisk together olive oil, balsamic vinegar and thyme. Brush cleaned mushrooms with mixture and sprinkle with salt. Let stand 20 to 30 minutes. 3. Grill on each side until grill marks appear, about 4 minutes per side. Or roast mushrooms under the broiler until juicy, about 10 minutes (optional). 4. In a skillet with a tight-fitting lid, heat olive oil over medium heat, and sauté garlic and scallions with a pinch of salt and pepper just until fragrant, for about 1 minute. Add quinoa, water and bullion cube. Turn up heat, cover and bring to a boil. Stir once and reduce heat to low to simmer for 20 minutes or until all the liquid has been absorbed. Remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes. 5. Fluff quinoa with a fork. Fold in tomatoes and herbs. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 6. Place mushrooms cap-side down on a serving platter. Fill the cavity of the mushrooms with the quinoa mixture. Serve warm or at room temperature.

natural awakenings

July 2012


Watermelon Mediterranean Salad with Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Avocado and Olives

3 medium heirloom tomatoes, cored and cut into ¾-inch pieces 1 cup watermelon, cut into ¾-inch cubes 1 cucumber, peeled, seeded and cut into ¾¾-inch cubes 1 avocado, cut in half, pitted and cut into ¾-inch cubes ½ cup pitted green olives, chopped (Castelvetrano olives recommended) 1 Tbsp chopped basil 1 Tbsp chopped mint 2 Tbsp olive oil 2 Tbsp white balsamic vinegar or champagne vinegar Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 1. In a bowl, place tomatoes, watermelon, cucumber, avocado, olives, basil and mint. Toss gently.

Pesto Grilled Corn on the Cob

A pesto-packed twist on a backyard party classic, grilling corn in its husk yields tender kernels and a delectable natural sweetness. Yields 6 servings 6 ears unhusked corn Pesto 1 cup packed basil leaves 1 clove garlic 2 Tbsp pine nuts 1½ Tbsp lemon juice 1 tsp sea salt 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper 6 Tbsp olive oil 1. Oil grill and preheat to medium high. 2. Fill a large bowl with cold water.

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3. Keeping the husks attached at the base, peel back the husks of each cob and remove the silk. Cover the cobs again with the husk. 4. Soak the corncobs in cold water for 5 to 10 minutes to prevent husks from charring too quickly. 5. In a food processor, place basil, garlic, pine nuts, lemon juice, salt and pepper and chop in pulses for maximum mixing. With the motor running, slowly drizzle in olive oil. Set aside.

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photo by Stephen Gray Blancett

Yields 4 to 6 servings

photo by Stephen Gray Blancett

This dish embodies the zenith of summer, when watermelon and tomatoes are at their height. Paired with refreshing cucumber, buttery avocado, savory olives and bright herbs, this pastiche of flavor and texture is a perfect accompaniment to any backyard or picnic party.

2. In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, vinegar and a pinch of salt and pepper. Pour over tomato-watermelon mixture and toss gently to mix. Season to taste with more salt and pepper. Serve immediately.

6. Place corn, covered in its husk on the grill. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Remove from the grill, let it cool enough to touch and then remove husks. Return to grill and cook, turning to lightly char all sides, for an additional 5 to 7 minutes total. 7. Remove from grill and generously brush with pesto. Sprinkle with sea salt and pepper if desired and serve hot.

Sleep Apnea, Restless Legs and Leg Cramps can ruin your sleep. Hi, I’m Steve Frank and I have Sleep Apnea. I spent years researching the condition and understanding the true cause. Then, with my knowledge of herbs, I found an amazing combination that produces deep steady breathing all night The herbs used are wild-crafted and long. I haven’t worn my are organically grown at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. CPAP in years. It works great for obstructive But do they work? and central sleep “Couldn’t stand sleeping with my CPAP. apnea. With this stuff, I don’t need it.” Sweet dreams. - Michael, California

Watermelon-Mint Limeade 1 small watermelon (or half of a larger melon), diced 1 /3 cup fresh lime juice 1 /3 cup agave nectar 2 Tbsp chopped mint 1 Tbsp chopped basil Pinch crushed sea salt 2 cups ice

1. Using a chinois or other fine-mesh strainer, push the watermelon through the mesh using a sturdy wooden spoon, to push through all the liquid into a bowl, leaving behind the pulp and seeds. Pour the liquid into a pitcher with the lime juice, agave nectar and a pinch of salt. Chill well. 2. Just before serving, add the mint and basil to the liquid, and blend the mixture in the blender in two batches, adding a cup of ice to each batch. Future fun: Freeze leftover portions into popsicles for an easy treat on another day. Recipes from The Balanced Plate and Living Cuisine, by Renée Loux, and ReneeLoux.com; limeade recipe courtesy of Beth Bader, co-author of The Cleaner Plate Club.

When my Mom asked me what to do about leg cramps, I suggested the obvious vitamins and minerals. They didn’t help. So I put together some relaxing herbs and nerve-quelling flowers and made Leg Relaxer. Just roll it on and go back to sleep.

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natural awakenings

July 2012



including crystals. Bring your crystals. $10. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 800-587-6002. EastWestBookshop.com.

NOTE: All Calendar events must be received by the 12th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Email Calendar@SeattleAwakenings.com for guidelines and to submit entries. Alternatively, visit SeattleAwakenings.com to submit online.

TUESDAY, JULY 3 Health & Freedom with Team Northrup – 7-8:30pm. Join Kate Northrup Moller, co-creator of Team Northrup, for an intimate discussion to explore the relationship between the health of one’s body and their bank account. Learn how she and thousands of others have created optimal health and financial freedom. Free for guests. Aflac, 7030 Tacoma Mall Blvd, Ste 200, Tacoma. Registration required. TeamNorthrupTacoma.Eventbrite.com.

THURSDAY, JULY 5 Health and Freedom with Team Northrup – 7-8:30pm. See July 3 description. Free for guests. 1520 Eastlake Ave E, Seattle. Registration required. TeamNorthrupSeattle2012.eventbrite.com.

FRIDAY, JULY 6 Inner Alignment Group Session – 2-6pm. Burhan Gebhardt joins us from Germany for a new expansive way to receive Inner Alignment, a treatment that requires minimal contact and tangibly adjusts physical alignment issues. Participants remain clothed. $130. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206523-3726. EastWestBookshop.com/events/3924.

SATURDAY, JULY 7 Balance in Action - Travelling – 1-4pm. With LeeAnn Starovasnik. Whether you are taking a road trip this summer or flying off into the wild blue yonder, or simply commuting in Seattle, there are things you can do physically to support your comfort, ease and improve your well-being while you travel. Come and prepare to travel well this summer. $60/$45. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Rm 3, Seattle. 206-372-8822. LeeAnn@NextStepConsultinginc.com.


Inner Alignment Group Session – 2-6pm. See July 6 description. $130. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206-523-3726. EastWestBookshop.com/events/3924.

MONDAY, JULY 9 WuHsing Tao School Open House – 6:30-8pm. Wu Hsing Tao School provides high quality academic and clinical training in traditional Five Element Acupuncture and Psychology. Come visit for an opportunity to see the school, interact with current students and to find out more information about our programs. Late summer classes begin August 3rd. Registration required. 206-324-7188. Admissions@WuHsing.org. WuHsing.org. Health and Freedom with Team Northrup – 7-8:30pm. See July 3 description. Free for guests. 1520 Eastlake Ave E, Seattle. Registration required. Bit.ly/seattlehealthfreedom.

TUESDAY, JULY 10 Essential Oils for Wellness – 6-7:30pm. Find relief naturally with the oldest alternative therapy. We will discuss the many applications of these miracle oils and learn how to use them for migraines, insomnia, pain relief, anti-depressant, allergies, hormone balance, eczema and more. Island Hospital, 1211 24th St, Anacortes. Registration required. 425-210-2532. CircleOfHealingEssentialOils.com. Using Intuition for Space Clearing – 7-8:30pm. Creating clear home and business space nourishes and inspires healthy, balanced and prosperous lives. Join intuitive Robyn M Fritz MA and Fallon, the citrine Lemurian quartz crystal, for a fun, hands-on look at clearing your space with their Space CooperatingSM technique. Explores rituals and tools,

Postpartum Doula Skills Workshop – July 1114. The postpartum doula helps meet this need by educating, nurturing and empowering mothers and families toward confidence in their new roles. Doulas provide assistance with breastfeeding, newborn and mother care, and referrals to community resources as needed. $629, Full-Registration. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3361. Bastyr.edu. Skin Care from Nature – 6:30-8:30pm. Treat skin gently with soothing natural ingredients. Come to this hands-on class and be guided step-by-step in making natural skincare products. We will learn to make toners, anti-wrinkle serums, skincare scrubs with sea salts, clay masks, cleansers and much more. $30. Michelle’s home, near Broadway Ave, Snohomish. Registration required. 425-210-2532. CircleOfHealingEssentialOils.com.

THURSDAY, JULY 12 The Sacred Language of the Human Body Talkshop and Book Signing – 7-9pm. With Mona Delfina. As a medical intuitive, vibrational healer and massage therapist, Mona Delfino has been an exceptional body worker for over 20 years. Coming into this field of healing naturally, her passion and abilities as a healer became apparent at a very young age. $20. Friends, Philosophy & Tea, 13850 Bel-Red Rd, Bellevue. 206-755-4044. FriendsPhilosophyandTea.com.

SATURDAY, JULY 14 Yoga for Hope – 9am-1pm. Yoga for Hope is an outdoor yoga class for beginners and experts alike to promote the benefits of yoga practice for health and well-being and raise crucial funds to support research at City of Hope to fight cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Participants will enjoy live music and sampling from local vendors. $35 pre-purchase or $45 day of event. Seattle Center, Seattle. Registration required. 425-646-9530. YogaForHope.org/seattle.

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Intuitive Crystal Consultations and Energy Work – July 14, 25 & 28. 12-5 pm. Intuitive Robyn M. Fritz, MA and Fallon, the citrine Lemurian quartz crystal, offer practical, inspiring intuitive insight. Explore mystery: tap intuition; examine relationships, career, and creativity; find balanced healing; clear home and business space and more. $50 1/2 hour; $85/hour. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA. 1-800-587-6002. EastWestBookShop.com.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 18 Vegetarians of Washington Monthly Dining Event – 6:30pm. One doesn’t have to be a vegetarian to enjoy delicious vegetarian food. Enjoy a gourmet, multi-course vegetarian dinner (dairy and egg free) catered by a different restaurant or chef each month and hear an insightful speech from our president, Amanda, on a key vegetarian topic, and meet lots of interesting people. All attendees will receive a special free gift to take home. $15 plus tax for members, $20 plus tax for guests and non members. Children are welcome. The Mount Baker Club, 2811 Mt Rainier Dr S, Seattle. Register: 206706-2635 or VegOfWa.org/MonthlyDining.aspx. Spiritual Dating – 7-8:30pm. Make dating fun and easy and find the love of your life quickly. Kathryn Alice, author of the bestseller Love Will Find You is the U.S.’s foremost expert on soulmates and spiritual dating. $20. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-523-3726. EastWestBookshop.com/events/2655.

SATURDAY, JULY 21 Dowsing & Earth Acupuncture Training – July 21-22. Learn how to dowse the property for geo-

pathic and man-made stress, and install copper L-rods to create greater health and well-being. Cost includes tools to dowse one’s own property. $390 with discount for couples. Bellingham. Registration required. 303-665-0175. KarenRiceKing.com.

advance, $25 day of. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-523-3726. EastWestBookshop.com/events/3940.

Qi Revolution – July 21-24. This massive qigong event teaches high-powered breathing techniques, qigong energy movement exercises, naturopathic food-healing and more. 4 days of Training only $99. Tacoma Convention Center, Tacoma. QiRevolution.com.

How to Lead a Healing Retreat – 3-5pm. Have you considered sharing your gifts at sacred settings? Have you wondered what it would be like to organize and lead your own retreat? It could be yoga, meditation, tai chi, chant, dance, healing or whatever. Join professional retreat leader Roy Holman to ease apprehension and help start your planning. $15. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-523-3726. EastWestBookshop.com/events/3935.

Balance in Action - Running – 1-4pm. With LeeAnn Starovasnik. Whether you run in circles or after a ball, a little one, or for the bus, you can improve your ease and comfort. Running was so natural, we ran around a lot as children, and this natural process can be relearned using the Harmonious RunningTM program. $60/$45. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Rm 3, Seattle. 206-3728822. LeeAnn@NextStepConsultinginc.com. Kirtan Concert With Gina Sala – 6:30-8:30pm. Be transformed by the power of mantra. Gina was a principal singer for Cirque du Soleil’s show “O”. Gina began singing and chanting at age 3 when she lived with her parents in an ashram in Canada. $15 in advance. Three Trees Yoga & Healing Arts Center, 204 S 348th St, Ste 2, Federal Way. Registration required. 253-815-9642. ThreeTreesYoga.com. Evening of Cosmic Comedy – 7:30-9pm. Swami Beyondananda, whose favorite yoga pose is tongue-in-cheek, is coming to Seattle. Beyondananda offers “comedy disguised as wisdom, and wisdom disguised as comedy.” If you have an answerable question, the Swami promises to have a questionable answer for you. $20 in


MONDAY, JULY 23 Yoga and Inspiration – 6:30-8:30pm. With Michelle Ringgold. This workshop will unite yoga, meditation, and reflection through writing. Move between yoga asana, seated and walking meditation to bring balance and calm to your mind and body while letting what rises fall onto the paper. All levels of experience welcome. $25. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206-525-0363. Michelle@thiyoga.com. Health & Freedom with Team Northrup – 7-8:30pm. See July 3 description. Free. Roy Street Coffee & Tea, 700 Broadway Ave E, Seattle. Registration required. 206-552-8819. Bit.ly/seattlehealthfreedom.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 Essential Oil 1st Aid Kits & Remedies – 6:308:30pm. Learn how to safely and effectively use

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natural awakenings

July 2012


classifieds Fee for classifieds is $1.00 per word per month. To place listing, email content to Publisher@SeattleAwakenings.com. Deadline is the 12th of the month.

essential oils for bug repellants, cuts, sore muscles & joints, hydrating skin and hair, sunburns, vertigo, food poisoning and motion sickness. Each student makes a first aid spray, antibacterial oil blend, asthma/allergy blend for their kit. $50. Circle of Healing Center, near Broadway Ave, Snohomish. Registration required. 425-210-2532. CircleOfHealingEssentialOils.com.

FRIDAY, JULY 27 ADULT FAMILY HOMES We’ll help you take care of your aging parents or other loved ones. RN-owned, 17 yrs. experience in elderly care. Assisted by professional and long-term employed staff. Located in the Wedgewood and Meadowbrook areas. References and testimonials available. www.viewhavenhomes.net, Call Josie @ 206-679-9082, 206-362-3650.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Nutraceutical & herbal DNA research company moving HQ to Seattle. Looking for home-based business builders. Local training, leads provided. NutritionScience@aol.com.

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Faerieworlds Festival 2012 – July 27-29. World’s largest Faerie festival featuring art, literature, crafts and music from across the globe. Every summer in the Pacific Northwest, Circle of Healing Oils & fans of Faerie from around the globe gather in the wooded meadows of Eugene, Oregon, to experience the unique magic that is Faerieworlds. Mt. Pisgah, Eugene, OR. 425-210-2532. FaerieWorlds. com.

SATURDAY, JULY 28 Dowsing & Earth Acupuncture Training – July 28-29. Learn how to dowse a property and reduce stressful energy fields, resulting in greater health and well-being. $390 single or $300/each for a couple includes entire take-home-kit. Flower Song Farm, Near Loomis. 303-665-0175. KarenRiceKing.com. NW SolarFest – 10am-6pm. Enjoy a great day while learning about solar, wind, geothermal, electric vehicles and more along with food and entertainment. Free. Shoreline Community College, 16101 Greenwood Ave N, Shoreline. 206-306-9233. ShorelineSolar.org.

TUESDAY, JULY 31 Travelling the Maze – 7-8:30pm. As publisher of New Spirit Journal, Krysta Gibson has delved into many different paths, read hundreds of books and interviewed many teachers. In this class she gives the keys to walking the maze without getting lost and talks about some of the various schools of thoughts, practices, and techniques available. $10. East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-523-3726. EastWestBookshop.com/events/2350.

save the date SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 Ocean Shores Body & Soul Festival – August 18-

Natural Choice Directory

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FREE Program Information Session – 6-9pm. Spend an enlightening evening exploring Bastyr’s four new non-credit weekend programs: Essential Oils & Aromatherapy, Hypnotherapy, Indigenous Wisdom Teachings, & Medical Qigong. Start a new career, add additional skill sets to your health care practice, or enhance personal & family health. Meet the instructors & attend two mini-workshops free. Anyone is welcome. Free. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr. NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education.

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 Heal Your Life Workshop Leader Training – Sept 16-23. Become a licensed Heal Your Life workshop leader in the philosophy of Louise Hay. Complete manuals and materials provided. This training is approved by Louise Hay. $3795 special for Natural Awakenings readers includes lodging and most meals. Bahia Hotel, Mission Bay Dr, San Diego. Registration required. 800-969-4584. HealYourLifeTraining.com.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Hypnotherapy: Awareness & Integration – “Awareness & Integration” (50 hours) is one of two courses in Bastyr’s non-credit Hypnotherapy Training Program. Take this course separately or also take “Transformation & Healing” to complete the 100-hour program. Each seminar is held over two weekends. No prior experience needed. Start a new career or add a new skill set to your practice. Anyone is welcome. $635. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education. Medical Qigong Self-Care: Qigong I – Bastyr is offering two new non-credit Medical Qigong certificate programs. Qigong I is the first of three courses in the “Medical Qigong Self-Care” program. Learn to cultivate Qi to maintain a healthier body/mind. General public & health care practitioners welcome. Practitioners who complete the SelfCare Program can go on to take three additional courses to become Medical Qigong Therapists. $1125. Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education. Essential Oils: Foundations – October 5-7. The “Foundations” class is the first class in the new Essential Oil & Aromatherapy Certificate Program. Take this class alone as an excellent introduction to using essential oils, or continue on to complete the remaining 7 seminars in the program. No prior experience needed. General public, health care professionals, estheticians, spa therapists, & wellness professionals welcome. $375 . Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Dr NE, Kenmore. Registration required. 425-602-3152. Bastyr.edu/Continuing-Education.

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of Puget Sound


19. The Body and Soul Festival is a holistic lifestyle event that provides an opportunity for individuals to explore their options in creating healthier and more conscious lifestyles. Featuring vendors and classes. $3/day or $5 weekend pass includes all classes. Ocean Shores Lions Club, 832 Ocean Shores Blvd, Ocean Shores. OceanShoresFestival.com.

4/29/11 5:29 PM

ongoingevents sunday Cascadia Hikes – 8am-12pm. Learn about local and natural history, sustainability and ecology while viewing waterfalls and wildlife on these guided half-day hikes. Includes hotel pick up and drop off, nature guide, refreshments, transportation, and entry fees. $95. Register: EvergreenEscapes.com/ Seattle-Hiking-Tour.asp. Community Yoga Class – 9-10:15am. Beginner pay-what-you-can yoga class. All welcome. Taught by a registered yoga teacher. Donations accepted. Three Trees Yoga & Healing Arts Center, 204 S. 348th St, Ste 2, Federal Way. 253-815-9642. ThreeTreesYoga.com. Wing Chun Martial Arts – 11am-1pm. Wing Chun is a martial art that can be used for general fitness; to relieve stress, improve reflexes, coordination speed and power and more. $10. Friends, Philosophy & Tea, 13850 Bel-Red Rd, Bellevue,. 206-349-9376. Allenmbriski@gmail.com. FriendsPhilosophyAndTea.com. Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement – 6:30-7:45pm. No class July 23rd. With Becci Parsons. $20/drop-in, $75/5 prepaid classes. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206525-0363. M-illumino.com.

monday Breast Feeding Class – 10:30am. With Renee Beebe and Lauren Harris. Get questions answered by an expert, check your baby’s weight and boost confidence in this weekly drop-in support group. $15 suggested donation. Dragonfly Holistic Healing, 760 N. 34th St, Seattle. 206-356-7252. DragonflyHolisticHealing.com. Cafe Noevir – 7-8:15pm. 2nd Mon. This is the opportunity to discover the secrets Japanese women have known for years. Reverse the signs of aging and enjoy younger more “Radiant Skin” with Noevir’s herbal, botanical and marine based ingredients. Available to experience now. Free. Hilton Garden Inn, 22600 Bothell-Everett Hwy, Bothell. 425-238-7052. Geddes.Julie@gmail.com.

tuesday Urban Forest Restoration – 10am. Nature Consortium hosts volunteer work parties in the West Duwamish Greenbelt beginning with a short informal forest ecology workshop followed by performing restoration activities, including planting native species, removing invasive species, mulching and more. Register: 206-923-0853 or NatureC. org/Volunteer. Seattle Greendrinks – 5:30pm. 2nd Tues. Informal social networking to connect and unite those working or interested in environmental issues. Locations

vary. Details: SeattleGreendrinks.org.


Sustaining Vitality Qigong – 7-9pm. Discover Chinese Qigong, the study of internal energy and the natural way to enhance or maintain a healthy energetic lifestyle. Class includes meditation and movement exercises. Suitable for all levels including beginners. $10/class. Phinney Neighborhood Center, 6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, Rm 5. Contact Dennis at 425-775-9609. Fmi.Qigong@gmail.com. Fmi-Qigong.com.

Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement – 6:30-7:30pm. See Wednesday description. $20/drop-in, $75/5 prepaid classes. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-525-0363. M-illumino.com.

Tribal Style Bellydance – 7-9pm. With Shay Moore. Classes get people moving to the global groove as they develop core tribal bellydance movements with strength, grace, and flexibility. Women of all ages, shapes, sizes, and experience welcome. $75 for 6 week session. M’Illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. Registration required. 206-525-0363. DeepRootsDance.com.

wednesday Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement – 9-10am. With LeeAnn Starovasnik. Engage the brain and body in new ways while learning to move more easily, more comfortably and even more playfully. $20/drop-in, $75/5 prepaid classes. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-525-0363. M-illumino.com. La Leche League of Seattle – 10:15am. 3rd Wed. Good Shepherd Center, Wallingford, Seattle. 206-304-9153. Free Energetic Healing Clinic – 2-6pm. Experience the powerful healing energies of Pranic Healing Therapy to help overcome depression, stress, anxiety, grief, pain, disease, negative thoughts and emotions, and more. Energize one’s system to increase health, well-being and overall vitality. Free. Friends, Philosophy & Tea, 13850 Bel-Red Rd, Bellevue. 425-641-4364. FriendsPhilosophyandTea.com. Wednesday Wellness Talk – 7pm-8pm. 3rd Wed. Join us for a series of free monthly talks on a variety of health and wellness topics on the third Wednesday of each month. Topics to be announced - check website for updates. Space is limited; please call to reserve a seat. Free. Butterfly Balance Wellness Center, 3515 SW Alaska St, 2nd Fl, West Seattle. Registration required. 206-755-9900. ButterflyBalance.com.

thursday Baby Diaper Service 101 – 6:30-7:30pm. 2nd Thurs. Mark Stief, owner, will present the ins and outs of diaper service, share best practice cloth diapering techniques and educate expectant parents on the health and environmental benefits of cloth diapers. $10/family. Parent Trust for Washington Children, 2200 Rainier Ave S, Seattle. Registration required. 206-634-2229.

Monthly DIY Meetup and Ask an Expert – 6-8pm. 2nd Thurs. West Seattle Tool Library hosts expert DIY coaches who are willing to answer questions about current and future projects. These open and informal events cover green remodeling and design, solar, water harvesting and edible gardening. Free. Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 4408 Delridge Way SW, Seattle. 206-317-4671. WSToolLibrary.org. Weston A Price Foundation Seattle Meeting – 6-9pm. 3rd Thurs. With Rebecca Oshiro, BS in nutrition from Bastyr University. Covering the basics of vitamin D – its role in human metabolism, deficiency and relation to disease states. Also covering the pros and cons of supplements vs using the sun as a source of vitamin D. Potluck begins at 6 followed by presentation at 7. Firefly Kitchens, 844 NW 49th St, Seattle.

friday InterPlay – 10:30am-12pm. An improvisational practice that playfully explores the things a body can do: move, make sounds, tell stories, sing, and experience stillness. Based on life-affirming body wisdom principles and the transformative power of play. $10 suggested donation. M-illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. 206-525-0363. M-illumino.com.

saturday Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement – 9-10:15am. With LeeAnn Starovasnik and Vicki Robinson. Learn to move more easily and more comfortably while improving your sense of balance and overall well being. $20/drop-in, $75/5 prepaid classes. M’illumino, 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Rm 3, Seattle. 206-525-0363. M-illumino.com.

Who wants to know about your Event/Class/Workshop? $20 per calendar listing. No charge for nonprofits producing events free to the public.Submit by the 12th of each month at SeattleAwakenings.com.

natural awakenings

July 2012


naturaldirectory Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, email Publisher@SeattleAwakenings.com to request our media kit.

ACCOUNTING C. BROOKS SCHOMBURG, CPA Brooks Schomburg 206-632-3315 Brooks@CBSchomburg.com CBSchomburg.com

O ff e r i n g a f u l l r a n g e o f bookkeeping, accounting, tax, and small business consulting services, we focus on your unique tax, accounting and consulting needs.


Design, build and remodeling contractor specializing in sustainable, healthy homes and the symbiotic relationship between humankind and nature.


BEDDING SEATTLE NATURAL MATTRESS 206-419-9550 SeattleNaturalMattress.com

Manufacturer and retailer of natural, chemicalfree latex mattresses designed to provide a comfortable and supportive alternative to traditional spring mattresses. See ad page 8.

9730 3rd Ave NE, Suite 205 Seattle, WA 98115 206-367-6453 Info@MitchMarderDDS.com MitchMarderDDS.com

We are a holistic dental practice specializing in safe mercury filling removal, non-surgical periodontal care, and TMJ/ orthodontic treatments. We welcome new patients! See ad page 10.

BODYTALK JOY OF HEALTH SOLUTIONS Patricia Sullivan Seattle & Woodinville 206-920-5528 JoyOfHealthSolutions.com

Get to the cause of your issue or ‘story’ easily and with great results! Resolving anxiety, pain, allergies, digestive, immune i s s u e s , i n j u r y, s t r u c t u r a l challenges and more.


Committed to providing 100% pure cotton diapers for your baby. Convenient weekly pickup and delivery of cloth diapers and accessories. Better for baby’s skin, more sustainable than washing at home. See ad page 23.





Snohomish, WA 425-210-2532 CircleOfHealingEssentialOils.com Offering aromatherapy products to help live a healthier, happier and more balanced life using all organic ingredients when available so you can be sure that you are receiving the most effective products possible. Local classes and hands-on workshops available.


3670 Stone Way N • Seattle, WA 98103 206-834-4100 BastyrCenter.org Bastyr Center offers naturopathic medicine, acupuncture and Oriental medicine, nutrition counseling, Chinese herbal medicine, short-term psychological counseling, and more. Our Team Care approach to healing ensures you’ll see a licensed practitioner and two to three advanced student clinicians while receiving individualized treatments and generous practitioner time.

HEALTH FOOD TruHealth, Inc.

18001 Bothell-Everett Hwy Suite 109 Bothell, WA 98012 425-415-8410 Kasara@TruHealth.com TruHealth.com A unique health food store offering raw milk, pastured eggs, grass fed meats and a variety of organic and gluten-free foods as well as the highest quality supplements and services.


800-401-8301 CustServ@LullabyOrganics.com LullabyOrganics.com Lullaby Organics offers safe, healthy mattresses, bedding, sleepwear, toys, gear, furniture, and air filtration systems so your whole family can get a pure night’s rest.


NE Ravenna Neighborhood Seattle, WA 98115 206-412-5170 Laura@SoaringSpiritsLightCenter.com SoaringSpiritsLightCenter.com Offering aromatherapy, Raindrop Therapy, Shiatsu, deep tissue, and Swedish massage, tailored to your sense of pressure since 1993. Therapeutic grade essential oils by Young Living.


2206 Queen Anne Ave N, Ste 204 Seattle, WA 98109 206-599-6030 Dr.AmyFasig@gmail.com QueenAnneNaturalMedicine.com Specializing in women’s health, hormone balancing, and immune wellness. Saturday and evening appts. available. Covered by most insurance plans.




Energy Healing Center Chehalis, WA 360-748-4426 ReikiRanch.com

6921 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 206-525-0363 Info@M-Illumino.com M-Illumino.com/P/Retreat.html Escape from the city without having to travel 100 miles. Relax in the steam room and infrared sauna, and have lunch in the private garden. See ad page 9.

DR. VENESSA WAHLER, ND Broadway Building 1620 Broadway, Ste 204 Seattle, WA 98122 206-420-6701 Info@DrWahler.com DrWahler.com

Special interests in natural weight loss (including HCG diet), stress management and food sensitivities. Call today for your complimentary 15 minute introductory consultation! Accepts insurance.


Thrive offers botanical medicine, nutrition, physical medicine, nutraceuticals and counseling to treat the whole family. Most insurance plans accepted. Book an appointment today and Thrive!


6921 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 206-525-0363 Info@M-Illumino.com M-Illumino.com At m’illumino, we are dedicated to your transformation through movement. Take a class, try private sessions, discover your own innate grace. See ad page 9.


503-282-0436 Orders@GladRags.com GladRags.com Live more sustainably with GladRags washable menstrual pads and menstrual cups. Join the community of women who have decided to make a lower carbon footprint every month!


1026 NE 65th St Seattle, WA 98115 206-525-0300 GenerationThrive.com

LIFT YOUR SPIRITS WITH DENA MARIE! 425-350-5448 Dena@Dena-Marie.com LiftYourSpiritswithDenaMarie.com

Thrive in Seattle offers fresh, vegetarian and 95% organic ingredients in their smoothies, juices, pies, salads and decadent entrees.

Classes, Workshops and Re-Treats that will Lift Your Spirits! Individual consultations by appointment.


THRIVE NATURAL FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Scott Moser, ND LMP 5020 Meridian Ave N, Ste 104 Seattle, WA 98103 206-257-1488 Info@ThriveNaturalMedicine.com ThriveNaturalMedicine.com

All levels of Reiki certification including laser Reiki, advanced Reiki energy training, and cosmic energy healing classes.

SONGDOG HEALING & DREAMCRAFT Camilla Paynter, M.A. 206-914-3769 SongdogDreaming.com

Spiritually informed hypnotherapy and Reiki for life transitions, personal growth, healing and more. Connect with deep inner wisdom and live life’s bigger story.

MY MAMA’S LOVE My-Mamas-Love.com

My Mama’s Love skin care products use safe, nontoxic and hypoallergenic organic ingredients. Our products don’t just mask symptoms; they address the underlying causes of a skin condition. Locally owned and operated.

VETERINARIANS ANCIENT ARTS HOLISTIC VET 110 N 36th St Seattle, WA 98103 206-547-1025 AncientArtsVet@gmail.com AncientArtsVet.com


Sam Harris 206-414-2968 Sam@GreenTPlumbing.com GreenTPlumbing.com Full plumbing services ranging from fixing leaky faucets to design and installation. Sustainable and independent. Email or text a photo of your problem for free professional opinion.


Veterinary acupuncture and natural medicine for animals rebalances health safely, gently, peacefully. Improve pets’ quality of life the way nature intended— your pet will thank you.




605 2nd St Snohomish, WA 98290 206-523-7548 SnoPub.com

206-722-2665 Info@TheKanjinYogaCenter.com KanjinYoga.com

Family owned publishing company providing professional design, printing and mailing services for magazines, books, brochures, business cards, posters, tickets, forms and more.

Kanjin Yoga is a path to abundant health and wellness helping people live better inside their bodies. Specializing in Yoga Nidra, Gentle Hatha Yoga, we offer classes and workshops for groups and organizations.

natural awakenings

July 2012





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